Good News from Israel

This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel Feb. 28, 2021

This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel Feb. 28, 2021

Dozens of Israeli innovations, products and programs were launched in the two weeks since the last newsletter. Even the very first VeryGoodNewsIsrael zoom presentation. But the important launches included Tel Aviv University’s satellite to measure cosmic radiation; new medical devices; the TAU Artificial Intelligence training center; the project to build a gas pipeline to Egypt; plus many hi-tech and financial-tech products and programs.  Meanwhile, the blossoming of Israeli trees and blooming of red anemones in the south coincided with the re-launch of Israeli museums, malls, hotels and more, as millions of Israelis celebrated receiving their newly launched fully-vaccinated certificates.

The photo is of the entrance to “The Capsule” at the Peres Innovation Center in Tel Aviv which exhibits hundreds of the groundbreaking innovations launched in Israel.

The highlights include:

  • Fully vaccinated Israelis are more than 95% protected against Covid-19 infection.
  • Another African country is moving its embassy to Jerusalem.
  • An Israeli University nanosatellite has been launched into Space.
  • Watch a VeryGoodNewsIsrael presentation on Zoom.
  • A record 22 Israeli startups each raised millions of funds in just one week.
  • Gold for an Israeli judoka and silver for an Iranian in Tel Aviv event.
  • Even the Western Wall has received vaccinations.


Astonishing vaccination results. (TY WIN) Over 50% of all Israeli citizens have now received at least one Covid-19 vaccination, with 3 million (nearly one-third) having had both. The Pfizer vaccine is shown to be 95.8% effective in preventing new Covid-19 infections and nearly 99% effective in preventing serious illness.

Breakthrough in fighting resistant myeloma. Researchers at Israel’s Weizmann Institute have overcome the resistance of the most aggressive forms of multiple myeloma. In a trial of 41 patients at 15 Israeli hospitals they discovered that Cyclosporin A neutralizes the disease’s resistance to cancer-killing proteasome inhibitors.

Blood cancer treatment trial succeeds. (TY Nevet) Israel’s Gamida Cell (reported here previously) published the results of its Phase 3 trial of omidubicel (previously NiCord) in blood-based cancer patients. The treatment resulted in faster blood count recovery, fewer bacterial and viral infections, and fewer days in the hospital.

Innovations in Life Sciences. On 2nd Mar, the JNF is hosting a webinar featuring Israeli and US innovations in the Life Sciences. It includes the Chief Scientific & Medical Officer Prof. Dror Mevorach of Israel’s Enlivex Therapeutics – developer of COVID-19 “cure” Allocetra.  Registration required; donations are welcome.

A healthier alternative to antibiotics. Tel Aviv University researchers have developed a biological antibiotic derived from human monoclonal antibodies, as an alternative to traditional chemical antibiotics. The antibodies were taken from a recovered tuberculosis patient and were shown to kill TB bacteria – still a major global issue.

Just one drop of blood. (TY UWI) Ben Gurion University researchers have invented a miniaturized micro-electrode sensor that accurately checks clozapine levels in a tiny sample of blood obtained by a simple finger prick. Clozapine treats schizophrenia but the sensor is the basis for monitoring many other chemical levels.

Unique medical approval for a wristwatch. Israel’s CardiacSense has received the European CE Mark for its medical-grade wristwatch that continually measures heart rate and arrhythmias. It is the first time an official regulator has approved such a device. CardiacSense has distribution agreements worth some $100 million.,7340,L-3892750,00.html

Calm in a pandemic. Israeli-founded Dendro Technolgies and its Calmigo handheld device (reported here previously) are helping to make life less stressful for those struggling to cope in a coronavirus world.  The US Veterans Administration is giving Calmigo free to veterans and the IRS have even approved it as tax deductible.

Off the hook. Surgeons at the Baruch Padeh Medical Center near Tiberias saved the eye of a fisherman who accidentally speared himself with his own fishhook. The delicate operation included cutting the hook, releasing the eye tissue and repairing the eyeball. The doctors were optimistic of restoring full visual function to the eye.


Free food with your vaccination. (TY WIN & ILTV) Tel Aviv municipality is providing pizza, hummus and cholent as incentives for vaccinating. Other offers included a voucher for a free drink at the bar for those showing proof of vaccination.

