Yoav Baram

Yoav Baram – UFO’s are back in the headlines, and the Pentagon is asked to provide answers

Magnets pull skyTran vehicles off the ground.

Yoav Baram – UFO’s are back in the headlines, and the Pentagon is asked to provide answers

In case you’re not informed, UFO’s (Unidentified flying object) are now called UAP’s (Unidentified aerial phenomena). This newish abbreviation has been in use by the army and government intelligence agencies for the past decade or so, and the main reason for its appearance was the attempt to cast aside the problematic baggage those 3 letters carried over the past 70 years, and which makes us immediately picture geeks with tinfoil hats.

So how the hell did we find ourselves back in Mulder and Scully’s happy 90’s? And how come even former president Barack Obama has bothered to mention a topic that was considered as fringe not too long ago? (Obama spoke of the subject at least a couple of times in the past month or so, first on James Gordon show from the 18th of May, and the second on a NYT interview from June 1st).

Some will claim that the topic is becoming trendy every few years as is the nature of unexplained mysteries and obscure phenomena’s but the main issue with this explanation is that the subject never really left the publics radar. Thousands of people are reporting and documenting incidents each year that revolve around flying objects in the sky that they cannot explain, and the fact that today everyone are carrying an HD camera in their pocket – only contribute to this phenomena.

But Much more than Steve Jobs contribution to UFOlogists and Russians who fake UFO clips on Youtube – it’s actually the progress made in military systems which skyrocketed the topic’s popularity in the public eye and raised it’s seriousness for skeptics and geeks alike. This is mainly due to the fact that your personal cellular device cant measure the height, speed or temperature of the object you are filming – as radars or electro-optic devices which are installed on aircraft carriers and Jet fighters do. Another thing is that the Pentagon is considered a slightly more reliable source than say, Barney and Betty hill, or any other average Joe who makes extraordinary claims that require extraordinary evidence (we’ll get to the Pentagon claims later).

Before we dive into history, this article will only concern the facts as uncovered on video’s which credibility and authenticity were confirmed by the American DOD, and those which are backed by such apparatus as Radar and electro-optical military grade systems. This piece will not discuss Area 51, Roswell, abductions or other incidents which evidence is flimsy at best.

A brief history of time:

Are we alone” is a question that has been occupying the human race for hundreds – if not thousands of years – as suggested by Erich von Däniken in his infamous book “Chariots of the gods”, published in 1968. Most of the argument today around the scientific community concerns less with the question “Are we the only intelligence in an infinite universe comprised of countless stars and an even more unimaginable number of planets?” – as you’d have trouble finding a serious Cosmologist or Astronomer who believe that we are completely alone in the universe (unless they are devoted Christians, which we’ll get to later). Most of the serious argument actually focuses on the question “Could these potentially intelligent civilizations traverse the vast distances of space, or would even bother visiting a planet that is populated by semi-intelligent apes?”

If we want to mark the first point in human history where this question became a serious matter, enough to become part of an official government policy – we’ll have to go back to 1952, when the U.S air force established Project Blue Book. Project Blue Book official purpose was to collect data and document incidents related to UFO’s appearance in U.S territorial skies – a phenomena that became immensely popular around WW2 – and which pilots referred to as “Foo Fighters” (Fun fact: Dave Growl’s band was named after this phenomena).

Project Blue Book worked uninterruptedly for 17 straight years, until 1969 when it was shut down (it was preceded by smaller operations such as “Grudge”). Of course the U.S government denied its existence for years, let alone the existence of UFO’s. Another important event taking place in 1952 was the formation of the Robertson panel. At the time, Americans fear of the Soviets had peaked and the two superpowers were in the middle of a bloody engagement in Korea.

Both the U.S military and its intelligence agencies were swamped by endless streams of reports made by frightened civilians regarding UFO sightings – many of which were attributed to secret Soviet technology.

The Robertson panel – which was consisted mainly from scientists and one CIA representative – concluded that the best way to deal with such phenomena was to “reeducate” the public, turning UFO’s into a form of laughable pseudoscience. Thus began one of the longest and sophisticated operations by the U.S government (and to some extent the scientific community) to ridicule the phenomena and tie it to supernatural activities that cannot be proven and have no grip on reality. At its end– anyone who reported on UFO’s was immediately marked as crazy, or as an eccentric – a stigma that actually endured to this day and spread way beyond U.S borders. It is exactly this stigma that was one of the main reasons the army and intelligence agencies started using the abbreviation UAP instead of UFO, in an ironic twist that backfired in their face.

