
What does Hamas really want?

What possible goal can Hamas expect to achieve as a result of their continued firing of rockets into Israel? In addition we must ask the same question in regard to the ongoing ground attacks on the crossing stations between Israel and Gaza. We all know that it is through these crossing points that the vast majority of supplies reach the already wretched population of Gaza.
In one of the days leading up the Pesach holiday, approximately 27 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom crossing before it was forced to close due to the armed attack on the crossing. In addition, 800,000 liters of diesel fuel for heating and 240,000 tons of gas were transferred via Nahal Oz which also closed during the afternoon after Palestinian snipers fired at the crossing and attacked it with an armored vehicle.
What possible purpose can these attacks serve? Let’s think deeply!
The people who are being physically threatened by these attacks, the people driving the trucks of supplies, are individual employees of the private companies doing business with the Gaza importers.
Would you want your husband, son or other family member doing this work, knowing that he may well get shot or kidnapped for his troubles? Why would these individuals keep working if not for the income that they need?
So we need to understand that it is not necessarily the Israeli government who is the only party responsible if the supplies are not delivered, and the people of Gaza suffer.
But again let’s ask the question, what possible effect does Hamas, the responsible governing party in Gaza expect to accomplish?
For years now, as I have been observing the process I am convinced that only when the entire area between the Sea and the Israeli border is bulldozed clean as a baby’s ass will there possibly be a cessation to these foolish attacks. I mean, what else do they think will happen? Are they stupid? Do they imagine that this can go on indefinitely? That the government of Olmert will last forever and there will never be a government elected that will be required to respond decisively to these constant attacks. Do they not realize that elections can bring, in a flash, a new government that will understand the call of the people, and in desperation, respond massively until the possibility of attack is eliminated? That while the IDF may suffer tens of casualties, the Palestinians will suffer (to my personal regret) ten or a hundred times more? Do they care at all about the suffering of their one million people or only about killing some Israelis?
We know, that no matter how serious the attacks from Gaza, what ever our response, it will be condemned by the world community, especially our friends on the Left. But eventually we and even they should realize; there will be no alternative but to wiping Gaza clean.
Hamas, the Jimmy Carters, the UN, HRW, the various “Peace” organizations and all the other good hearted and well meaning concerned people the world over will also bear a share of the responsibility for the Palestinian suffering to come by their consistent attacks on every Israeli response, the minor as well as the major ones. Thus they succeed in blurring the context and distorting the reality which automatically favors attacks on Israel.
Let’s face it; most of the moral responsibility will fall on Hamas. They are the ones who make these attacks possible and the harsh responses necessary.

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