Good News from Israel

This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel – Jan. 17 2016

This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel - Jan. 17 2016

A suitcase that follows you around. This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel – Jan. 17 2016

This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel – Jan. 17 2016

Thanks to Michael Ordman good news from Israel for compiling this weekly report.

The highlights include:

  • An Israeli anti-Rabies vaccine is now available in 10 countries.
  • Israel is opening a chain of 40 non-profit supermarkets.
  • Israel’s UK aid team is now helping flood victims in Scotland.
  • Israeli 3D sensors can see through walls and find tumors under the skin.
  • An Israeli hands-free suitcase will follow you around.
  • Global deals boost prospects of two Israeli water companies.
  • Aliya from Western Europe is at an all-time high.


Rabies vaccine is ready for US market. Following successful trials, Israeli biotech Kamada has launched its KamRAB anti-Rabies vaccine in 10 countries, including Israel. Kamada will now apply for a Biologics License Application (BLA) from the US FDA – the last step before offering a remedy for sale in the United States.


Collagen wound treatment final trials success. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s CollPlant announced positive final trial results for Vergenix FG (Flowable Gel), designed for the treatment of chronic, hard to heal wounds and surgical wounds. 4 weeks after a single application, average wound closure was 80% with 45% fully closed.


Blood test for Alzheimer’s. Israeli biotech NeuroQuest is to begin clinical trials of its blood test for early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Human trials in Israel have already proved 87% accurate – with blood tests, anything over 70% is considered medically significant.


Non-implant heart valve treatment. Israel’s Pi-Cardia has developed the Leaflex Catheter System – a novel non-implant based technology for treating patients with aortic valve stenosis, rather than replacing the heart valve. Pi-Cardia has just raised $10 million to help complete development of a second-generation device.


Faster diagnosis of a heart attack. Dr Amos Danielli, now of Israel’s Bar Ilan University, developed technology at Tel Aviv University to identify minute quantities of chemicals using magnetic particles attached to fluorescent molecules. One use is to detect the protein Troponin, an indicator of an imminent heart attack. Dr Danielli has founded the company MagBiosense which has won a NIS 900,000 grant from the BIRD foundation.

Israel hosts emergency response conference. Israel hosted hundreds of delegates from 30 countries, plus the World Health Organization, at the Fourth Israeli International Conference on Healthcare System, Preparedness and Response to Emergencies and Disasters in Tel Aviv and Beersheva.


Helping us get to 120. Israeli-born Technion graduate Dr Nir Barzilai is now director of the Institute for Aging Research at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. As he approaches his 60th birthday himself, he is working with the US FDA on treatments that could make everyone live a lot longer.

This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel – Jan. 17 2016






More opportunities for the disabled. The Israeli Government is establishing the first national employment center for disabled Israelis. In addition, a new Israeli law will prohibit banks from denying mortgages to individuals with significant disabilities, such as those suffering from ALS or autism.


Non-profit supermarkets to help the poor. Israel’s first non-profit supermarket co-op store has opened in the southern Israeli city of Sderot. Ten co-ops are planned to open each year, providing a low-cost shopping alternative for the socio-economically challenged communities in Israel’s northern and southern periphery.


Speak for yourself. (TY Chani) Israeli charity Ezer Mizion’s Speech Generating Device Lending Center is one of only three of its kind in the entire world. Read how its remarkable technological solutions for the speech impaired can help those imprisoned in their own bodies to communicate and to be included in society.


Bedouin in the Israeli hi-tech sector. (TY David and Hazel) Highlights that even Israeli Arabs living in the Negev desert can succeed in Israel’s hi-tech workplace. (Still several major errors and bias, but a relatively positive article in the usually anti-Israel NY Times.)


Bedouins help Israel fight terrorists. 25-year-old Mohammad Ka’abiyah, a Political Sciences student at Haifa university, is one of around 1,700 Bedouin soldiers voluntarily serving in the Israel Defense Forces. “I am proud of being Bedouin, Arab, Muslim and Israeli” he says.” “I am also proud to fight in the Israeli army.”


Nazareth mayor & PM call for co-existence. Mayor of Nazareth, Ali Salam, invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to visit his city, saying “It would be a great honor for me to host you in Nazareth. I believe in coexistence and in the only way – that we should live together and continue together.”


Making changes in China. The Startup Nation is driving dramatic changes in the culture and politics of China. One of those influencers is the Lahav Executive Education, a Tel Aviv University project that organizes and runs executive training programs in management and business skills.