Fast forward 50 years: In 2007 the Pentagon forms “AATIP” (or: Advanced Aerospace threat identification program”) – which similarly to Blue Book – took on the effort to document and collect data from U.S naval and air forces revolving aerial phenomena’s which could not be explained under conventional means.

AATIP received a budget of 22 million dollars, and according to the DOD ran for 5 years until 2012. AATIP was a initiative by former democratic Senator Harry Reid, of Nevada. Reid is well known for his fascination with the subject and is one of the main politicians in the U.S government who vastly contributed in both uncovering and examining the topic seriously, as well as one of the greatest contributors to how this topic made its way back to the headlines (Marko Robio is another such politician, along with a an exclusive group of people I’ll touch on later).

In 2020 the formation of UAPTF (Unidentified aerial phenomena task force) panel was announced as part of U.S office of naval intelligence. Similarly to AATIP, this program is also meant to collect and record unexplained incidents, as well as to standardize the data along the different branches. The panel was mentioned in a special discussion made in the senate intelligence committee, conducted in 2020.

Caption: No Roswell, abductions or Reptilian alliance. Timeline events shown above have now become indisputable facts.

When NYC and Politico dropped the bomb

In December 2017 the Times and Politico published a cover story uncovering AATIP’s existence as well as three videos from incidents with UFO’s that were captured from the cockpits of F-18 Super Hornets in 2004, and 2015. The fighter jets were scrambled from the USS Nimitz (2004) and Roosevelt (2015) to investigate Tic-Tac shaped objects that were appearing on the Carriers radar, as well as its support vassals, and which were exhibiting erratic behavior.

The article was a joint effort by journalist Leslie kean – which covered the topic for years, and Luis Elizondo. Elizondo is a key figure as he was the one who ran AATIP, which he left in 2017 after a growing frustration with officials in the U.S government who did all they could to belittle the topic or simply bury it, while discrediting Elizondo in the process. Elizondo actually filed a complaint with the agency’s inspector general and the Pentagon to this day does not admit Elizondo had anything to do with AATIP, this is despite Elizondo being vetted by Senator Reid and others in Washington, and despite the Pentagons admission that AATIP did in fact exist. Before leaving AATIP, Elizondo was able to put his hands on the videos in question and drop their security clearance – which allowed him to release it to the press.

As of today, the three videos published on the Times and Politico (which you can also watch below, in case you’ve been living on the moon for the past 4 years) are probably the best and strongest evidence that the public has as far as the existence of objects which are moving in ways conventional human technology and its understanding in physics – cannot explain. The videos are also considered reliable beyond any doubt, after the DOD confirmed their authenticity (in fact the videos are still available for download on the DOD website). The videos were named Gimbal, FLIR and Go Fast, the first two names relate to the hardware used to record the video, but I personally think they were named so that geeks around the world could easily differentiate between them without being sucked into even more redundant arguments on Reddit.

The pilot of the F-18 in the 2004 incident is Commander David Fravor. Fravor became a huge celebrity since the Times/Politico publish in 2017, and since then has participated in countless podcasts and talk shows, including Joe Rogan’s podcast (in October 2019) where he told in detail about his experience. About a month ago Fravor and his co-pilot on the incident (Alex Dietrich) were also interviewed on 60 minutes – another evidence to just how mainstream this topic have become.

Later in the incident, Fravor’s jet was joined by an F-18 piloted by Commander Chad underwood. Unlike Fravor’s jet, Underwood’s plane was equipped with a FLIR camera (or: Forward looking infra red). Following the publication on the Times and Politico, the pentagon was forced to admit that the videos were indeed authentic and were taken from US navy aircrafts, a statement that was made by then pentagon spokeswoman Susan Gough, as well as a statement which was published on the DOD website (It is worth mentioning that the Pentagon actually changed its stance several times, going from denial to approval and vice versa while contradicting itself in the process).

The Videos

The most important thing I can say about the following videos is that the pentagon was kind enough to remove the security clearance of the most boring videos they could find – or alternatively – left the most boring parts which were cut from a longer recording. If we were to rely on the many testimonies by experienced fighter pilots as well as radar operators on the Nimitz and Roosevelt, one could conclude that the objects in question were actually responsible for much more odd and exotic behavior that that which is seen on the videos, which is worth noting.

