
Tsvi Bisk’s New : Cosmodeism: A New Vision of Evolution and Consciousness

Tsvi Bisk’s New : Cosmodeism: A New Vision of Evolution and Consciousness

What if the story of the universe wasn’t about a supreme being creating everything, but rather about the universe itself evolving consciousness so advanced that it could eventually create God? This is the bold, thought-provoking thesis at the heart of Tsvi Bisk’s Cosmodeism: A Worldview for the Space Age. Bisk challenges traditional views of creation and offers a compelling vision of existence that merges the spiritual with the scientific, inviting us to rethink our place in the cosmos and the future of consciousness.

In this post, we’ll explore three of the book’s most inspiring themes: the evolution of consciousness toward a “God-like” state, the hidden threads connecting this idea to various religious, philosophical, and scientific traditions, and how understanding this cosmic process could ignite a new sense of optimism for humanity.

The Evolutionary Cosmos: Consciousness Creating God

At the core of Bisk’s Cosmodeism is the idea that evolution is not just a biological process confined to Earth but a fundamental, universal force. Bisk suggests that evolution, far from being complete with the advent of human beings, is an infinite process that will continue to advance consciousness to ever-higher levels. In this view, humanity is not the pinnacle of evolution, but merely one step in a much grander cosmic journey.

Rather than the traditional biblical narrative where God creates the universe, Bisk flips the script: “In the end, an evolutionary Cosmos will have created God.” This means that, in the distant future, consciousness will evolve to such an extent that it may appear to us as if it were a divine being—a God that arose from the universe, not one that existed before it. This idea is not only fascinating but also deeply inspiring. It offers a vision of continuous progress, with the potential for consciousness to expand infinitely.

Religious, Philosophical, and Scientific Intimations

Bisk draws on a rich tapestry of ideas from religion, philosophy, and science to support his thesis. In religion, he notes how different traditions hint at humanity’s role in this ongoing process of creation. In Judaism, there’s the concept of “being a partner with God” in the unfolding of the universe, while in Christianity, the Holy Spirit is seen as working through history. Buddhism’s concept of Buddhahood and the idea of Nirvana also suggest a continual process of spiritual evolution.

There is an entire chapter entitled “Jewish Intimations (to the Cosmodeistic Hypothesis)” based on the evolutionary character of Jewish identity which reflects Mordechai Kaplan’s essential concept of Jewish identity as well as Rabbi David Cooper’s concept of God as a Verb (Godding).

In philosophy, thinkers like Hegel spoke of ‘God’ as an inherent process within existence, and Nietzsche’s concept of the Übermensch hints at a future, more evolved state of humanity. Bisk highlights Samuel Alexander’s notion of deity as a spacetime emergent and Emerson’s idea of the ‘Oversoul’—a unifying consciousness that connects all life.

Science, too, has its own evolutionary speculations. The theory of evolution, which Bisk calls the “preeminent fact of existence,” not only explains biological diversity but may also be applied to the evolution of consciousness itself. Visionary scientists like Einstein and Carl Sagan have speculated about the nature of life, consciousness, and the cosmos in ways that echo Bisk’s ideas. This convergence of thought suggests that the process of cosmic evolution—and the eventual emergence of a ‘God-like’ consciousness—has been an underlying theme across human history.

From Pessimism to Optimism: Humanity’s Role in the Cosmic Process

One of the most impactful insights from Bisk’s work is how understanding our place in this evolutionary process can alleviate the existential angst and pessimism that many feel today. In a world increasingly plagued by environmental crises, social unrest, and a sense of meaninglessness, the idea of being part of a larger, cosmic process can be deeply reassuring.

Rather than viewing humanity as a mistake or a species destined for self-destruction, Bisk’s Cosmodeism invites us to see ourselves as active participants in the evolution of consciousness. This perspective doesn’t just inspire awe but also empowers us. If we are part of a grand, ongoing creation process, then our actions matter. Our creativity, innovations, and efforts to solve global challenges are all part of this larger cosmic drama.

Bisk suggests that this understanding can spark a rebirth of optimism, one that not only helps us tackle the material and environmental problems of the 21st century but also connects us to a deeper sense of purpose. By embracing our role in this evolutionary journey, we can find new meaning and motivation to engage in the world with renewed hope and creativity.

Conclusion: A Cosmic Vision for the Future

Cosmodeism offers a transformative vision of the universe and our place within it. By reframing the concept of God and evolution, Bisk opens the door to a new understanding of existence—one in which humanity is not an end point but a crucial step in the infinite process of cosmic creation. As we grapple with the challenges of the modern world, this perspective offers a powerful antidote to despair: the belief that we are part of something much larger, a cosmic process that is evolving toward a state of ever-greater consciousness.

Whether you’re religious, philosophical, or scientifically inclined, Bisk’s ideas challenge us to rethink our assumptions and inspire us to look to the future with optimism. In this cosmic journey, we are not merely witnesses; we are co-creators, shaping the destiny of consciousness itself.

This book is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of evolution, consciousness, and our role in the universe. As Bisk suggests, perhaps the future isn’t about returning to the divine, but rather about evolving to become it.

I cannot recommend this book enough. It should belong on every Jewish and non-Jewish bookshelf.

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