UNPACKED – Moses and the Exodus
Ever felt there couldn’t be anything to say about Moses than hasn’t already been said? Turns out there’s plenty. That’s why we’re taking another look at this reluctant prophet and unpacking a story that ends with the emergence of a nation that will play an influential role throughout history.
When it comes to the story of Moses, it feels like there’s nothing much new to say.
If you didn’t learn about him in school or read the Hagaddah (the quintessential Moses narrative) on Passover, chances are you’ve seen the Disney movie “The Prince of Egypt.”
…which means you know the drill:
Baby Moses is put in a basket, gets rescued by Pharaoh’s daughter, grows up as a member of Egyptian royalty, sees a burning bush, rescues the Israelites, hangs out with God, wanders the desert and delivers the Jewish people to the Promised Land after a 40-year detour.
Okay, so there are a few gaps in there, but what more can possibly be said about the story of Moses?
Yeah, plenty more actually as we reveal in this week’s edition of “The Jewish Story Explained,” which focuses on the reluctant prophet himself.