The main importance of these films are not actually what you can see, but rather the context revolving each incident. Of course we can’t completely rule out the idea that this is simply the best documentation the pentagon has in its possession, but its a possibility that moves on the scale of “highly unlikely” to “what did you take and when do you think you’d be able to use your brain again?”.

Info and context for the videos: 

Gimbal – By far the best and most compelling evidence we have to this day, which authenticity was confirmed by the pentagon. Probably the most unique thing regarding this video – which was taken from an F-18 fighter jet in 2015 – is the very peculiar way in which the object rotates on its axis – in complete contradiction to any other man-made vehicle ever taking flight. A plane or a drone which will tilt in such a way will start to change their direction of movement accordingly, which does not seem to be the case in this video.

Other important details which are important to notice is the conversation between the pilots, who mention that their radar (not shown in the video) shows a “fleet” of similar objects flying all around them, in addition to mentioning that the object they are following is flying against strong winds (shattering the popular weather balloon theory, which many debunkers make frequent use of).

Other details show that the video is taken in BLK mode, or ‘Black is hot’ – meaning that objects in black emit heat, while white is colder than its surrounding environment (a detail which is especially relevant in the “Go fast” video). It’s also pretty obvious that this is not the full video, and viewers don’t know how this incident ended. Unlike the FLIR and Go fast videos, we have no idea to this day who were the pilots involved. One of the pilots interviewed in 60 minutes a few weeks ago was Major Ryan Graves who served at the time with the squadron which shot the video, Graves claims that they were seeing this types of objects every day for the better part of two years, he also interviewed for the Times last May.

FLIR – probably the least impressive video of the three, due to the fact its also the oldest and the “grainiest” looking as far as quality. The unique property of this video lies not in its quality but rather in the story and context brought by Cmdr. Fravor (more on his testimony later) and the fact that one of Fravor’s colleagues (pilot Chad Underwood) managed to get a lock on the object, until it started to accelerate abruptly to the point it goes off screen (there’s actually a huge discussion on how fast the object had to accelerate, including papers by physicist analyzing the video and claiming that such acceleration is not viable under our current technology or understanding in physics). This is the only clip out of the three which we have some context on, mainly because of Fravor, Dietrich and Underwood who agreed to speak openly about their experience.

Go Fast – is it a plane? a bird? no, it’s not, because as you can see at the bottom left corner of the screen, the pilot is on “BLK” mode, or ‘Black is hot’ – meaning that the object in the video is colder than the ocean which it flies above, so if it’s a bird – it’s a very dead bird, which somehow continues to fly at speeds close to 400 Kph (of course that is also debatable), at a range 4 Km from the aircraft (which could be seen slightly above the speed indicator). If you’re a skeptic like me then the best explanation for this video would actually be a balloon that took off from a cruise ship somewhere in the middle of the ocean and made its way on the strong wind currents, even though it seems to be flying in an extremely straight line, for a balloon.

So what’s so special about black and white-grainy-pixelated videos?

if you’re a skeptic like me, you’re probably saying: “OK, so the pentagon admitted that these videos are authentic, but why should I be interested in a black and white pixelated videos? and how come todays technology is still so crappy it’s incapable of producing a clear enough picture or a definitive proof to what you see on the screen?

Let’s start with the latter question, in which we need to define what constitutes as “definitive proof” for you?

For those denouncing any possibility of extraterrestrial crafts, there’s probably no satisfying smoking gun other than a flying saucer landing on the White House lawn. Such skeptics will claim that ANY video or picture are subjected to faking (which sadly becomes more and more true) and that any phenomena could be explained under conventional means: Weather conditions, ball lightning, Venus, the moon, flare bombs, oddly shaped clouds, weather/intelligence balloons, system wide failure in radar and electro-optic devices installed on some of the most advanced carriers and fighter jets, Russian or Chinese drones (which I’ll touch on later) or birds that defy everything we know about physics and biology.

There’s no shortage in excuses, and many of them will actually be used as a logical explanation to a majority of UFO sightings, but roughly 5-10% of all cases will be left without a reasonable explanation, and these are the ones we discuss.

