Steve's Blog:It's Personal

With The Israeli Election Over Who Won?

The elections are over and the people have spoken. But what have they actually said? It appears that most of the population has voted for a centrist government with a twist from the right thrown in. The entire world is hoping against hope that Israel will develop a stable government and one that will function with out the extreme parties from both the far-left and far-right.

Kadima-Centrist 28 mandates, Likud-right of center with 27, Labor left-center 13 and Israel Beitanu center-far right  15 mandates. Total 83 seat out of 120. Even without Israel Beitanu there is a balance between Labor-Kadima-Likud that can provide a stable government and one that can tackle the issue of new election reforms. There is a need to change the system in some way to transcend the hostage taking by the smaller parties in order to make a coalition.

Everyday after waking up and looking at the headlines on the net I hope that a miracle will happen and that the major candidates for PM and the major parties will put their partisan politics aside and support the best interests of the country and form a stable center government. But that appears not to be the case. Every party spokesperson derides the other parties and the name calling begins. The circus of fools takes center stage and the people suffer. The country suffers because of these self-righteous ass holes that continue to think that we care about them and their antics. The head of this self-serving bunch of egomaniacs is the Likud leader.

This has become a street fight and a brawl by a bunch of government bullies that are cynical and privileged idiots  we suffer with daily.

I see no one presently with the honesty or the integrity capable of guiding us into the sea of global insecurity and existential angst that is part of the everyday world we live in.

I don’t have a kind word for any of them and it makes me feel empty inside. But just maybe the Jewish cowboy from the State of Minnesota, Mr. Bob Dylan said it best. “Don’t follow leaders watch your parking meters”

I think that mine has just run out of time and that  it’s best that I hit the road before my shoes get any more BS on them.

Steve Ornstein

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