Good News from Israel

This Week’s Sanity Report from Israel July 26, 2020

This Week’s Sanity Report from Israel July 26, 2020

In this week’s positive Israel newsletter, Israeli innovators continue to provide solutions to global problems. These are as diverse as Covid-19, cancer, gastro surgery, access to computers for disabled children, the effects of isolation, electric vehicle batteries, noise pollution, animal cruelty, road accidents, public transportation, local economy, on-line security, foreign travel and emergency medical treatment.

The recent photo is of our local flame tree in full bloom, giving shade to residents and hopefully pleasure to readers of this newsletter

The highlights include:

  • Three anti-cancer breakthroughs.
  • French & UK hospitals use Israeli cancer screening technology.
  • A one-second Israeli test for Covid-19.
  • An Israeli app has boosted local businesses during the pandemic.
  • See Israel’s future chess champions.
  • 1st Temple period storehouse found near US Embassy in Jerusalem.
  • Aliya applications in June 2020 were six times more than June 2019.



The 3rd most Covid-19 solutions. Cross-border investment specialists Cukierman & Co state that Israel has the most Covid-19 solutions, after the USA and China. Some 180 of Israel’s 1,600 life sciences companies are either fully or partially dedicated to coronavirus. Israel is also a top global pioneer in personalized medicine.,7340,L-3840111,00.html

Latest Covid-19 research at HUJ. This video shows some of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s latest medical research into the novel coronavirus. They include the overactive immune response; locating the virus during the incubation period; analysis of virus receptors; and boosting the oxygen needed by immunity T-cells,

Positive report on “second wave”. (TY Pamela). Contrary to several media reports, the current Covid-19 situation in Israel is not “out of control”. Listen to this 45-min presentation by Professor Yonatan HaLevy of Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center. The elderly are protected and treatments are working.

A sense for detecting respiratory problems. Israel’s NanoVation (reported here previously) has been awarded a €2.5 million EU Horizon 2020 grant to develop SenseGuard. The device’s nano-sensor technology detects respiratory problems (e.g. COPD). Professor Hossam Haick (Sniff phone inventor) is Chief Scientific Officer.

Bubbles plus ultrasound kills cancer. Tel Aviv University researchers have developed an innovative cancer treatment. They shoot microbubbles at cancer cells and then blow them up using ultrasound. This destroys 80% of the cancer cells and a simultaneous “trojan horse” immune system gene therapy kills the remaining 20%.

Filter out cancer-causing proteins. (TY Hazel) Scientists at Israel’s Sheba Medical Centre are trialing a new cancer treatment called immunopheresis. It involves filtering a patient’s blood to remove proteins produced by malignant cells from the bloodstream. These proteins suppress the immune system’s cancer-killing T-cells.

Did we remove all the cancer? (TY UWI) Currently after cancer surgery biopsies are taken, but testing takes weeks. Now a new experimental tool developed by Tel Aviv University researchers tests a sample taken during surgery. An hour later and the surgeon knows if an immediate return to the operating theater is needed.

Reduce stress before cancer surgery. Tel Aviv University researchers have found that the weeks before and after cancer surgery are critical for the prevention of metastases development. Patients require immune-therapeutic treatment as well as treatment to reduce inflammation and physical and psychological stress.

Warning of post-gastro surgery problems. Israel’s Exero Medical has developed a bio-degradable wireless sensor for the early detection of leaks following gastrointestinal surgery procedures. Doctors at Israel’s Rabin Medical Center have just completed the first human implantation of the device as part of a clinical trial.

Triage system for Mayo Clinic. Israel’s Diagnostic Robotics is to implement its triage system (reported here previously) at the Mayo Clinic’s headquarters in Rochester, Minnesota (see here also).  The system cuts down emergency room wait times (currently 2.5 hours on average in the US) and reduces the burden on physicians.

Safe analysis of dangerous viruses. To safely develop vaccines against deadly viruses, scientists at Israel’s Weizmann Institute have developed a method for producing artificial cells that can assemble just part of the virus. Researchers can then test their vaccines on a safe section of the virus.