As for the question what’s so special about black and white videos, and the testimony’s of the pilots involved: 

    • These are trained fighter jet pilots with hundreds of flight hours put to their name. It is unlikely that these pilots will be that exited by a flying object – as one can hear on the Gimbal and Go fast videos as well as in Fravor and Dietrich testimonies, especially if that object has a reasonable explanation
    • The motivation of such pilots to report UFO’s for fame and publicity is practically zero, precisely because of the stigma that this subject invoked in the U.S armed forces for decades, and the fact it is ridiculed. Commander Fravor told on Joe Rogan’s podcast that when they’ve returned to the Nimitz after the incident, he and his co-pilot were greeted by the “Man in black” theme song, and many of their friends trolled them with tin foil hats and X-Files jokes for the following week.
    • Even if we ignore the operational experience of these pilots and their visual confirmation – the incidents in question involved several ships and fighter jets equipped with some of the most sophisticated measuring devices ever invented by man. These include extremely powerful air craft carriers and ships Radar as well as various tracking systems and electro-optic devices such as Infra red cameras, where the possibility of a wide system failure – on all crafts at the same time – is unlikely at best.
    • These apparatus tracked the objects descending from heights as far as 80,000 feet – to a few feet above the surface of the ocean in less than a second. Such speeds will create forces of 600 G’s on the pilot, experienced fighter pilots could withstand up to 9 G’s before blacking out and many of them will lose consciousness even before that, while F-35 which is one of the most advanced fighter jets today can withstand a pressure of up to 13 G’s before losing its hull integrity.
    • These objects also seem to make sharp 90 degrees turns mid-air, break the speed of sound without generating a sonic boom and generally do not obey to the laws of physics as we know them. Moreover, these objects clearly don’t have any wings, propellers or exhaust pipes – the only way we know how to create lift and move through air – and don’t have any identifiable marks that can be attributed to terrestrial objects. They also seem to be moving in a strange way – as if they are completely separated from their environment (or: Transmedium), in some of the cases the objects appear to be moving from air to water (more on that later on) as recorded in another video taken from the USS Omaha, and which was also leaked a few months back (and confirmed by the pentagon, of course). The widespread theory around this capability is that we’re looking at some kind of a gravity based technology, one which is 100, 1000, or 1 million years ahead of our current grasp of physics, depending on who you ask.
    • In the case of Commander Fravor and Major Dietrich, it was claimed that the object they were tracking mirrored their movements, appeared on their Cap point (a predetermined rendezvous point for the pilots) and prevented them from locking on to it, which will suggest active counter measures. The clip below was taken from a 60 Minutes episode aired last month, where former AATIP manager Luis Elizondo, Cmdr Fravor and Major Dietrich from the 2004 incident as well as Major Ryan Graves related to the 2015 incident – were interviewed.

The great shift from ridicule to reality

It’s been more than 70 years since UFO popular culture erupted and captured human curiosity. For most of that time the U.S government did everything in its power to conceal, cover, obfuscate, lie and deny – but its most useful strategy by far was that of ridiculing anyone who was willing to speak seriously on the matter, while characterizing it into a supernatural nonsense.

So it happened that from the time of Project Bluebook shut down in 1969 to the time AATIP was formed in 2008, no central agency in the U.S bothered to collect and document incidents in its airspace (at least as far as we know, it is quite likely that there were other programs we are not aware of). Even after AATIP’s formation, it’s director Lou Elizondo testified that the different agencies were operating independently without sharing information, and with a huge systematic failure that prevented reports by serviceman (be it pilots or sailors) from going up the chain of command.

Most of the serviceman simply didn’t bother to report, either because they were afraid of having their mental health questioned – an important issue that can affect a fighter jet pilots career – or being ridiculed by their comrades and superiors, or simply because they didn’t think their superiors will do anything with said report – for the very same reasons listed above. So it became that the American armed forces engage with unexplained celestial phenomena’s for decades on end – many of which occur over military installations and nuclear assets as well as in the midst of military exercises that might endanger pilots – without doing much about it. Many government officials, among them Elizondo and Senator Reid – agree that at the very least this is one of the greatest intelligence failures in the history of the country, dwarfing such events as Pearl Harbor, the invasion to Iraq and 9/11 combined.

Elizondo testified (I believe it was on Joe Rogan but I can’t remember as he’s all over the internet these days) that during his work on AATIP he asked to meet then secretary of defense James Matti’s in order to discuss some of AATIP findings. Elizondo says that he was brushed off by Mantis’s secretary who claimed that Matti’s can’t be associated with such nonsense, and that the media will have a field day if they were to learn that such a meeting ever took place.

