Good News from Israel

This Weeks SANITY Report from Israel – April 27, 2014


 Sanity report from Israel

From left to right, Israeli Arab players Hanin Gamal Nasser, Walaa Hussien and Noura Abu-Shanab pose with their coach during a practice session in Petach Tikva | Photo credit: AP Sanity report from Israel



SANITY Report from Israel highlights include:


  • An Israeli treatment prevents epilepsy brought on by head trauma.
  • An ex-IDF soldier helped save a man and a baby from a burning car in London.
  • An Israeli belt protects against radiation from a nuclear incident.
  • An Israeli company produces music apps that encourage beginners to practice
  • Turkey has announced that it will buy Israeli natural gas.
  • New Whirlpool fridges will be insulated by Israeli technology.
  • Archaeologists have found an ancient chisel used by the builders of the 2nd Temple.


SANITY Report from Israel

Thanks to Michael Ordman and Good News from Israel



Treatment to stop epilepsy development. Attacks of epilepsy that have been brought on by head injury could be prevented using a new treatment developed by a team including scientists from Ben-Gurion University. In laboratory tests, Losartan (marketed as Cozaar) significantly cut down seizures.


Genetic-engineered tissue to repair muscle injury.   For the first time ever, Israel Technion scientists have transplanted engineered muscle tissue containing major blood vessels to repair a damaged abdomen. The breakthrough may lead to full abdominal surgery in humans using laboratory-generated tissue.


The DNA on/off switch. Hebrew University of Jerusalem geneticists have identified how different species of animals can have so many identical genes. Genes are silenced by on/off patterns in the epigenome. They also explain how twins with identical DNA sequences can have so many different characteristics.


What gene silencing can achieve. Weizmann Institute graduate Leemor Joshua-Tor describes her research which includes the discovery of a protein that can destroy defective genes in the RNA that are responsible for viruses and diseases such as macular degeneration and cancer.


Hypoparathyroidism treatment gets US boost. Israel’s Entera Bio has obtained orphan status from the US FDA for its oral treatment for hypoparathyroidism (decreased function of the parathyroid glands). The condition results in muscle cramping, twitching, or involuntary contraction, and several other symptoms.


Radio waves treatment for Barrett esophagus. Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center now offers radiowave treatment instead of surgery to eliminate abnormal cells and prevent the development of cancer in patients suffering from Barrett esophagus. Instead of 10 days’ hospitalization, patients go home the same day.





African Hebrew Israelite proudly serves in the IDF. Private Menusa Ben Israel grew up in the African Israelite Hebrew community of Dimona. The cultural group was founded in Chicago, and in the 1960s, its members immigrated to Israel. Menusa was born in Israel and her father is the leader of the community.


Technology brings together Jewish & Arab teens.For 10 years, the Middle East Education through Technology (MEET) program has been uniting budding hi-tech Palestinian and Israeli entrepreneurs from Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Ramallah, Mevasseret Zion, Nazareth and Beit Shemesh.


Women’s soccer team includes Arabs and Jews. When the Israeli women’s soccer team Hapoel Petach Tikva lost a number of its players to Israel’s national team ahead of World Cup qualifiers, founder Rafi Subra made a decision that sets the team apart from many of its rivals – he recruited from the Arab villages of northern Israel.


Ex-IDF soldier rescues baby from burning car. The Israeli, identified only as Shlomo and his friend heard an explosion outside a synagogue in North London, UK. They managed to save a baby and an elderly man from a car just moments before flames engulfed it.





The world’s top producer of in-cab mobile terminals. Israel’sMicronet supplies half a million terminals for fleet vehicles such as trucks and taxis – more than any other manufacturer. The company’s new A317 model just released now allows users to run apps developed for Android-based tablets.


Belt protects against radiation. Israel’s Stemrad has developed a belt to protect first responders from gamma radiation – for situations such as the disaster at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. The belt protects the pelvic area, where most of the body’s renewable bone marrow is concentrated.


Israeli radar to protect South Korea from the North. A team of South Korean military and acquisition officials has been dispatched to Israel to purchase low-altitude surveillance radars capable of detecting small, unmanned drones from North Korea. South Korea recently discovered three UAVs near the border.


The cutting edge of desalination. British trade journal Global Water Intelligence has bestowed its top awards on Israel’s IDE Technologies. Initiatives such as the Soreq plant and the Carlsbad project “will ensure that IDE remains at the cutting edge of the desalination industry for at least another four decades,”


Israeli scientists spring-clean the planet. To mark Earth Day, Weizmann Institute’s latest e-magazine includes the work of Professor Berkowitz who has transformed toxic chemicals in water into harmless compounds. Also Professor Bayer who designed bacteria that turns waste paper into sugar. And much more.


An app to make you enjoy music. Weizmann graduate Yuval Karminka found that 85% of non-musicians wish they had learned to play a musical instrument. He then founded JoyTunes that produces popular music learning apps that encourage the novice musician to advance in their practicing.





