Coalition for Jewish Values

While Israelis and Jews Rescue Arabs and Others in War-Torn Ukraine, Israel’s Enemies Lament the Arrival of “Settler” Refugees

While Israelis and Jews Rescue Arabs and Others in War-Torn Ukraine, Israel’s Enemies Lament the Arrival of “Settler” Refugees

H/T: Coalition of Jewish Values

“We help Israelis as much as we can, try our best to help. Our people in the field are out in the cold all night to rescue Israelis. We work nights and days and have not slept for almost a week,” Yara Shibli told Israel Today. Before Russia’s invasion, the 27-year-old from the Bedouin village of Shibli in the Galilee was the Israeli Deputy Consul in Istanbul. Now, she spends her days and nights in an Eastern Europe rocked by Putin’s war, coordinating aid for Israelis desperate to escape Ukraine. While Ms. Shibli aids Jewish Israelis, Haredi rabbi and former Israeli ambassador to Ukraine, Yoel Leon, helped to ferry 100 Arab-Israeli medical students across the Moldovan border.

But Israeli citizens aren’t the only ones Israel’s consular teams and Jewish institutions are risking their lives to protect. Ms. Shibli reported that, “There are Lebanese, Syrian and Egyptian citizens on the Israeli bus. Some of them crossed the border of Ukraine as refugees.” Lebanon and Syria have no formal relations with Israel, the “Zionist entity” with which they are still formally at war. This did not prevent Israelis or Jews from spiriting Lebanese, Syrian, or other Arab citizens to safety.

After reaching Moldova, a young Gazan student is headed home thanks to the help of Hatzalah staff and the Israeli flag, draped across their car, that drew him to them. A Palestinian Arab doctor told i24NEWS that it was thanks to the Chabad community that he and his family escaped Ukraine alive. “Whether they or Arabs or not, everyone is sticking together.”

But not all can leave embattled Ukraine. Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Wolff, director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Kherson, is struggling to feed the Jews and non-Jews who come to him for help. Shut off from the outside world, the city’s remaining inhabitants are trapped in a city where food supplies. Even beets and potatoes are scarce. About 1,000 Jewish families are still in Kherson, but Rabbi Wolff has not restricted his aid to them alone. Alerted to the fact that a group of students from Cameroon and Nigeria were also trapped in the city with nothing to eat, Wolff said, “I told them to come to the synagogue, and we took care of them.”

While Jews and Israelis of all backgrounds come together to protect one another and extend a helping hand to others, Israel’s enemies are occupied elsewhere. CJV has already covered their knee-jerk reaction to Ukraine’s suffering: equate Israel with Putin’s forces, justify violence against Israeli civilians, and hijack another conflict.

A graphic produced and distributed by Quds News Network, a Palestinian Arab agency with links to Hamas, lamented the fact that by welcoming Ukrainian refugees, “apartheid ‘Israel’ is self-profiting from the Ukrainian-Russian war.”

According to the Palestinian Arab news agency, which has links to Hamas, ” ‘Israel’ is feeding its apartheid regime by increasing the number of colonial settlers.” To some, it seems, even desperate refugees are just more human obstacles to the Jew-free Palestine of their dreams. Ukrainian, Ethiopian, Indian, or convert: every Jew who arrives in Israel to make a life in the Jewish homeland is a disaster for the anti-Israel cause. Each one is proof that Israel is here to stay and will not be uprooted or dispersed again.

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