Good News from Israel

This Week’s Sanity Report from Israel July 21 2019

The photo is of the Netanya performance of Israel’s Shalva Band. This talented group of “special” musicians performed during the Eurovision semi-finals

This Week’s Sanity Report from Israel July 21 2019

Israel performed brilliantly on the world stage last week. It won international awards; it received US & European approval, funds and partnerships for Israeli innovations, it was recognized for reducing UK obesity, for fighting human trafficking and promoting UN sustainable goals. International musicians wowed Israeli audiences and many Israelis enjoyed global sporting successes.

The highlights include:

  • Europe has approved an Israeli headset for treating migraine.
  • The first Arab woman in charge of an Israeli ER room.
  • Israeli archaeologists excavate an ancient mosque.
  • Israel presents its sustainable developments to the UN.
  • The European Commission is buying shares in Israeli startups.
  • Netflix has made a movie about Israel’s rescue of Ethiopian Jews.
  • An Arab Muslim paramedic saves the life of a Jewish bride.


Phase 3 trials for pancreatic cancer treatment. (TY Stuart). I reported previously (10th Jun) results of trials of one pancreatic treatment at Israel’s Sheba hospital. Sheba are now starting Phase 3 trials of another, CPI-613 (devimistat) from Israeli biotech Rafael, which can also treat Acute Myeloid Leukemia and other cancers.

Israeli project reduces UK child obesity. (TY UWI) Between 2009 and 2017 child obesity increased across the UK but fell 6.4% in Leeds – England’s 3rd largest city. This was due to the HENRY [Health Exercise Nutrition for the Really Young] initiative, developed by Professor Mary Rudolf of Israel’s Bar-Ilan University.

Custom-tailored antibiotics. (TY WIN & UWI) I reported previously (23rd Feb) on the AI system devised at Israel’s Technion for identifying the right antibiotic and dose for curing an individual’s infection. Now, thanks to the KSM Institute of Israel’s Maccabi Health company, the system is getting much nearer to fruition.

Hope for multi-disease treatment. I reported previously (Feb 2018) about the 5-mer peptide, developed by Professor David Naor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Its potential to treat inflammatory and brain diseases has now been recognized by donors and an Israeli biotech which has signed contracts for clinical trials.

Moses wins excellence award. (TY Atid-EDI) I reported previously (23rd Oct) on the Moses laser from Israel’s Lumenis that urologists were using to smash bladder stones. Its technology was the Silver Winner in the Operating Room Medical Device category of the 21st Annual Medical Design Excellence Awards.

Europe approves migraine headset. (TY Atid-EDI) I reported previously (see here) on the Relivion headset device from Israel’s Neurolief that treats migraines using adaptive multi-channel brain neuromodulation technology. Relivion has just received the CE mark to allow it to be sold over the counter in the EU.

Europe funds Israeli prostate implant. (TY Atid-EDI) I reported previously (Nov 2014) on Israel’s ProArc Medical and its ClearRing implant to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). ProArc has just received a $2.2 million grant from the Horizon 2020 program to commercialize the minimally invasive reshaping implant.

US approval for pelvic prolapse treatment. (TY Atid-EDI) I reported previously (see here) on two innovative Israeli medical procedures for pelvic prolapse. However, two devices from Israel’s ConTipi Medical are much simpler. Impressa was acquired by Kimberly Clark in 2013. ProVate has CE and now FDA approval.

Arab woman heads Israeli emergency room. (TY Hazel) I reported previously (Apr 2013) when Muslim doctor Aziz Darawshe became director of the emergency department at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Center. Now, Hadassah’s Dr. Shaden Salameh has become the first Arab woman to head-up an Israeli emergency room.

Weizmann scientists aim to stop skin cancer. This latest “Weizmann in Focus” video summarizes the work of Professor Yardena Samuels, tuning treatment to an individual’s unique genomic profile. She also discovered the signposts to guide immunotherapy treatments and destroy 90% of the targeted melanoma cells.

Bio-meds go for funds. (TY Sharon) Six Israeli bio-techs pitched their therapies to investors at the Azrieli College of Engineering. Concenter (type-2 diabetes treatment), Omnysense (hi-tech thermometer), Omnix (antibiotic), Neurogenesis (neuron injections), Vaxil (anti-cancer vaccine) and Virucure (anti-cancer virus).


Promoting unity. (TY Sharon) The many events in Jerusalem last week included the Jerusalem Unity Prize awards. They were given to three Israeli projects that promote unity and the Moishe House for the diaspora.

Samaria town has highest matriculation rate. The Jewish Samaria town of Elkana has the highest percentage of students receiving their high school diplomas – over 98%. In equal third place was the Arab town of Kaukab Abu al-Hija in the Lower Galilee with 96%.

