By Dr. Arnon Groiss. Member, Advisory Council on the Comprehensive study of incitement in Middle East textbooks, commissioned by the Council for Religious Institutions in the Holy Land, an interfaith association of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim leaders
UNRWA is a UN agency that is responsible, among other tasks, for the education of Palestinian refugee children in its own schools. It uses textbooks provided by the Arab various governments, including the Palestinian Authority. These books sometimes contain items that palpably negate UNRWA’s mandate as a UN agency committed to the ideal of peace in the Middle East (as indeed is stated in a slogan appearing on its own Web site: “Peace Starts Here”) and obliged to treat all UN member states – including Israel – equally and without prejudice. Following are examples of various themes that are taught in UNRWA’s schools in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in contradiction to these principles:
Promotion of Violent Struggle against Israel
That is done by teaching poems which stress the violent return of the refugees and mention Jihad in this context, present violent struggle as the means for the liberation of Palestine and exalt martyrdom in this context as a noble death to be sought:
…عائدون للديار للسهول للجبال
تحت اعلام الفخار والجهاد والنضال
بالدماء والفداء والاخاء والوفاء…
(دولة فلسطين, وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي, لغتنا الجميلة للصف الخامس الاساسي, الجزء الاول, 2011, ص 50)
…Returning to the homes to the valleys, to the mountains
Under the flags of glory Jihad and struggle
In blood and sacrifice fraternity and faithfulness…
(The State of Palestine, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Our Beautiful Language, Grade 5, Part 1, 2011, p. 50)
5. اوفق بين الاسطر الشعرية والعواطف التي تعبر عنها فيما يأتي:
…صباح المجد والحرية الحمراء يرويها دم الشهداء… – التفاؤل بتحرير فلسطين
(دولة فلسطين, وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي, المطالعة والنصوص للصف التاسع الاساسي, الجزء الاول, 2011, ص 24)
5. I will reconcile between the following poetical lines and the feelings they express:
…The morning of glory and red liberty watered by the martyrs’ blood… – The hope for the liberation of Palestine.
(The State of Palestine, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Reading and Texts, Grade 9, Part 1, 2011, p. 24)
سأحمل روحي على راحتي والقي بها في مهاوي الردى
…ارى مقتلي دون حقي السليب ودون بلادي هو المبتغى
يلذ لأذني سماع الصليل ويبهج نفسي مسيل الدما
وجسم تجدل في الصحصحان تناوشه جارحات الفلا
…لعمرك هذا ممات الرجال ومن رمى موتا شريفا فذا…
(دولة فلسطين, وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي, لغتنا الجميلة للصف السابع الاساسي, الجزء الاول, 2002, ص 81)
The Martyr
I shall carry my soul in my palm and toss it into the abyss of destruction
…I see my death without my stolen right and without my country as a desired one
Hearing [weapons’] clash is pleasant to my ear and the flow of blood gladdens my soul
As well as a body thrown upon the ground skirmished over by the desert predators
…By your life! This is the death of men and whoever asks for a noble death – here it is!…
(The State of Palestine, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Our Beautiful Language, Grade 7, Part 1, 2002, p. 81 [p. 97 in the 2001 edition])
Dissemination of Hatred toward Jews and Israel
That is done by means of dehumanizing and demonizing literary pieces:
لعمرك! كيف تغزونا افاع…
(دولة فلسطين, وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي, اللغة العربية – العلوم اللغوية للصف الثاني الثانوي (12), 2009, ص 61)
By your life! How come that snakes invade us…
(The State of Palestine, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Arabic Language – Linguistic Sciences, Grade 12, 2009, p. 61)
…ان اعداءكم قتلوا اطفالكم, وبقروا بطون نسائكم, وأخذوا بلحى شيوخكم الاجلاء فساقوهم الى حفائر الموت سوقا…
(دولة فلسطين, وزالاة التربية والتعليم العالي, المطالعة والنصوص للصف الثامن الاساسي, الجزء الثاني, 2003, ص 16)
…Your enemies killed your children, split open your women’s bellies, took your revered elderly people by the beard and led them to the death pits…
(The State of Palestine, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Reading and texts, Grade 8, Part 2, 2003, p. 16)
Eradication of Jewish and Israeli Presence through Provision of False Information
That is being done by way of counting Palestine, not Israel, as one of the Levant states, failing to mention the 6 million Israeli Jews (not the Israeli Arabs, though) among the legitimate inhabitants of the land, presenting the Jewish holy places as Muslim ones usurped by Jews and erasing a Hebrew inscription from a stamp issued by British Mandate authorities:
…تتألف بلاد الشام في الوقت الحالي من الدول الآتية: فلسطين والاردن ولبنان وسوريا.
(دولة فلسطين, وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي, تاريخ الحضارات القديمة للصف الخامس الاساسي, 2009, ص 27)
…The Levant [Bilad al-Sham in Arabic] presently consists of the following states: Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.
(The State of Palestine, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, History of the Ancient Civilizations, Grade 5, 2009, p. 27)
نتفحص المعطيات الرقمية – سكان فلسطين في 1/2/1999 م
النسبة المئوية
1) الضفة 1,972,000
2) غزة 1,113,000 36%
3) فلسطينيو الداخل 1,094,000 13%
4) فلسطينيو الشتات 4,419,000 51%
المجموع 8,598,000 100%
(دولة فلسطين, وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي, التربية الوطنية للصف السادس الاساسي, 2004, ص 11)
Let us examine the figures – the inhabitants of Palestine on 1.2.1999
1) The [West] Bank 1,972,000
2) [The] Gaza [Strip] 1,113,000 36%
3) The Palestinians of the Interior [that is, pre-1967 Israel] 1,094,000 13%
4) The Palestinians of the Diaspora 4,419,000 51%
Total 8,598,000 100%
(The State of Palestine, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, National Education, Grade 6, 2004, p. 11)
محاولات طمس التراث الفلسطيني…
…محاولة تهويد بعض الاماكن الدينية الاسلامية مثل المسجد الابراهيمي ومسجد بلال بن رباح…
(دولة فلسطين, وزارة التربية والتعليم, التربية الوطنية للصف السابع الاساسي, 2001, ص 55)
Attempts at the Obliteration of Palestinian Heritage…
…An attempt to Judaize some of the Muslim religious places such as the Ibrahimi Mosque [that is, the Cave of the Patriarchs, also known as Machpelah] and the Mosque of Bilal bin Rabbah [i.e., Rachel’s Tomb]…
(The State of Palestine, Ministry of Education, National Education, Grade 7, 2001, p. 55)
(دولة فلسطين, وزارة التربية والتعليم, التربية الوطنية للصف الثاني الاساسي, الجزء الاول, 2002, ص 7)
(The State of Palestine, Ministry of Education, National Education, Grade 2, 2001, p. 7 [and on the cover])
The original stamp
These are examples of items that UNRWA should not teach in its schools.
Dr. Arnon Groiss works as a senior journalist for the Israel Broadcast Authority’s Arabic Radio (since 1973) and has completed his Masters and Doctorate degrees at Princeton University’s Dept. of Near Eastern Studies. He also has a Masters degree in Public Administration (MPA) from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. From 2000 until 2010 , Groiss conducted research of school textbooks for almost all Middle Eastern nations and authored reports submitted to the US Congress, European Parliament and UNESCO, published under the auspices of the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education.