This will be a short blog just to report on the first night of the Longshot festival which is continuing tonight, Thursday July 28.
I have to hand it to Tempo, they promised a real festival and they delivered. They closed off part of the promenade between the Arena Mall and the boats, set up a big stage and all the booths for the brewers. There were a couple bands. Lots and lots of people were there about 9 PM.
They announced the results of the contest and yours truly did not receive any of the awards. It’s my first attempt and I know for a fact there were some really experienced brewers there including a few previous Longshot winners who also didn’t win anything. I also know for a fact, that there are some really good beers being made by these home brewers and I will tell you, a more supporting bunch of people you won’t find. Yes it’s true we are competing for fame and glory, but it’s not like anything we did since we bottled our beer has any affect so why not just be friends. Even the brewmasters of the commercial boutique breweries are acting like old buddies.
As Tempo is clearly demonstrating by arranging this whole festival, this not about the competition for shelf space in stores between the local boutique microbreweries and the imported quality beers or who’s beers are going to appear on the menus of local restaurant chains like Moses. The real battle is for the awareness of the Israeli public for truly quality beers. We, the beer community, have to get people to go into restaurants, pubs and stores and ask for a quality beer and not settle for the big commercial labels.
I will write at length about the festival and my thoughts and reactions and post it at the start of next week.
I really just want to encourage all of you reading this blog today, Thursday, to try and show up and have a good time. Taste a few of the beers. Denny Nielsen is in a booth next to mine and has a very nice hard apple cider. He promised to bring 2 kegs tonight so even if you don’t like beer, there is what to drink. And with the variety of beers there, even those who are not fans of beer can probably find something that is totally different from anything they tasted.
The good thing is you can talk to the brewers. Tell them what you like. If you go with someone, you can share the 100 ml tastings. Trust me; it’s a good deal and an excellent opportunity to taste a wide variety of beers in a short time for low cost.
Also stop by my Maof booth. As you face the stage, my booth is on the right, the 3rd away from the stage. Look for the little wooden keg that Denny has to attract people to his cider. I’m right next to that.
See you there. I hope.