Funds for Bedouin Arab education. “Momentum,” a program developed by non-profit Social Finance Israel, aims to boost the number of high school graduates from the Arab Bedouin city of Rahat. NIS 14.8 million worth of Impact Bonds have been sold, to help benefit 50% more students than the 1,200 in the current scheme.

Excavating an ancient mosque. Israeli archaeologists don’t just focus on Jewish Biblical sites. They also have discovered (and are now excavating) a 7th to 8th century rural mosque, one of the earliest known in the world, in the town of Rahat in the Negev.

Inspired by Bahrain. Israeli and Palestinian Arab entrepreneurs toured the Dead Sea region to build upon Bahrain’s “Peace to Prosperity” economic workshop. They explored trade, agriculture, tourism and culture opportunities, visiting the Beit HaArava plant, the Kalia beach, an art Gallery and a Moroccan restaurant.

Haifa Uni verifies Puerto Rican artifacts. The University of Haifa has validated 800 stone statuettes from Puerto Rico as being carved in the 16th century and not modern forgeries. It helps researchers on the Caribbean island with their investigations into pre-Colombian history.

University debate winners. A Tel Aviv University debating team won the European Round Robin (ERR), an exclusive university-level debate competition in Warsaw, Poland. The winning pair, Tom Manor and Noam Dahan beat 15 other teams – most of them previously European or World champions.

Top combater of human trafficking again. (TY Atid-EDI) For the eighth consecutive year, Israel has won the US State Department’s highest rating in the battle against human trafficking. The 2019 Trafficking in Persons Report ranked Israel as a Tier 1 state. Israel focuses on prevention, enforcement and protecting the victims.


Implementing the UN’s sustainable development goals. The only good in the United Nations is its social and scientific agenda. This video was made to show to the UN Israel’s work to improve humanity in the areas of the environment, health, food, agriculture, access to water and electricity, medical training, and science skills.

Even in Cuba. (TY Hazel) Dr. Doron Markel, KKL-JNF Chief Scientist, led a presentation in Cuba on sustainable developments in forestation and large-scale water projects tools to adapt to the effects of climate change in Israel and the Middle East. 1,400 delegates from over thirty countries attended Cubambiente 2019.

Irish Times praises Israeli desalination. Rare (and mostly positive) tribute to Israel’s water technology in the Irish press. It reports that up to 80% of Israel’s water flows from desalination plants at one-third of the cost during 1990s. It also suggests that solving water scarcity can reduce tensions across the Middle East.

From the Moon to Mars. As NASA (and the world) celebrates the 50th anniversary of the first human to walk on the Moon, this video highlights the cosmic radiation protection vest from Israel’s StemRad that will eventually enable the first human to walk on Mars.

(Previously reported here)

Making light work of forensic testing. BGN Technologies, the technology transfer company of Israel’s Ben-Gurion University, has developed an ultra-sensitive device for detecting minute traces of blood and other particles. It uses luminol, a chemical that exhibits chemiluminescence to expose much smaller blood samples.

Artificially intelligent traffic lights. Drivers heading for Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport will soon encounter Israel’s first AI (Artificially Intelligent) traffic light. Israeli startup Intelligent Traffic Control Ltd. (ITC) uses cameras to transmit traffic data to ITC’s control center where signal changes are determined automatically.

Speaking up for Israeli trains. (TY Atid-EDI) Motorola Solutions is to supply Israel Railways with a new push-to-talk over cellular (POC) communication system to improve efficiency and safety of operations. WAVE (Motorola’s work group communication service), will allow staff to communicate across the railway’s lines,

The sweet smell of success. Israeli startup Moodify aims to solve odor issues in vehicles with fragrances that do not cover up awful smells but instead change your perception of them. Just as “white noise” can eliminate unwanted sounds, Moodify’s “white scent” counters bad odors such as rotten bananas or cigarettes.


93% tourists enjoyed visiting Israel. In the Tourism Ministry’s annual Inbound Tourism Survey just published, 93% of tourists ranked their 2018 Israel visit in the “good to excellent” category. Over 50% said that their views on Israel had changed for the better with only 1.5% changing for the worse.

BDS Fails. Great blog by newsletter supporter Nevet Basker. Since the 2005 start of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanction) campaign, Israel’s economy has improved by 100% with GDP per capital up 27%. Exports are up by 43% and tourism by 70%. Foreign investment is up 277%. Tiny Israel is an economic power.

New NY-Israel partnerships. Following his recent trip to Israel, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a wide-ranging series of economic development partnerships between New York State and 17 Israeli entities. They involve UAV / drones, transportation, energy, cybersecurity, financial technology and health care industries.

