Yoav Baram

Yoav Baram – Comments on the Ugly Rage Against Israel

YOAV BARAM I’m really not the advocate and propaganda kind of person who gets engaged every time my country finds itself in a military conflict (which I regret to say is pretty often) but this article is so SPOT ON, that I had to share it with any English speaking Facebook friends I might have.


Yoav Baram

In short, it describes how only last month, the great U.S.A of Obama’s administration killed 6 people in a drone strike over Pakistan (even after Obama’s decision to wind down drone strikes In 2013 the strikes killed up to 271 people, approximately one in every nine deaths is a civilian, but of course non of you heard about it in the news or cared much for that matter).

It then mentions how Great Britain destabilized and devastated vast areas of the Middle East and North Africa over the past decade (not to mention British colonial regime’s contribution to India’s horrible Caste system), or as France did in Africa (many of the genocides there are attributed directly to the french colonial regime as they encouraged racism and class separation), and of course how can you not mention Russia’s free hand in the Ukraine campaign, one that only 3 days ago claimed the lives of 298 people in an airplane crash, or Syria’s civil war where president Asad butchered over 100 thousand of his own civilian people for the past 3 years, and counting.

The citizens of these so called enlighten nations (mainly US, Britain and France) now have the audacity and double standards to protest Israel’s right to defend itself against a terrorist organization who fire rockets on its cities almost on a daily basis for the past 9 years, and dig tunnels into Israel for the soul purpose of killing civilians, all the while firing from schools and hospitals and using its own civilian population as human shield.
It’s absolutely ridiculous what a hypocritical world we live in.

ולכל השאר, אתם כבר יודעים את זה אבל עדיין שווה קריאה, ושווה שיתוף.

Yoav Baram

Here is the link to the Article:


Yoav Baram

Born and raised in Israel, I attained my  Bachelor’s degree at business management back in 2010 and worked at the local high tech industry for a short while until I realized that I forgot how to have fun. I then moved to the great city of Tel-Aviv where I’ve been living for the past 4 years, bar-tending in various Pubs, getting people ridiculously drunk and then planting subversive ideas in their heads.

Recently, I decided to leave my bar-tending days behind me and jump back into the ‘real’ world in the hopes of finding a more meaningful ‘grown-up’ job, all the while trying to think outside of the box, ask significant questions and undermine conventional and long held job related paradigms.

Yoav Baram

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