UNPACKED – Why are Israelis Heading to the Polls Again? | Israel Elections 2019
On September 17, Israelis are heading to the polls to vote for the members of the 22nd Knesset, the Israeli parliament. If it seems like this only just happened, you’re not wrong. It’s been less than half a year since the last Israel election, which pitted Benny Gantz against current prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
This unprecedented situation of two elections in one year has many people asking who is responsible.
And, it probably won’t surprise you that everyone is blaming everyone else for Israeli Elections 2019, the Sequel.
The right blamed the left, who blamed them right back.
Some see it as a desperate bid by Netanyahu to avoid having to face his legal troubles while others put it down to Israel’s very system of government, which puts coalition building front and center.
As for the Israeli people? They just want the government to start governing.
Let us know what you think as we explain why the elections are happening, what the outcome could be and what this unprecedented situation has cost the Israeli people.