Euro Commission to buy shares in Israeli startups. (TY Hazel) The European Commission will invest up to €15 million in Israeli companies (up to €2 million in each) for the purposes of commercializing products. It will be the first time that the Commission has taken equity stakes in startup companies.

Funds for student entrepreneurs. Israel’s Council for Higher Education has assigned $27.7 million over five years for universities and colleges to set up or boost entrepreneurship and innovation programs. The goal of the New Campus Vision is to promote vibrant, inspirational, entrepreneurial centers.

Israel’s hot market for hi-tech skills. This article provides a feel for the huge amount of effort and expense that Israeli hi-tech companies put into recruiting and retaining their employees.,7340,L-3766267,00.html

Vehicle security startup goes global. More news about Israeli startup Karamba (see previous here) and its systems for preventing cyber-attacks on a vehicle’s engine control unit. Karamba’s technology is now to be integrated into the car infotainment systems of Japan’s Alpine Electronics – Karamba’s 17th partnership.,7340,L-3766435,00.html


Paul Anka wows Tel Aviv. Aged 77, Paul Anka’s 4th Israel concert was an amazing success. He had no warm-up act and took no break during a 2-hour performance. He sang, played piano, guitar and conducted hits like Puppy Love,” “Diana,” and of course “My Way” – the lyrics he wrote for Sinatra. The crowd loved him.

“Slash” is back. I reported previously (see here) when ex-lead guitarist of “Guns & Roses” played in Israel. Slash returned to perform to an enthusiastic crowd at the Tel Aviv Exhibition Center with his backing band Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators. He played many rousing guitar riffs and solos.

An extraordinary musician. US “experiential” pianist Murray Hidary’s 3 Israeli performances this week should be exciting. He feeds off the different natural ambience of each location and his Beit Guvrin show will be in a huge beautiful cave. He also performs at HaYarkon Park and Apollonia National Park.

Netflix movie of the rescue of Ethiopian Jews. Netflix has made a new film, telling the story of the Mossad operation to rescue Ethiopian Jews from Sudan in the early 1980s and bring them to the Jewish State. The spy thriller, “The Red Sea Diving Resort,” is inspired by real events and will be released on July 31.

How to keep your cool. (TY Janglo) Here are some tips to help enjoy Israel’s summer like a local. They include sunshades, water fountains, white shirt over your head, sunscreen and sunglasses, loose clothing, free water parks, fruit shakes and ice pops, avoid peak sun, avoid oven cooking and finally – conserve water.

Improve your tennis with your smartphone. Budding tennis professionals (and even top stars) can now examine their progress and improve their game using the results data analysis app from Israel’s LVision. Its AI system converts videos of matches into statistics, including speed and distance covered of balls and players.,7340,L-3766261,00.html

Israeli sporting successes. This week there was gold for Judoka Ori Sasson in Budapest; two golds and a silver in the World Rowing Cup; Israel’s under-18 baseball squad qualified for Europe; and Selamawit Dagnachew (5km) and Marhu Teferi (marathon) will be the first married couple to represent Israel at the Olympics.


Jerusalem the eternal city. Archaeologists have unearthed a massive Neolithic city during construction of the access roads from the Motza junction to the future Jerusalem Gateway business park. They discovered ancient alleys, buildings for up to 3,000 residents, burial sites, arrowheads, jewelry, plaster, seeds and seashells.

Hundreds of new Olim arrive. Over 200 new Jewish immigrants have just arrived in Israel from France, Argentina, Brazil and Eastern Europe. There were tears of joy from many of the 100 French Olim. One said. “I know life in Israel will be better – I will be more free to be Jewish, and that’s what I’m looking so forward to.”

Nearly killed by Hamas rocket, now he joins elite IDF unit. (TY WIN) In 2002, before Iron Dome, an Israeli toddler was badly wounded when Hamas fired a huge barrage of rockets at the town of Sederot. His little body absorbed 147 shrapnel wounds. Now age 18, he is joining an elite Naval commando unit.

Israeli Arab Muslim saved the bride’s life. At a recent Jewish wedding chuppah, United Hatzalah paramedic Muawiya Kabha told the other guests that 10 years earlier the bride should have been declared dead in a road accident. “But something from above told me that I need to fight for her.” After 40 minutes of CPR, her heart began to beat. (uplifting video)

Where Biblical dyes were made. Scientists have studied finds previously uncovered at Tel Shikmona, south of Haifa. They have concluded that Shikmona was the first biblical-era facility for producing prestigious purple and blue-dyed textiles (argaman and techelet).



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