Redesigning the Xbox for disabled children. Microsoft Israel developed the Xbox Adaptive Controller to make Microsoft’s gaming console accessible for gamers with limited mobility. The head of R&D at Microsoft Israel personally delivered six specially adapted Xboxes to Alyn children’s rehab hospital in Jerusalem.

Entertaining the elderly. (TY UWI & Marsha) Israeli singer Bat Ella and her band have been performing before and during the pandemic, at homes for the elderly all over Israel. Much of her music is Hebrew prayer set to popular music – especially uplifting at these times.

Cancer screening for France. Just 3 weeks after deploying its cancer diagnostics for the UK’s National Health Service (reported here previously), Israel’s Ibex Medical has partnered Medipath (France’s largest pathology lab network). They will implement France’s first AI-powered pathology solution for cancer detection.,7340,L-3840790,00.html


One-second virus test. Israel’s Newsight (reported here previously) has developed a spectral signature virus test that it says identifies Covid-19 in a blood or saliva sample in less than a second. A pilot trial of the test is to be performed at Israel’s Sheba Medical Center where Newsight has been working in the tropical diseases dept.

Six years of tech incubation. Israel’s Elbit Systems launched its Incubit Technology Ventures accelerator at the Beersheva High-Tech Park in 2014. It has since invested in 17 startups including NewRocket, FlyWorks (hybrid drones), EchoCare, and Sealartec. 10 of the startups have signed big commercial agreements.,7340,L-3840586,00.html

Apple Design Awards winner. (TY Sharon) One of the winners of this year’s Apple Design Awards was the animation app LOOOM, co-founded by Eran Hilleli, graduate of Israel’s Bezalel Academy of Art and Design. A LOOOM user as young as four can “weave” colorful animations on an iPad using a finger or an Apple pencil.

Smarter batteries. Israeli companies are at the forefront of next generation battery development (see here). Israeli startup Addionics says it has set a new standard for Electric Vehicle (EV) rechargeable batteries. Its aim is to improve performance, mileage, lifetime, safety and charging time for any type of battery.

A saxophone only the player can hear. (TY UWI) Israel’s Emeo has launched the world’s first digital practice saxophone. It enables saxophonists to practice anytime, anywhere. With headphones, Emeo cannot be heard by anyone else. Variable volume through speakers; Bluetooth for wireless playing; USB to recharge.

Prevents killing of male chicks. 7.5 billion unwanted male chicks are hatched each year. Four Israeli companies (see here) have developed technology to prevent this – the latest, Soos, has been selected as one of 11 startup finalists in Future Food Asia 2020.

GPS warning – camels in the road. Israel’s SMBIT (part of Startup Negev) has developed a solar-powered collar for every Bedouin-owned camel. If a camel comes within 100 meters of a road or rail track, GPS users will receive an automatic notification, e.g. via Waze, alerting drivers to slow down and avoid an accident.,7340,L-3839496,00.html


Strong trade links with Czech Republic. Since renewing diplomatic relations between Israel and the Czech Republic 30 years ago, mutual trade has boomed. Israel imports over $1 billion of Czech goods annually. The Czech Republic meanwhile seeks Israeli cybersecurity, digital health and Industry 4.0 innovations.,7340,L-3840431,00.html

Japanese investment increases. Despite Covid-19, Japanese investment in Israeli tech is on the rise. The total volume of Japanese investments in the first half of this year amounted to $472.3 million, up 15% from $412 million in the first half of 2019.,7340,L-3840822,00.html

Accelerating public transportation. A non-profit accelerator, Israeli Association of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) has been launched to promote tech to streamline transportation systems, raise safety levels, and reduce pollution during the Covid-19 crisis. Its startups are Spool, Opticity Israel, Safe-on, JesTap and Afik.,7340,L-3840836,00.html

New profession – Medical Data Analyst. In these days of a global pandemic, Medical big data analysts have become one of the most sought-after professions. In Israel, there are currently about 500 people who know how to derive insights from medical data, and the demand for them is increasing.,7340,L-3841080,00.html

Rewards for using local businesses. Customers using the Colu app (reported here previously) to purchase goods and services in Israel during the Covid-19 pandemic, contributed $4 million to local businesses from March to May. Business owners reported that some 30 percent of their economic activity came from Colu users.