Israeli flood aid team moves on to Scotland. Five volunteers from the IsraAid disaster relief team have finished their work in Leeds UK and are now helping residents of Aberdeen in Scotland. Parts of the city in have been badly affected by storm-force winds and heavy rainfall, with rivers bursting their banks.


Ukraine’s solidarity with Israel. During his official state visit to Israel, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed several bilateral agreements focused on developing and strengthening scientific and technological cooperation. He also expressed his desire to increase bi-national trade from its current $1 billion level.


25 years of friendship with Albania. Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama met Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem and signed bilateral agreements on medical cooperation and other matters. They also signed a declaration of friendship to mark 25 years of diplomatic relations with Israel.



Agritech on Gaza border. Despite its location close to Gaza, Israel’s Phytech (see July newsletter) is to receive funds from major firms interested in its crop sensor technology. Phytech’s PlantBeat is used in the biggest farms in the US, Brazil and Australia, plus 60% of tomato farmers and 40% of cotton growers in Israel.


3D imaging at your fingertips. (TY Atid-EDI) The 3D sensors from Israeli startup Vayyar can see through skin and tissue to detect cancer, through walls to detect structural foundations, and can track a person’s location and vital signs as they move through a Smart Home. Vayyar has just raised $22 million to launch globally.



Protecting UK kids from unsafe WiFi. (TY Atid-EDI) Israeli cybersecurity specialist Cyren has been accredited as a “Friendly WiFi” approved provider by the UK Council for Child Internet Safety. CYREN’s cyber security solutions protect thousands of public WiFi installations in the UK.


This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel – Jan. 17 2016

A more relevant comment. Most of the comments you see about Internet articles are tucked away at the bottom of the article, where no-one is looking. Israeli startup Fidback, however, allows you to make comments directly next to the text that you are referring to, so you can get into a really good on-line conversation.



Leak detection could save your home. Israel’s Aqua-Rimat is running a pilot of its Flowless water leak detection system in 500 Israeli homes. The system is one of the Internet of Things (IoT), allowing you to remotely turn off the water to your property.



Get the right price for your product. Israel’s Feedvisor allows on-line suppliers to quickly change prices for their products in response to changing market conditions. Feedvisor analyzes hundreds of thousands of data points in real-time to determine the precise point at which customers will make a buying purchase.


Fast broadband for the UK. Israel’s Gilat Satellite Networks is supplying its HTS VSAT Networks to Broadband satellite operator Avanti Communications to provide the fastest available broadband Internet access to rural households throughout the United Kingdom.


A suitcase that follows you around. Israel’s NUA Robotics has designed luggage that travels hands-free on flat surfaces. It has a camera sensor to detect where you are and Bluetooth connection to your smartphone and an alarm to deter against theft.


This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel – Jan. 17 2016

The world’s second-largest cyber event. Hundreds of overseas delegations, companies, and investors will attend Cybertech in Tel Aviv on Jan 26/27. Cybertech is the world’s second largest cybersecurity event. It includes an exhibition with 250 companies, 100 of which are Israeli startups.


Vegan baby milk at Food Tech Nation. (TY Dan) If you are interested in the progress of INDI – the Israeli non-dairy, no soy infant milk (see Oct 2014 newsletter) it was one of the stars at Tel Aviv’s Food Tech Nation 2015. Stage 3 formula milk should hopefully be available commercially by the end of this year.





Less exits but more profit. Israeli high-tech companies generated $9.02 billion in profits from 104 exits in 2015. The number of exits decreased by 10% compared to 2014, as more Israeli companies grew rather than sold out. Total profit from exits rose 16%, with the average exit deal in 2015 amounting to $87 million.


Optimistic economic prospects. (TY Nevet) Israel’s economic future looks good, according to this report.


The worst kept secret. Israel has no diplomatic relations with Indonesia – the largest Muslim country, but bi-lateral trade reaches hundreds of millions of dollars a year. One of the Indonesia’s top venture capitalists spoke to a crowd of 600 at Tel Aviv’s Israel Foreign Trade Conference, but his name could not even be reported.


VW eyes Israeli tech for self-driving car. Israel’s Mobileye has signed an agreement with Volkswagen in preparation for installing Mobileye’s self-driving technology in Volkswagen vehicles. Mobileye is already working with two other car manufacturer that with VW would account for one third of global auto sales.