On other occasions Elizondo came across top brass figures who asked him to seize his investigation, as it’s considered blasphemy against Christ, and that any discovery on the matter might shake and collapse the entire foundation of Christianity. Many devout Christians relate to UFO’s as demons who control the sky and were sent by the devil himself, while others completely negate the existence of extraterrestrials, simply because any proof for their existence will collapse the new testament into a ridiculous kids story and turn god into a pot head who forgot to mention a minor detail. Such that will roll down Jesus into a Mashiach of an obscure planet in a an obscure part of an obscure spiral galaxy, a single grain of sand in an infinitely vast ocean.

Christopher Mellon is another key figure that is well worth mentioning, and which emphasizes these failures. Mellon worked as deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations and later for Security and Information Operations. He formerly served as the Staff Director of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Like Senator Reid, Mellon has a special interest in the subject of UFO’s, and he’s one of the key figures who promoted the topic in the Senate intelligence committee, as well as collaborating with Elizondo in declassifying and releasing the three videos in the Times and Politico. Of course Mellon also participated quite recently in Joe Rogan’s podcast, and the episode in question serves as an excellent starting point for those who want to learn more on the topic: not just because its the most recent interview (May 2021) with someone on Mellon’s pay grade, but also because Mellon strikes you as a professional and serious person, who had access to highly classified materials within the Pentagon, and has very little motivation to smear his name.

All of these lead us towards the end of Trump’s presidentship in January 2021, when an obscure paragraph was added to the Covid-19 relief bill, passed in the Senate. The bizarre paragraph seemed as if it was pushed into the bill by agent Mulder returning from Ferryland while riding a magical unicorn with the intent of opening humanity’s eyes – forcing American intelligence agencies to produce a report on the UFO’s Phenomena in U.S airspace within 180 days – which will end this month (more on that report later).

Its leaking everywhere

In April 2021 a video taken with night vision instrument aboard the USS Russell was leaked. It shows a pyramid shape object taking off to the sky at slow speed. At least two other similar objects can be seen in the video but it is unclear weather these are caused by an optical illusion originated in the camera’s lens (what’s called the Bokeh effect), or some kind of other disturbance. As with the other video’s what’s unique here is the context in which it was presented – with claims by army personal that these objects lingered in the ships vicinity for days on end, without a clear spot to land or take off from, ruling out the possibility of a drone. If you ask me, without any concrete data such as radar, flight speed or the amount of time it hovered around, this video is far from being compelling.

The video was joined by others, leaked by Journalist/film maker/UFOlogist – Jeremy Corbell. If George Knapp is a journalist/UFOlogist representing the old generation, whose been investigating the subject for the past 40 years (Knapp is best known for breaking Bob Lazar’s story in 1989, which I will not explore here) then Corbell is the younger and more vigorous 21st century version. As befits one, Corbell looks and talks like a hipster who walked into the wrong store in Texas – a bit condescending and with a tendency to talk too much. Having said that, it seems that every video Corbell released in the past couple of years was confirmed by the pentagon not long after, which makes him one of the more reliable sources in a field that has been plagued by charlatans and conman for decades.

The second video Corbell released (also confirmed by the DOD) and taken from the USS Omaha – a tic tac shaped object is seen to be flying over the ocean at a low altitude, until at some point it disappears beneath the water line, to the amazement of the sailors. This video strengthens the claim by many pilots that some of these crafts are seen around oceans and seem to move between different environments (air to sea or even space) without affecting its performance. These are added to reports of submerged objects moving at extremely high speeds under water, without any plausible explanation.

The last video released by Corbell allegedly shows the radar screen of the USS Omaha, which displays at least 9 different objects moving around the ship. The video is supposed to supplement the Splash video (seen above) as far as radar data, but lacking any skills for reading radar – this is another video I find unimpressive (there are also countless explanations that could be made for those radar signatures).

Last but not least, three “true color” stills pictures, allegedly taken by F-18 pilots during 2019 and 2020, were leaked by George Knapp a few weeks back. The pictures show 3 unidentified objects in weird shapes (the Pyramid being one), but since there are no further details to provide any context – as well as instrumental data, I won’t go into them in depth. I can only assume – very cautiously – that the pictures are part of a wider documentation, and that either more of them exist, or they’re part of a longer video which was cut, and might be released sometime in the future.

