We Pray for Gilad Shalit and for his safe return.We are at a crossroads regarding our policy in dealing with Hamas and the rest of the Palestinian terrorist organizations. Our dilemma appears to be a balancing act of patience and retaliation. We can no longer continue to placate terrorists. I have heard and read a long list of arguments and excuses for Palestinian terror attacks. But it is very clear that there is no longer any serious partner to talk to on our quest for peace. In fact, the opposite appears to be the legacy of our former policies. I am of the mind that a swift decisive strike at the terrorists in Gaza with such force that Shock and Awe will be the operative experience to borrow that phrase from another war on terror.This unwillingness of Palestinian terror groups and the general Palestinian population to recognize Israel as a legitimate State only compounds the tragedy on both sides. I am frustrated by the loose rhetoric by Beilin and company that wants us to capitulate to the fear of terror. It is this kind of left-wing dribble that only exacerbates the situation and sends the wrong signals to our enemy. It is also time to stop second guessing and continually bringing up the what ifs as criticism of our present policy from both the right and left of center. It is a time to join together and create a dialogue amongst ourselves that is void of hate and jealously by all of the political entities in Israel. Do we have the love for each other to make this a national priority or will we continue to verbally destroy each other with out any regard for the national conscience. We won’t all agree on tactics and policy but we can certainly come to publicly respect each other and to realize that we all are looking out for the best interests of our people. I am also disheartened listening to a friend of mine ranting about the ills of the State and his support of the resistance to the fence. His involvement in the demonstrations with foreign supporters of ISM, an organization that clearly wants Israel to disappear is revolting. Yet he is involved with global organizations that support conflict resolution. This is a game to him and his influence on younger idealistic supporters through his charismatic personality betrays his sincerity. It is now time to formulate a cohesive policy that is clearly articulated by our leaders that we clearly understand and can support. America and our other allies are ultimately concerned about their own self interests. It is time for us to stand up, not in arrogance, but through clear and pure intentions to do whatever is necessary to protect our people and the young men and women protecting us from the enemies’ of real peace. It is our duty as a nation to move forward in strength and clarity to do what is in our best interests. This is clearly an act of war and we must do what is necessary to end this war of attrition not by retreating but by a show of force and determination to do what we must in order to WIN.