Foreign Agents Registration Act document filed by Fenton Communications (pdf)
A U.S. Justice Department document shows that Fenton Communications, a U.S. public relations firm, has been working for “Al Fakhoora,” a Qatar-based pro-Palestinian initiative that participated in the illegal flotilla to Gaza last month and urged action against Israel.[1]
According the group’s director, Al Fakhoora has “launched an advocacy campaign to file legal charges against Israel and change the public perception in the West about its actions.”[2]
Al Fakhoora is supported by the office of Her Highness Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned, the second wife of the emir of Qatar.[3] According to a document filed by Fenton under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, Her Highness’ office agreed to pay Fenton approximately $240,000 for communications services rendered from March 1 – Aug. 31, 2010.[4]
Fenton distributes materials through Al Fakhoora’s Web site, which includes a Facebook page[5] and a “Flotilla Action Alert” urging activists to oppose Israel’s blockade on Hamas-controlled Gaza.[6]
Israel considers Gaza-bound convoys a security risk and has implemented a maritime blockade on Gaza because of Hamas’ ongoing efforts to smuggle Iranian rockets and other weaponry since the Iran-backed group overthrew the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority in a bloody coup there in June 2007.[7] Historically, ships bound for Gaza have carried tons of weapons among their cargo. Click here for examples of previous Gaza-bound ships carrying weapons
Israel announced June 17 that it would ease restrictions on allowing in civilian goods via land crossings into Gaza and increase the flow of construction materials.[8] Despite Israel’s efforts to lift restrictions, ships from several countries, including Iran and Lebanon, have left or are planning to leave for Gaza in defiance of the blockade.[9] Click here for details about new Gaza-bound flotillas
Al Fakhoora’s director, Farooq Burney, a Canadian national, was aboard a Turkish ship in the Gaza-bound convoy when passengers attacked Israeli military personnel trying to intercept the vessel May 31.[10] Al Fakhoora participated in the flotilla in partnership with the Insani Yardim Vakfi, or “humanitarian relief fund” (IHH),[11] a Turkish organization that Israel and other countries believe has ties to jihadist groups.[12] The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has said that some of the passengers have connections with Al Qaeda, Hamas and other terrorist organizations.[13]
Burney has given several media interviews describing his version of events on board the Turkish ship, the Mavi Marmara. In an interview with Reuters, Burney admitted that self-described humanitarian activists seized guns from Israeli soldiers boarding the ship.[14] In another interview, Burney said that “[the Israeli soldiers] were confronted by our people as we didn’t want them to take the ship and hence it led to hand-to-hand combat…”[15]
Although Burney has denied the flotilla was a public relations stunt,[16] there is significant evidence that the pro-Palestinian activists who were aboard the vessels planned their violent activities well in advance.[17] Huwaida Arraf, one of the organizers, announced her intentions before setting out for Gaza: “We fully intend to go to Gaza regardless of any intimidation or threats of violence against us. They are going to have to forcefully stop us.”[18]
Also, a number of flotilla activists discussed the possibility they might die and become martyrs, or shahids, in the course of attempting to reach Gaza in their vessels before they had even set out. The organizers held a press conference in the Turkish city of Antalya before the flotilla sailed, tasking all the participants to write their wills before departing. Walid Al-Tabtabai, a Kuwaiti member of parliament, was among those who wrote a will before leaving on the flotilla.[19]
One of the Turkish nationals killed on board had told his family just before joining the flotilla, “I am going to be a shahid; I dreamt I will become a shahid – I saw in a dream that I will be killed.”[20]
Israel’s Foreign Ministry released new video footage Friday (June 18) showing IHH leader Bulent Yildirim aboard the Mavi Marmara prior to the incident, calling for violence against an Israeli soldiers. Said Yildirim, “If they board our ship, we will throw them into the sea, Allah willing!”[21]
The night before the incident, Yildirim said the activists intended to resist the Israeli soldiers. In an interview with Turkish television, Yildirim said, “We will definitely resist and we will not allow the Israelis to enter here… If Israel wants to board this ship, it will meet strong resistance.”[22]
