Tsvi Bisk
We are serializing this article by our friend and colleague Tsvi Bisk.
However, domestic Islamism is a greater threat to western civilization than international Islamists such as ISIS. Islamism has become the pancreatic cancer of many European countries and it is easier to fight neighborhood bullies like ISIS than pancreatic cancer. A policy of zero tolerance for domestic Islamism must, therefore, be adopted. No multiculturalist excuses, explanations or justifications for citizens or immigrants engaging in thuggish Islamist anti-constitutional behavior – no tolerance of evil. Those that promulgate domestic Islamism are intrinsically evangelizing for alienated Muslim youth to join Jihadist fighters in other areas of the world where they acquire the skills to carry out terrorist acts in their home countries. Good citizenship is an obligation, not an option or a recommendation. David Cameron’s speech of August 29th might be the first hint of a long overdue change in attitude.
Domestic Islamism is not a marginal phenomenon. Consider the views of Omar Ahmad (denied by him but confirmed by journalists who heard him speak) co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR): Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.
How to combat domestic Islamism yet keep within the constitutional boundaries of freedom of speech and religion? In the case of Mr. Ahmad it would depend. If he was born an American citizen, there is little that can be done unless he actually incites to violence or supports asymmetrical organizations that the United States has declared war on, in accordance with the Fifth Geneva Convention on Asymmetric Warfare. If so, he could be accused at the least of sedition and at most of treason. But Mr. Ahmad was born in Amman, Jordan. If he is not a citizen, he could have his visa revoked and deported as a danger to society. If he is a naturalized citizen, then he took an oath to uphold the constitution and thus could be charged with perjury – the above avowal being in violation of every fundamental principle of the constitution. The US and other countries should pass laws sufficient to these suggestions.
Europe’s problem is much more severe than America’s. Decades of fashionable multiculturalism and postcolonial guilt have enabled Muslims to create parallel societies within their European host nations. Islamic extremists have created “no-go” Muslim-only zones in many European cities. These zones are microstates governed by Sharia law. Host-countries have lost control and are often unable to provide police, fire fighting and ambulance services.
Something called the Islamic Emirates Projects has openly called for the British cities of Birmingham, Bradford, Derby, Dewsbury, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Luton, Manchester, Sheffield, as well as the Waltham Forest and Tower Hamlets neighborhoods of London to become areas ruled by Sharia rule. Tower Hamlets has already been nicknamed The Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets. Neighborhood streets are covered with posters declaring “You are entering a Sharia controlled zone: Islamic rules enforced” as well as “Gay free zone. Verily Allah is severe in punishment’.
Local Muslim preachers known as the Tower Hamlets Taliban regularly threaten death to women who refuse to wear veils. In Luton, Muslims have engaged in “ethnic cleansing” by harassing non-Muslims, forcing many of them to move out of Muslim neighborhoods. Waltham Forest’s proposed Sharia zone is to be patrolled by young Islamists using intimidation to compel observance of Sharia laws.
The leader of the Waltham Forest movement, Abu Izzadeen, says: “This is the first step towards turning Britain into an Islamic state. There are nearly three million Muslims in this country. Islam is a sleeping giant that is waking. We have moved on from the debate about the provision of Halal meat to more political issues.”
The British Association of Chief Police Officers reports that every year, 17,000 Muslim women are victims of forced marriages, or raped by their husbands, or subjected to female genital mutilation. Eighty-five Sharia courts operate in Britain. They rule on divorce, domestic and financial disputes. These courts discriminate against women, in gross violation of British law and values. In Sharia courts women are second-class citizens; a woman’s word counts for only half the value of a man’s. Polygamy is tolerated. Muslim women are subjected to domestic violence, and then refused a divorce, while their husbands marry other women. Muslim women are threatened with violence for not wearing burkhas. In other words, these Sharia-Law zones are equivalent to Gender Jim Crow or Gender Apartheid – the British state making its peace with severe discrimination against women who are British citizens. All this is done with complete impunity – de facto being tolerated by the authorities because they are afraid of violence if they enforce English law in these areas.
