David Hazony

The Ten Commandments Part V – Shall Not Covet

David Hazony presents his insights on the Ten Utterances-Things-Commandments that have impacted the moral and ethical charge of Jews and non-Jews alike. David Hazony brings to life a fresh new look at the Ten Things-Utterances-Commandments spoken to Moses on Sinai. This is the last of the 5 sessions on the Ten Commandments. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his man-servant or his maid servant, his ox or his ass, or anything that is your neighbor’s.


” The tenth commandment is not simply a trivial statement about coveting. But is really, fundamentally about the kind of spirit you really need in order to be able to achieve the entire vision of the ten commandments.”



For the first session podcast go to: Part One

For the 2nd session podcast go to: Part Two

For the 3rd session podcast go to: Part Three

For the 4th session podcast go to: Part Four


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