In his interview on 60 minutes, Christopher Mellon admitted that he personally saw at least one such picture – taken from the cockpit of an F-18 – and allegedly showing one of these objects flying in an alarming distance from the plane. This brings us back to what I wrote at the beginning of this piece regarding the Gimbal, Go fast and FLIR videos – we can absolutely be sure that the pentagon only bothered to declassify the least interesting – and most obscure materials that they have in their possession (The expected report by the pentagon actually examined 120 incidents as reported by numerous media outlets….).

A matter of national security (Russian/Chinese drones?)

What about drones? technology in the field has skyrocketed in the past few years, and the pixelated nonsense that we see on the video’s could definitely be Chinese, Russian or Derka-Derkastani drone” skeptics will say.

Luckily I don’t need to go down that rabbit hole, simply because not so long ago, the acclaimed magazine “The Drive” – which covers all things military – published a huge article dealing with this question. It’s a 10,000 words piece, so if you’re interested in the subject and haven’t read a good book in a while, I highly recommend it – as It’s the most comprehensive coverage I came across and which attempts to answer the question above.

In summary, The Drive claims that all the recent incidents which were taken off military assets – are no more than drones operated by foreign nations spying on the U.S, in one of the most colossal intelligence failures ever seen. This assumption makes a lot of sense, but it suffers from at least two fatal issues:

      1. Some of the videos confirmed by the pentagon – and mainly that of Commander Fravor’s incident which was shot on 2004 – took place long before drone technology matured into what we see today, and even today the objects in the videos outperform the most expensive and sophisticated modern drones.
      2. Even if we examine the most advance military drones – we’re dealing with machines that cant stay in the air for more that one hour straight – failing to explain the objects ability to hover in the air for days, as reported by US air force and navy personal. This is also the point where we need to distinguish between a Drone (or a copter-drone) which uses a propeller to create lift – and UAV’s – which have fixed wings. The latter may stay in the air for dozens of hours, but can’t hover at the same spot as many of the UFO’s seem to do, while the former can indeed hover, but only for about one hour – and because of that is usually launched from within a relatively short distance. Whether this is a spy craft flown by a foreign superpower, or an interstellar superpower – the U.S army does not hold any technology that goes anywhere near those capabilities. In addition, the likelihood of a foreign power developing such advanced technology with utter secrecy and using it for decades without detection – seems more science fiction than the hypothesis that we’re dealing with extraterrestrial technology. 

The review in the Drive focused mainly on the Pyramid video shot from USS Russell. Another popular explanation by the Drive and debunkers alike is weather balloons that look and move in unusual ways. The Drive were able to find a patent issued in 1945(!) to an intelligence balloon which appears extraterrestrial and is similar in nature to the Pyramid UFO, as well as other incidents where pilots described a pyramid within a sphere.

The problem with the weather balloon explanation is that balloons don’t tend to hover as been observed with many of the UFO’s in question, certainly not several feet above water, and also do not accelerate or behave as seen in the videos. Balloons are often subjected to very high winds, especially in the heights they are operating at – which will inhibit them from displaying the patterns we see in the leaked videos, such as hovering, tilting or moving against the wind (like in the case of the Gimbal video). The only video which might actually be explained by a balloon (and a normal one at that) is the Go fast video, where an object is zipping over the ocean at a low altitude and which temperature is colder that the water below it, as I mentioned in the Go fast description.

The last and probably most critical detail the Drive decided to ignore – is the ridiculous paradigm that the U.S is the only country that deals with these kind of phenomena’s – which will certainly strengthen their narrative that it’s Chinese or Russian secret technology, while we know for a fact that other nations have been collecting data on this subject as well. Very recently the south china morning post – which is considered a credible news outlet operating from Hong Kong, published a piece about AI software’s being used by China to track UFO incidents. The Chinese are collecting data on what they’ve been calling “unidentified weather conditions” for years, the paper claims. It is also quite certain that the Russians are collecting or have been collecting such data for decades, just like the U.S, since before the collapse of the USSR.

In fact, we can assume with a very high certainty that similar UFO sightings occur and are being monitored in every country around the world which spreads on a large enough area, and has the technological capabilities (mainly military wise) to find, track and document such incidents. Japan is another example of such a country, but Americans always tended to think they are the center of the world.

What to expect of the Pentagon’s full report to the senate

Unfortunately for those who hold their breath – not much.

