By Harley Zipori. I’m normally not one to blow my own horn but there are occasions where the time is right for a little blatant self promotion. This is one of them.
First, I wrote an article on Israeli Microbreweries for the summer edition of the ESRA magazine distributed last week. It’s not my first article for ESRA but this time I got a picture and 2 whole pages. ESRA is the English Speaking Residents Association and publishes a bi-monthly magazine of exceptionally high quality both in content and printing. You can read it online at the ESRA Magazine website
This coming Sunday, July 17, I am hosting a home brewing event at the AACI in Netanya. The AACI is the Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel and has publicized the event on their website:
We will talk a bit about the history, brewing and styles of beer We will not only talk about beer but you will even get to taste some world class beers in styles from around the world. I will explain how I make beer at home, and how you can go about doing it yourself. Finally I will offer my home brewed beers for tasting.
It is important that you reserve a place for the event so I can know how much beer to bring.
Date: July 17, 2011
Time: 8:30 PM
Address: Netanya AACI
Tel: 09 833 0950 for reserving a spot
Cost: 40 NIS for AACI Members
50 NIS for non members
Finally, on July 27th and 28th, the much anticipated conclusion of the Sam Adams Longshot competition is taking place at the Herzliya Marina. As am one of the contestants, I will be providing my beer for tastings both evening of the event. I will provide more information on times and hopefully a link to the official website as soon as I have that information.