Vaccinating all survivors. The Claims Conference is partnering United Hatzalah to ensure that all of Israel’s 11,000 homebound Holocaust survivors receive their Covid-19 vaccine. The Claims Conference is investing NIS 5 million in the project to pay for the transport of all survivors to and from the vaccination centers.

Keeping an ear on the vulnerable. Israel’s offers “fly on the wall” security monitoring for the elderly and vulnerable who are looked after by caregivers. In the event of a mishap, Sensi delivers a voices-only record of care sessions, ensuring oversight for care agencies and peace-of-mind for family members.,7340,L-3894056,00.html

Arab medics find love at corona testing site. Several months ago, Magen David Adom volunteers Walla Tamimi and Ahmad Qarut began working shifts together at the corona testing center in Jerusalem. Last week, Qarut proposed to Tamimi at the precise spot where the two met. Qarut thanked MDA for its role in the match.

Cyber training to protect India.  Israel’s Cybint (reported here previously) has partnered IIT Jodhpur WhizHack Technologies to help Indian students earn an Advanced Certification in Cyber Defense. The new 480-hour, six-month course just launched will help India combat a huge increase in cyber-attacks during 2020.

Pipeline to Egypt. Egyptian Petroleum and Mineral Resources Minister Tarek El Molla came to Jerusalem to sign an agreement to connect Israel’s Leviathan gas field to the Liquefied Natural Gas facilities in Egypt. He discussed joint energy projects with Israel’s Prime Minister and visited Leviathan with Israel’s Energy Minister.

Global sustainable award in UAE. (TY JNS) Swedish-Israeli wave energy developer Eco Wave Power (see here previously) won the public voting for the Global Innovation Award in the “Life Under Water” category at Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week. Eco Wave Power generates clean electricity from ocean and sea waves.

Equatorial Guinea to move embassy to Jerusalem. President Teodoro Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea phoned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to say it is moving its embassy to Israel’s capital where it will join the USA and Guatemala. Kosovo and Malawi have also announced plans to open embassies in Jerusalem.


Campus satellite launches into space. TAU-SAT1, Tel Aviv University’s first nanosatellite, launched into space from Virginia, USA on its way to the International Space Station. When placed into orbit TAU-SAT1 will conduct several experiments, including measurement of the cosmic radiation around the Earth.   (actual launch) (lecture about the satellite, followed by launch)

Center for Artificial Intelligence. Tel Aviv University has launched its new Multidisciplinary Center for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science (DS) to train the next generation of researchers and industrialists in the sophisticated and complex world of deep science. The center was launched during TAU’s annual AI Week.,7340,L-3895229,00.html

Dispensing sterile gloves. Israel’s IGIN Tech (part of AIDOR International) has launched a smart machine that automatically fits disposable sterile gloves onto your hands in less than 5 seconds with no waste. Designed by Israel’s Geomatrix, it is suitable for hospitals, food preparation facilities and more. Many smart control features.

Dispensing full PPE uniforms. Israel’s Polytex dispenses clean uniforms and collects used ones in a fully automated, hands-free system. More than 3,000 Polytex machines have been installed in 20 countries.

Vaccine delivery by drone. (TY Stuart Pa) Israel’s Gadfin (reported here previously) is preparing its drones for delivery of COVID-19 vaccines by fitting them with a vaccine delivery-compliant compartment that can maintain minus 80° centigrade for up to three hours. Gadfin’s goal is an all-weather “railroad in the sky”.

Light up your workout. Israel’s Blazepod (reported here previously) is now being used by some 300,000 athletes in 120 countries since its launch in mid-2019. Ideal for home workouts, BlazePod’s “Flash Reflex Training,” uses small LED “pods” that blink in eight colors to guide your exercise routine.

Preventing Avian flu. Israel’s eggXYt uses a gene-editing platform to develop genetic resistance in chickens against avian influenza. eggXYt (reported here previously) has also developed an ultrasound egg check that spares male chicks from being hatched. MIT selected eggXYt for its Sustainable Food Systems Challenge.

Simulating physical stores online. Israel’s ByondXR is helping Coca-Cola, Target, Lancôme and other major brands and retailers to re-create the physical shopping experience for customers, but on the Internet. It immerses the customer and brings stores to life virtually.