When asked if people used wooden clubs, metal rods or any other objects, Burney said, “No, it was just basically hand-to hand combat…no [weapons], none at all.”[23] However, IDF video footage shows passengers beating soldiers with metal bars and chairs.[24] The IDF also released a video overview of weapons confiscated from the ship, which included knives, metal bars, slingshots, smoke bombs, bulletproof vests, gas masks, wrenches, clubs and rocks.[25] In addition, gun sights and rifle cartridges incompatible with IDF firearms were reportedly discovered, suggesting passengers may have had guns but threw them overboard.[26]
In a June 15 open letter to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Burney and two other Canadians who were on the ship accused the Canadian government of an insufficient response to the flotilla incident and “assisting with the slow genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza.”[27]
Nine activists – all Turks or of Turkish descent – were killed after passengers on the Mavi Marmara attacked Israeli military personnel intercepting the ship.[28] Israel had ordered the vessels to dock in the southern Israeli port of Ashdod to unload the cargo for security inspections and subsequent delivery to Gaza.[29] Despite the refusal of all six ships to detour to Ashdod, the Mavi Marmara was the only vessel where a violent confrontation took place.[30]
[1] “Exhibit B,” Foreign Agents Registration Act – U.S. Department of Justice, June 10, 2010,
[2] “Fakhoora Battles to End Siege,” Al Fakhoora Web site, June 15, 2010,
[3] “About The Campaign,” Al Fakhoora Web site,, accessed June 17, 2010
[4] “Exhibit B,” Foreign Agents Registration Act – U.S. Department of Justice, June 10, 2010,
[5] “10,000 United Against the Blockade on Gaza,” Facebook,, accessed June 17, 2010
[6] “Flotilla Action Alert,” Al Fakhoora Web site,, accessed June 17, 2010
[7] “The Gaza flotilla and the maritime blockade of Gaza – Legal background,” Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, May 31, 2010,; Vick, Karl, “Can Israel Learn How to Make Its Case?” TIME, June 10, 2010,,9171,1995850,00.html
[8] Ward, Hazel, “Israel approves plan to ease Gaza blockade,” AFP, June 17, 2010,
[9] Sofer, Roni, “Israel to EU: Stop your citizens from joining flotillas,” YnetNews, June 15, 2010,,7340,L-3905357,00.html
[10] “Al Fakhoora In The News,” Al Fakhoora Campaign News, June 3, 2010,
[11] “Al Fakhoora Joins Convoy Headed to Gaza,” Al Fakhoora Campaign News, May 27, 2010,
[12] “Israel brands Turkish charity ‘terrorist organisation’: TV,” AFP, June 17, 2010,
[13] “Specific Flotilla Passangers Linked to Al-Qaeda, Hamas and Other Terror Organizations,” IDF Spokesperson, June 6, 2010,
[14] “Gaza ship activist says watched man bleed to death,” Reuters, June 3, 2010,
[15] Huda, NV, “Height of cruelty, says activist,” The Peninsula (Qatar), June 4, 2010,
[16] Townson, Peter, “ Fakhoora renews pledge on Gaza aid,” Gulf Times (Qatar), June 7, 2010,
[17] “Arab Media Reports on Flotilla Participants: Writing Wills, Preparing for Martyrdom, Determined to Reach Gaza or Die,” The Middle East Media Research Institute, June 1, 2010,
[18] Pfeffer, Anshel Issacharoff, Avi, The Associated Press and Reuters, “At least 10 activists killed in Israel Navy clashes onboard Gaza aid flotilla,” Haaretz, May 31, 2010,
[19] Arab Media Reports on Flotilla Participants: Writing Wills, Preparing for Martyrdom, Determined to Reach Gaza or Die,” The Middle East Media Research Institute, June 1, 2010,
[20] Magnezi, Aviel, “3 flotilla fatalities ‘dreamt of martyrdom’,” YnetNews, June 2, 2010,,7340,L-3898109,00.html
[21] “VIDEO / IHH leader tells Gaza flotilla activists to ‘throw IDF soldiers into the sea,’” Haaretz, June 18, 2010,
[22] “Behind the Headlines: The seizure of the Gaza flotilla,” May 31, 2010,
[23] Martin, Patrick, “Inside the Flotilla Attack,” Globe and Mail (Canada), June 3, 2010,
[24] “IDF forces met with pre-planned violence when attempting to board flotilla,” Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, May 31, 2010,
[25] “Video: Weaponry Overview and Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Preparing Weaponry,” IDF Spokesperson’s Web site, June 3, 2010,; “IDF forces met with pre-planned violence when attempting to board flotilla,” Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, May 31, 2010,
[26] “’Guns may have been thrown overboard,’” The Jerusalem Post, June 4, 2010,
[27] Neish, Kevin; Burney, Farooq; Audeh, Rifat, “An Open Letter to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper,” Al Fakhoora Web site, June 15, 2010,
[28] Black, Ian; MacAskill, Ewen; Booth, Robert, “Gaza flotilla attack: Turks killed by Israeli soldiers given heroes’ funeral,” The Guardian (UK), June 4, 2010,
[29] “IDF forces met with pre-planned violence when attempting to board flotilla,” Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, May 31, 2010,
[30] Teibel, Amy; Goldenberg, Tia, “Israeli commandos storm aid flotilla; 9 killed,” AP, May 31, 2010,
The Israel Project