According to initial leaks the report is expected to conclude that the objects in question are NOT a result of U.S technology, or any kind of weather balloon, but also has trouble determining what they actually are, or explain it in any conventional means. if you recognize the logical contradiction in this last sentence, you are not alone. The Pentagon is actually going to release a report in which it rules out a variety of explanations – such as weather balloons or drones – while at the same breath admitting it has no idea what they’re dealing with.

It is worth noting that the report includes 120 (!) incidents, which means – again – that the videos the Pentagon bothered to confirm so far are only the tip of E.T’s imaginary pinky, and even though the full report is only expected to come out in a few days, it is highly unlikely that it will uncover any new information. 

Even the most optimistic and naïve person knows that the Pentagon will never uncover 70 years of highly classified materials, simply because it touches on such a sensitive matter: one with over lasting intelligence, national security, technological, cultural and even far reaching theological consequences – not just for the U.S, but for all man kind (not to mention lying to the public all these years). We can only assume that in the next few years more and more materials will be shot by military personal who used their own devices and leaked to journalists such as Jeremy Corbell, pressuring the Pentagon to confirm these materials, without so much as revealing the tiniest detail or bothering to supply an adequate explanation to it.

Some of those who are concerned with the matter believe that the only motivation by the Pentagon with such findings is to hint to a foreign adversary capabilities which somehow ‘leap frogged’ the U.S by decades, thus squeezing budgets from congress. Others maintain that the only reason the Pentagon bothers to confirm leaked materials – or leak them before someone in congress has the chance – is to allow them to control the narrative.

The leak of the main conclusions in the report is a classic gaslighting tactic by the Pentagon against the press and public: “We found no suitable explanation” the Pentagon claims, and then leaks some crumbs to news outlets such as the Times that would publish a headline claiming that the “Pentagon found no evidence of alien technology” (only some time later did the Times added the second half of that headline “But can’t rule it out either”).

But can’t it be claimed that the Pentagon’s admission that its not American technology or weather balloons – is a huge revelation by itself – one which at the very least deserves a serious discussion into a matter which has the potential to change the course of humanity? 




Key figures index:

Harry Reid – former Nevada senator who worked diligently to uncover U.S activity around UFO’s, and one of the people responsible for the formation of AATIP

Luis Elizondo – Managed the AATIP program in the DOD, and responsible amount others to declassifying and uncovering of the 3 videos published on the NYT and Politico in 2017 alongside Leslie Kean, and Christopher Mellon. If I had to bet my money, I’d say that Melon or Elizondo are the most likely sources behind Jeremy Corbell recent leaked videos (Pyramid, Radar and Splash).

Christopher Mellon – Worked as deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations and later for Security and Information Operations, and also served as the Staff Director of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

Jeremy Corbell – film maker and journalist who uncovered some of the recent videos from USS Russell and Omaha. Corbell claims he was one of the first to leak the 3 videos published on the Times and Politico, on different forums (at least one of them was circulating on different platforms way before 2017). Despite his first impression and lack of affiliation with intelligence or army agencies, so far Corbell was right on the money, and every video he released was confirmed shortly after by the Pentagon. In a very recent interview on Duncan Trussel podcast Corbell explained that he only releases videos by first going through appropriate channels, and making sure he doesn’t break any laws regarding security clearances or top secret information.

Commander David Fravor – One of the pilots from the 2004 tic-tac incident, interviewed on Joe Rogans podcast on October 2019 alongside Corbell (He did many other interviews since then as well)

Major Alex Dietrich – Fravor’s co-pilot at the 2004 tic-tac incident, Dietrich was first interviewed for a 60 Minutes episode aired a few weeks ago

Commander Chad Underwood – the pilot from the 2004 tic-tac incident responsible to the FLIR video

Major Ryan Graves – A pilot who was part of the squadron that was involved in the 2015 Gimbal incident

George Knapp – an investigative journalist whose been working in the field for the past 40 years, and uncovered Bob Lazar’s story in 1989. in short, Lazar has been claiming for the past 30 years that he was employed in Area 51, or S4 – working on alien technology that somehow landed in the hands of the United States. Lazar is probably one of the most disputable characters around UFOlogists and debunkers alike, and to this day considered one of the most heated debates between his loyalists and denialists who claim he’s a charlatan. Of course Lazar was interviewed as well, in a Joe Rogan podcast, with Jeremy Corbell, on June 2019, for those who are interested




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