the importance people feel that this information
should be freely available to all, for greater understanding of
government (all governments) policies.
So lets get into this information and its importance / significance
to those of us who care about Israel, and are concerned that the
general public have understanding of our cause.
The leaked documents provide further irrefutable evidence that Arab
leaders speak with multi forked tongues when they publicly attack Israel’s
attitude while privately urging the Americans to engage in military
action to prevent the Iranians — whom they loathe — from becoming a
nuclear power. Knowing that, perhaps it might be understandable why
Israel does not trust their seemingly peaceful public statements in
English regarding Israel. In what can only be described as surrealistic,
Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah — from whence the principal global funding
for al-Qaida and other terrorist groups emanates — called on the US “to
cut off the head of the snake,” Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Muhammad bin
Zayed warned the Americans that “[Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad is Hitler” and
virtually every Arab leader conveyed similar frenzied messages to the US.*
In this context, the hypocrisy and cynical manipulation of the Israelis
by President Barack Obama was simply unconscionable. We are now aware
that he was knowingly lying when he said Israel must make further
unilateral concessions to the Palestinians as a precondition to
persuading the Arab states to support sanctions or endorse military
action against Iran, (at least in public).*
The new revelations also expose the absurdity of foreign affairs
analysts and supporters of Obama’s Middle East policies (including
Obama’s Jewish acolytes like J Street) who repeatedly claim that only
the Israelis and the “neocon cabal” favor a military option against Iran.*
WikiLeaks also disclosed that despite warnings from Arab leaders that
Syria could not be persuaded to weaken its links with Iran, the US
continued trying to appease President Basher Assad. Despite denials, the
Americans were also aware that the Syrians were collaborating with the
Iranians to provide lethal weapons to Hizbullah, even using ambulances
to transport weapons to Lebanon.*