It is instructive to note that this “tolerance” is very selective – applying to Muslims only. The 20,000 ultra-Orthodox Jews living in the Stamford Hill neighborhood of London recently plastered the area with posters that read “Women should please walk along this side of the road only” and defended their action on the basis of religious restrictions regarding contact with the opposite sex. The posters were torn down by the local council and a female council member said: “It’s quite unacceptable to try to restrict women’s movements in a public place”. No such similar steps have been taken by other councils regarding posters proclaiming Sharia-Law zones. Perhaps the indignation about gender apartheid has been selective because local officials are not afraid of being beheaded by ultra-Orthodox Jewish enforcers.
In France, what are euphemistically called 751 Sensitive Urban Zones (Zones Urbaines Sensibles, ZUS) have completely compromised French republican values and French law. These zones are listed on a French government website with satellite maps and precise street demarcations. Several million French Muslims live in parts of France over which the French state and the French Constitution have effectively lost control. In Paris, Lyons, Marseilles and Toulouse, Muslims close off streets and sidewalks to accommodate overflow crowds for Friday prayers, thus closing local businesses and trapping non-Muslim residents in their homes and offices – all of this in direct violation of French law and values, and with total impunity.
The Belgian capital of Brussels is 20% Muslim. Several neighborhoods have become “no-go” zones. Police patrol the Kuregem neighborhood in two cars: one to carry out the patrols and the other to prevent the first car from being attacked by rock throwing youth. In the Molenbeek neighborhood, police have been ordered not to drink coffee or eat in public during Ramadan.
The German Police Commissioner Bernhard Witthaut, has admitted that no-go zones in Germany are growing rapidly:
Every police commissioner and interior minister will deny it. But of course we know where we can go with the police car and where, even initially, only with the personnel carrier. The reason is that our colleagues can no longer feel safe there in twos, and have to fear becoming the victim of a crime themselves. We know that these areas exist. Even worse: in these areas crimes no longer result in charges. They are left to themselves. Only in the worst cases do we in the police learn anything about it. The power of the state is completely out of the picture.
In Rome, Muslims regularly commandeer the Piazza Venezia for public prayers. In Bologna, Muslims have threatened to bomb the San Petronia Cathedral because it contains a 600-year-old fresco, inspired by Dante’s Inferno, depicting Mohammed being tormented in hell. In the Netherlands, the government recently released a list of 40 “no-go” zones in their biggest cities, especially the capital Amsterdam.
In Sweden, large areas of the city of Malmö – which is more than 25% Muslim – are “no-go” zones for non-Muslims. Fire and emergency workers refuse to enter Malmö’s Muslim Rosengaard district without police escorts. In Gothenburg, Molotov Cocktails are regularly thrown at police cars by young Muslims – more than 15 police cars have been destroyed. Muslim teenagers also point green lasers at the eyes of police officers, some of whom have been temporarily blinded. The Gothenburg police have been dealing with Muslim teenagers burning cars and attacking emergency services in several areas of the city.
In Norway a Muslim terrorist group, Ansar al-Sunna, is threatening that if the Grønland section of the capital city Oslo, (two subway stops from Parliament) isn’t transformed into a Sharia-compliant Muslim ‘nation’, an attack rivaling 9/11 will be visited on Norway. They write:
We do not want to be a part of Norwegian society. And we do not consider it necessary either to move away from Norway, because we were born and grew up here. And Allah’s earth belongs to everybody….But let Grønland become ours. Bar this city quarter and let us control it the way we wish to do it… We do not wish to live together with dirty beasts like you.
Austria has become a hub for jihadists. In a June 2014 report by Austrian Intelligence: “The number of young radicalized followers of violent Salafism in Austria continues to rise, seeking to impose Sharia law in Austria and other parts of Europe.” In Germany and Spain Imams are preaching in Mosques about the Islamic obligation to exterminate the Jews.
Click here for part I
Click here for Part 2
Tsvi Bisk is an American-Israeli futurist. He is the director of the Center for Strategic Futurist Thinking (www.futurist-thinking.co.il/) and contributing editor for strategic thinking for The Futurist magazine.
He is also the author of The Optimistic Jew: A Positive Vision for the Jewish People in the 21st Century. Tsvi is available as a lecturer or as a scholar in residence as well as for strategic consulting
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