David Hazony

The Ten Commandments Part 3 – If God is So Great Is There Room For US

David Hazony presents his insights on the Ten Utterances-Things-Commandments that have impacted  the moral and ethical charge of Jews and non-Jews alike. David Hazony brings to life a  fresh new look at the Ten Things-Utterances-Commandments spoken to Moses on Sinai. In the 3rd of 5 sessions he covers the 4th and 5th commandments: The Sabbath and Honor your father and your mother.




4th Commandment: Remember the Sabbath day, to sanctify it. Six days you shall labor, and complete all your work. But on the seventh will be a Sabbath for the Lord your God. You shall do no work: Neither you, nor your son or your daughter, your man-servant or your maid-servant, your beasts or your stranger in your gates. For six days the Lord made the heavens, the earth, and the sea, and all that is in them, and he rested on the seventh day. For this reason did the Lord bless the seventh day and sanctify it.

5th Commandment: Honor your father and your mother, that you may lengthen your days on the land which the Lord your God has given you.

Just a few of the questions asked and answered in the lecture.

What does the Exodus have to do with the Sabbath?

What is the concept of work?

We have understanding only in the heart.

Parents convey wisdom in three ways.

For the first session podcast go to: Part One

For the 2nd session podcast go to: Part Two

Thanks to David Hazony and Alma College  in Tel Aviv for their cooperation and support.


David Hazony is author of The Ten Commandments: How Our Most Ancient Moral Text Can Renew Modern Life, recently published by Scribner.

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