Israel has been attacked once again by terrorists. Hamas and their cohorts continue to push their hatred of Jews to greater heights. ENOUGH! This will continue until we have formulated a plan and strategy to eliminate this cancer in our midst. We must develop leadership that is not afraid to make tough decisions and not afraid to eradicate Islamic-Fascism that threatens our way of life. The time has come to do whatever is necessary to end the terrorism of Hamas and their supporters. This should include, destroying large areas of Gaza in order to put an end to the war.
The lies and deception of the truth as to what’s an international war crime by the foreign press and European Governments must stop. In fact, according to Friday’s Jerusalem Post editorial all our activity in Gaza is within International Law, including going after terrorists in populated areas if they are being used as launching areas for rockets. The huge crocodile tears from the Islamic countries and cries of massacre and holocaust by them fuels the flames of deception that the Left-wing of Europe loves to use as an excuse to spew their venom towards Jews/Israel.
We must seek out the moderates in the Palestinian camp and work with them to build a Palestinian State that will live along side Israel in peace. This can only happen if there is a willingness of the Palestinian leadership to drop their façade and tell their people that the dream of destroying Israel is over. Then we will be more than willing to arrive at some kind of mutual understanding and help in the development of a viable economic Palestinian entity.
We must stop our internal bickering and meditate on the current state of affairs of our country and proclaim with one voice that we are united in our desire to end this external threat. This includes the nonsense of Israeli-Arab leadership that continues under the safe haven of Israeli Democracy to spew venom and lies about Israel to their people. These inciters twist the truth and good-will of this nation so that they can seek the destruction of our country and once again live under Islamic laws that suppress free speech and women’s rights. Sedition and treason is not beyond their scope.
Wake up Western World and see that by your desire to be fair and multi-cultural you give license to the extremists to transgress all boundaries of civil decency and freedom.