By Yoram Gatzler: Might well be about to happen before our eyes, when we are forced to adopt policies which we have believed and proclaimed to be against our basic rights and needs. Policies we have declared we refuse to undertake and, that are anathema to us.
Like leave Judea & Samaria under either a binding deceleration by the United Nations, which is likely according to our former UN ambassador Gabriela Shalev . Jerusalem Post editor David Horowitz also adds his comments on this possibility:
We have long known that against the hundreds of millions of Arabs surrounding us, consumed with hate and full intentions of destroying us, it is our deterrent ability, our perceived strength that has kept us from being overwhelmed. There is nothing that more demonstrates our vulnerability than being forced to accept policy directives that are known to be against our deepest beliefs. What else can make us appear weaker in the eyes of our neighbors, combined with our ineffective wailing and crying about the injustice, the prejudice, the antisemitism and all our other justified standard complaints.
That, or pressure by the United States and/or the “Quartet” by threatening sanctions and boycott.
Or as they use to say, “The writing is on the wall”. You have to be deaf, blind and dumb to ignore it.
As loud as many of us shout “injustice”, “where are our human and national rights” with the righteous passion of the just, we ignore the simple fact that this is not the world of justice. (Where is the “justice” of the current agony of the Japanese people, or of the South East Asian victims of the 2005 tsunami, etc)
As every right wing journalist and columnist from here to the US and back has noted; the recent brutal murders in Itamar have made clear that Israel no longer can claim any considerations on the basis of simple human sympathy or for that matter, the natural repugnance by all of a brutality that would be unacceptable in any other context other than the presence of some Israeli Jews in an area in which we are judged to not belong.
Now, today, yesterday and probably tomorrow, added to that is the complete indifference to the rocket attacks against our civilians in the western Negev. It is time to confront and assimilate the obvious truth, our status in the eyes of the world is truly beneath all humane consideration. It is not for us to judge if “Jewish blood” is cheap in the eyes of the world, but it is necessary for us to recognize that reality. It is also necessary for us to understand our current contribution to that state of affairs. Our insistence in expressing our indifference to what the world believes and thinks will not bring us a nano-second of mercy compassion or understanding. By now that must be clear to even the most stubborn and steadfast of our nationalist patriots.