Frutarom buys into Israeli algae. Israeli flavors and specialty natural ingredients company Frutarom has purchased 50% of Algalo Industries, based at Kibbutz Ein Hamifratz near Haifa. Algalo has a unique and innovative method for cultivating algae that contain active ingredients for the food nutrition industry.


Cleaner water. Israel’s Amiad has opened its first UK office, in Swansea – home of Welsh Water, to support increasing demand in the UK and Europe. Also, Israeli irrigation specialists Netafim has signed an exclusive distribution agreement to market Amiad’s Arkal product lines for the irrigation market in numerous countries.


Purifying Schweppes in Australia. Israel’s Mapal Green Energy has signed its first major contract in Australia – supplying a system to clean up wastewater from Schweppes’ factories throughout the country.


Business is booming in China. An unprecedented 150 leaders from 90 Israeli companies recently attended a two-day investors’ summit in Beijing. Meanwhile, Israel Aerospace Industries is to build a development center in Shantou, China in order to expand local aircraft manufacturing.


Trendit launches on UK Stock Exchange. Israel’s Trendit has raised 4 million Euros with a successful IPO on the UK Stock Exchange. Its share price has since risen by 22%. Trendit’s app tracks smartphone signals and uses them to analyze population samples at a specific time or location for a variety of targets.


Plenty of credit for Israeli tech startups. Recent successful fund-raising for Israeli hi-tech companies include $17 million for MultiPhy – developer of DSP-based high bandwidth CMOS communications semiconductors for Data Center connectivity. Also, $35 million for Israeli flash storage company Elastifile.



Chamber music festival in Eilat. The Eilat Chamber Music Festival from 1st to 6th Feb is one of the leading international festivals in Israel. Renowned French, Belgium and German ensembles will perform, as well as Jewish musicians from Spain and Israel.


Pat Boone to perform in Tel Aviv. US legendary singer, composer, actor and TV star Pat Boone will perform at Tel Aviv’s Mann Auditorium on 1st March 2016. His famous songs include “Speedy Gonzalez”, “April Love”, “Love Letters in the Sand” and “Moody River”.


Living next door to Alice. Chris Norman, legendary front man of the British rock band Smokie, is to perform at the Mann Auditorium, Tel Aviv on March 30th. Chris and his band gained popularity in the ’70s, with hits such as “Living next door to Alice”. “Midnight Lady” is one of his most popular solo songs.


“Together against the Odds-2” (TY Grant) More opportunities to see this two-person comedy musical about falling in love, converting and making Aliya. See the youtube.



A new seaside park – inland. (TY Janglo) The city of Modi’in Maccabim-Reut is building an artificial beach park. It will include a wave pool, water installations, restaurants and cafes and will take 3 years to build.



Level of Lake Kinneret begins to rise. Despite having plenty of drinking water from desalination, Israelis are very happy to see the first increase in the level of the Kinneret / Sea of Galilee this winter. Previous rains fell mostly in the center and south of the country.

Over 30,000 make Aliya in 2015. Over 30,000 new immigrants arrived in Israel in the past year, 10% more than in 2014 and the highest number in over a decade. Nearly 8,000 came from France, while around 7,000 came from Ukraine. Tel Aviv received the most immigrants, followed by Netanya, Jerusalem and Haifa. Aliya from the UK in 2015 increased by 25% from the previous year. Aliya from Western Europe hit record levels.,7340,L-4746027,00.html


Returning to the Jewish State. Israel’s Academy of Sciences and Humanities is running its first-ever job fair to help over 3000 Israeli academics working overseas who have applied for assistance in finding a job in Israel. Over 1,700 of the applicants are currently working in the US, and 228 are employed in the UK.


This land is your birthright. (TY Sharon) 3,000 young Jews from seven countries gathered in the Jerusalem International Conference Center for Taglit-Birthright’s Mega Event of 2016. And Israel is making it easier for Birthright and Masa participants to extend their stay in the Jewish State without unnecessary bureaucracy.




Emunah celebrates 80th anniversary. (TY Sharon) Israeli President Rivlin welcomed leaders of Emunah, the National Religious Women’s Organization, to honor 80 years of caring and educating. Emunah in Israel operates 140 daycare centers, serving 9,000 children. Educational institutions include 19 midrashot for women.


Stabbing victim recovers to celebrate Bar Mitzvah. 13-year-old Naor Shalev Ben-Ezra recently has just had his Bar Mitzvah at the Western Wall, two months after suffering life-threatening injuries when stabbed on his bike, by two Palestinian Arab teenagers. One guest was David Dalfon, the MDA paramedic who saved his life.

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