Beating bad bots. (TY JBN) Israel’s PerimeterX defends web businesses with Bot Defender, Code Defender, and Page Defender. It says it proactively managed threats to $100 billion of e-commerce revenue in 2020.,7340,L-3895220,00.html

VeryGoodNewsIsrael on zoom. (TY Ilana) This newsletter editor gave his first-ever zoom presentation “Good Times, Better Times” last week, focusing on some of Israel’s groundbreaking technological innovations.  Luckily, the recording doesn’t reveal his shaking legs!


Huge surge in job openings. The OurCrowd jobs index at the end of 2020 shows its Israeli portfolio of companies has seen a 400% increase in vacancies from six months earlier. Software engineers are most in demand.

Innovation cities. Israel’s Interior Ministry and Peres Center for Peace and Innovation has selected Eilat, Beit Shemesh, Netanya and Sakhnin to join the Hazira innovation program to benefit municipal economies. They join Bat Yam, Ashdod, Acre and the Western Negev Regional Cluster, which have already launched projects.

European VC giant makes first Israeli investment. EQT Private Equity, the giant European Venture Capital fund, has invested in its first Israeli company – cybersecurity startup EVC. EVC’s flagship product, Hyver, uses advanced algorithms and graph modeling to assess an organization’s security, as well as third-party vendors.,7340,L-3892834,00.html

Fashion retailer launches tech accelerator. Israeli retailer Fox-Wizel has launched Fox Labs, an accelerator for companies and entrepreneurs that are active in the retail-tech sector. It is seeking startups to invest in, partner with and that can test and implement technology, solutions and products in the chain’s 800 stores.,7340,L-3895103,00.html

Milk and Honey is a winner. Israeli single malt whisky distiller Milk and Honey (reported here previously) has won Whisky Magazine’s Craft Producer of the Year in the category Icons of Whiskies Rest of World 2021.

The first Israeli bank digital wallet. Israel’s Bank Hapoalim has launched its new digital wallet, allowing customers to pay at stores by simply touching their smartphone to the checkout device. Bank Leumi and Israel Discount Bank, plus supermarket chains Shufersal and Rami Levy are also said to be developing digital wallets.

7th Israeli acquisition for Palo Alto Networks. Silicon Valley cyber powerhouse Palo Alto Networks has bought its seventh Israeli company. It is paying $156 million for Israeli cybersecurity startup Bridgecrew (reported here previously) which only emerged from stealth (secret development) in June.,7340,L-3894051,00.html

More protection for Europe. Germany has signed an agreement to protect its fleet of Leopard 2 tanks with Rafael Advanced Defense Systems’ Trophy active protection system. The system (called me’il ruach, or “windbreaker,” in Hebrew) is designed to protect armored vehicles from anti-tank missiles and rocket fire.

Investment in Israeli startups: CYE raised $120 million; Gamida Cell raised $75 million; Personetics raised $75 million; Pliops raised $65 million; PerimeterX raised $57 million; Lusha raised $40 million; Redefine Meat raised $29 million; Atera raised $25 million; Nanit raised $25 million; EquityBee raised $20 million; Galmed raised $18 million; accessiBe raised $16 million; Oribi raised $15.5 million; Theator raised $15.5 million; SecuriThings raised $14 million; FundGuard raised $12 million; SuperSmart raised $10 million; Mirato raised $9 million; Acumen raised $7 million; anecdotes raised $5 million; Bio-Fence raised $3.8 million; GOTO Global raised $3.5 million;


The museums are open again. (TY Margaret) Many of Israel’s world-famous museums have just re-launched. The Israel Museum had activities for Purim with free entrance for children. See links below for other exhibitions.

Israel’s eco-friendly Fashion Week. (TY Jacques) For the first time ever, Israeli Fashion Week (28 Mar – 1 Apr) will spotlight designers who focus on sustainable manufacturing and production processes. It will feature 40 of the top designers who use recycled textiles and have a sustainable vision.

Bringing Israel home.  Israeli-born chef and restauranteur Michael Solomonov is famous for the Israeli cuisine at his award-winning Philadelphia restaurant Zahav. He has now launched “Bringing Israel Home,” a new 16-part web series on Vimeo where he chats about Israeli cuisine,

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