
The Trojan Horse

In Wednesday’s Wall Street Journal Michael Oren a senior fellow at the Shalem Center wrote a piece called Fatah Isn’t the Answer. I always enjoyed his clarity on Middle East issues and particularly his insights about the Palestinians and their corrupt leadership. Oren’s warnings about throwing good money after bad to the PA and Abbas is well documented. In spite of Abba’s apparent moderation, compared to Hamas and their leadership, the PA has a history of militancy and jihadism according to Mr. Oren. I was reminded that more money has been poured into the PA per capita, then under the Marshall Plan. Even though the rhetoric by Abbas to stop terrorism, armed wings of the militia have proven to be the main instigators of direct involvement in rocket attacks against Israel and suicide bombing attempts that have been thwarted. I would like to believe that it is possible to have some kind of an arrangement with the Palestinians whereby they can have a piece of ground for an eventual state and we can live in peace side by side. In fact, they can only benefit economically having a relationship with Israel. If their pride and desire to destroy us can be put aside then maybe we stand a chance of some kind of successful effort. However, as long as their news outlets continually promote the killing of Jews and Israelis focused primarily at their children we don’t have a chance for a lasting peace.

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