Ford partners Mobileye for sensors. Israel-based Mobileye is to provide its EyeQ family of devices plus vision-processing software to the Ford Motor Company. EyeQ includes Lane-keeping and Pre-collision assist with automatic emergency braking. Ford will display Mobileye’s name on SYNC driver-assist displays.,7340,L-3840611,00.html

Remote working increases Check Point profits. Israeli cybersecurity giant Check Point reported increased quarterly net profit, beating market expectations. Check Point’s revenue was boosted by increased demand for network security as more people work remotely during the coronavirus outbreak.

Electronic visas for Botswana. The government of Botswana has selected Israel’s Pangea (reported here previously) to integrate its eVisa solution as part of Botswana’s efforts to expand its digital and online services. The online visa will enable visitors to Botswana have a seamless entry into the country.

Investing in Israeli startups. Hippo raised $150 million; Gett raised $76 million; Taranis raised $30 million; GoTo Global (formerly Car2Go) raised $19 million; XM Cyber raised $17 million; Belkin Laser raised $12.2 million; RealView Imaging raised $10 million; Epsagon raised $10 million; CIM Group invested $40 million in Ecoppia;


International cuisine comes to your home. Israeli on-line platform Delicious Experiences connects foodies in one-on-one virtual food tours to Michelin-starred restaurateurs, James Beard Award winners, bestselling cookbook authors, and other acclaimed culinary professionals.

Israeli singer is a hit in Africa singing in French. (TY UWI) Israeli singer-songwriter Noy Meirson was born and raised in Israel, but she has found success in Africa singing heartfelt ballads in the French language.

The next generation of chess champions. The UN proclaimed 20th July as International Chess Day to mark the date of the establishment of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) in Paris in 1924. Select Youtube’s captions feature to read what these budding young Israeli chess champions think about the game of chess.

iPhone photo award winner. Israeli photographer Avishai Futerman won second place in the Nature category of the 2020 iPhone Photography Awards (IPPAWARDS). With an iPhone XR, he took a photo of a kea – the world’s only species of alpine parrot – as it swooped down over the summit of Mt. Luxmore in New Zealand.


Kingdom of Judah site next to US Embassy. Israeli archaeologists have discovered a trove of artifacts from 2,700 years ago in Jerusalem. The 120+ jar handles with seal impressions, inscribed “to the King” in ancient Hebrew, indicate a key administrative site of the 1st Temple Kings of Judah – close to today’s US Embassy.

I.S.R.A.E.L. Israel in Ireland tweeted that Israel stands for Inspirational, Stunning, Radiant, Ancient, Eclectic and Lively.  My version is Inclusive, Spiritual, Revolutionary, Accessible, Exciting and Limitless. Send your suggestions to I hope to publish the best one next week.

The Rabbi and the soccer teams. Nice article about Rabbi Ami Pykovski – the Israeli Chabad Lubavitch rabbi and former soccer player – who has been nicknamed “The Soccer Players’ Rav” across the Israeli sports scene.

Free electric scooters to help save lives. Bird Rides Inc. is providing free access to its fleet of scooters to volunteer paramedics of Israeli non-profit United Hatzalah. The paramedic locates the closest available scooter, opens the Bird app, enters the code they received from United Hatzalah and rushes to the scene in seconds.,7340,L-3840807,00.html

A first for two paramedics. Two paramedics from Israel’s Magen David Adom delivered their first babies during their recent shifts. One paramedic was nervous with his first delivery in 3 years but was more confident delivering the second one 4 hours later. The baby delivered by the second paramedic was his wife’s!

Israel is the safest place. (TY WIN) Many Jews and former Israeli residents have decided that if they have to deal with Covid-19, they will be better off doing so in Israel. This June, 3,000 North Americans opened Aliya files versus 480 in June 2019. Demand for new apartments is at an all time high.

I am Israel. The film “I Am Israel” is a soaring journey through the Land of the Bible. It introduces Jewish men and women whose very lives are a testimony to divine promises. “I Am Israel” is narrated by award winning actor John Rhys-Davies, best known for his roles in the Indiana Jones and Lord of the Rings series. (inspiring trailer) (film clip – City of David)

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