Israelis get their jabs. The vaccination rate among Israeli children is among the world’s highest and the availability of free immunization is among the best the world, the Health Ministry announced during World Immunization Week.About 95 percent of babies and children receive routine vaccinations at well-baby clinics.





Biodegradable packaging attracts Hong Kong billionaire. Horizon Venture, owned by Hong Kong’s Li Ka-shing is leading a $10 million investment round in Israel’s Tipa. The Israeli start-up has developed beverage packaging that is biodegradable within 180 days.


Amazon Fire TV features Israeli video app. Israel’s Magisto turns home movies into professional quality video. Amazon’s newly announced Amazon Fire TV promotes Magisto as giving customers “access to their favorite video and photo memories right in their living rooms, displayed in a visually stunning way.”


Turkey to buy Israeli gas. Turkey’s Turcas Petrol has notified the Istanbul Stock Exchange that its gas subsidiary has initiated negotiations to buy natural gas from Israel’s Leviathan field, for domestic customers. Israeli gas would be delivered to Turkey via an undersea pipeline.


Trade with Singapore rises 44 percent. Total Singapore-Israel trade in the first quarter of 2014 surged 44.4% year-on-year to S$604.6 million (approx 483 million US dollars). Israel exported approx $300 million worth of goods to Singapore whilst $184 million worth of goods went in the other direction.


$570 million for juvenile diabetes company. Israel’s Andromeda Biotech has been purchased by Hyperion Therapeutics for a total of $570 million. Andromeda’s DiaPep277 is a therapy for Type 1 (juvenile) diabetes. The drug is undergoing a Phase III clinical trial, with results due in the first quarter of 2015.


$200 million for Israeli security company. Palo Alto Networks has bought Israel’s Cyvera for $200million for its end-point security solution. Cyvera prevents the latest (zero-day) attacks on mobile devices (e.g. smartphones and laptops), even if the device is not updated with the relevant anti-virus protection.


Israel’s splendid global integration. Yoram Ettinger’s latest financial report on Israel contains eight key indicators. All positive.


IBM launches Israeli start-up accelerator. IBM Corporation is joining the wave of technology incubator programs with the launch of its first-ever start-up accelerator in Israel. IBM Alpha Zone Accelerator will provide a 24-week program providing free use of IBM’s development tools and services up to a value $24,000.


Israeli income tax is less than most OECD countries. The average income tax rate in Israel is 21% (and falling) compared to the OECD average of 35.9% (and rising). Only three of the 34 OECD countries levy less income tax on its citizens than Israel.


The busiest week for Israeli flights. A record 1.3 million passengers passed through Ben-Gurion International Airport on more than 8,200 flights during the Passover holiday; a 30 percent increase from 2013. The increase was partly due to the implementation of the “Open Skies” agreement signed by Israel with the EU.


Israel to insulate US fridges. In the near future, when you buy a Whirlpool refrigerator, Israeli insulation will be keeping your food cool. Israel’s Hanita Coatings produces advanced thermal insulation technology that is up to seven times more effective than conventional plastic foams or fibrous insulation.


A whole new world. This Israel Technion video provides a different view of some amazing microscopic objects. The images seen through a diverse range of microscopes are the products of 29 Technion researchers working in the different areas of exact sciences, life sciences, engineering, and medicine.






The best young pianists in the world. The 14th Arthur Rubinstein International Master Piano Competition starting May 13 in Tel Aviv is regarded as one of the world’s most important musical competition.



World wildlife comes to Israel. London’s Museum of Natural History and the BBC have brought their acclaimed exhibition of striking International wildlife photographs to Tel Aviv’s Eretz Museum. It goes on display alongside an exhibition of animals in nature in Israel and starts on May 9.


Israeli judoka bronze in Euro championships. Israeli judoka Gili Cohen won the bronze medal in her weight class at the European Judo Championships in Montpelier, France.


Maccabi Tel Aviv reaches Euroleague’s final four. Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv has made the Euroleague’s basketball final four for the 12th time with a 86:66 victory over Emporio Armani Milan, taking the series 3-1.


SANITY Report from Israel



Did they use this to build the Temple? Israeli archaeologists have found a Second Temple Era iron chisel, which may have served the builders of the Second Temple. The lead archaeologist said, “after two thousand years, we are in the possession of a work tool used by the builders who built the Kotel, the Western Wall.”


After-school recycling. The ELA Recycling Corporation and the Israel Association of Community Centers are enrolling half a million children in educational programs and activities to collect, sort and recycle beverage bottles. Israel surpassed the US and Europe in meeting its plastic recycling goals this year.


70% rise in Ukrainian Aliya. Immigration to Israel from the Ukraine has risen 70 percent in 2014 due to the instability in that country. 375 new immigrants arrived in Israel in the first three months of the year, compared to 221 in the same period of 2013. Over 100 came from Odessa – 3 times the number for Quarter 1 2013.

 SANITY Report from Israel 

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