Volunteer EMT Goes Extra Mile and Provides for Infant of Patient Left at Home
On Thursday night, just after Midnight, United Hatzalah received an emergency alert about a woman who had given birth a week and a half prior who was suffering from gynecological complications. Two minutes after the call came in two United Hatzlaah volunteer EMTs arrived via a United Hatzalah ambulance at the location. The EMTs treated the woman and began to prepare her for transport to the hospital.
Before leaving with the new mother, one of the EMTs noticed that the father would be staying behind with three children, one of them a ten-day-old infant. The volunteer EMT asked the father if he had enough food for the infant to tie him over for the next day or so. The father said he wasn’t sure what the EMT meant. The volunteer proceeded to explain and asked the father if he had formula or milk that had been previously pumped ready for the child. The father, who was in an agitated state following the emergency, did not and told the volunteer that the family had not prepared anything.
Without batting an eyelash, the volunteer said that the everything would be okay. The woman was taken to the hospital and the volunteer went to a neighbor who had a light on. He explained the situation in a manner that did not expose and family details. After a few seconds, he received 50 grams of formula from the kind neighbor, brought it to the father and explained to him how to use it. The father thanked him and closed the door. But the story did not end there.
The volunteer, who wished to remain anonymous, said that he had spent a similar night on his own without his wife and having a week old infant at home. The volunteer headed to the hospital at 12:30 at night and went straight to the maternity ward. He explained to the nurse about the woman who had been taken to the hospital and about her baby who was at home. The head nurse at the desk gave him five bottles of formula that were prepared and ready for consumption. The volunteer then returned to the home of the patient and already from downstairs heard the cries of the infant, who seemed very hungry. The volunteer knocked on the door and handed the bottles to a very surprised father. The father began to cry and said, “I thought I was just calling an ambulance, but the people who turned up at my door are angels who look after even the smallest of details to make sure that we are okay. Thank you.”