I have just returned from my first military funeral. I have to many of them on TV. I went because the young man killed was a “lone soldier”. That is a soldier whose family does not live in Israel. So he is considered “lone” no family. That also means none of the web of family and connections that helps make life here tolerable. So we along with several thousand other felt the call to go and be his family. Those interested an article on “loan soldiers” (three of whom have died) can be found at http://www.theeveningbulletin.com Michael Levine arrived here three years ago at 118lb. He built himself up to be accepted into the commando unit of the paratroopers, one of the most elite units in the IDF. At the funeral friends described how that had been his goal since childhood. He came from a Conservative family. I am just so relieved that none of my children, all aged to be called up into the reserves are here now. How would I feel if one of them were to die in this war. Yes, it is a war we needed to fight now. M y concern is the way in which it is being fought. The decisions and policies guiding the day to day execution of the war. Of course, with a war on, the loudest voices are those saying “This is not the time for criticism on the handling of the war. Not while people are dying. children, fathers, brother of those of us here and safe. Leave the criticism until after its over, until after we win.” Its hard to buck that one. OK we will see how ready people will be in the aftermath to look critically aand honestly, and most important without political motives, at the military an political decisions. Certainly the calls for a cease-fire NOW are no solution. That direction is only a temporary promise, leaving the work to be done all over again. For now we can we do more than have patience? I also need to mention my reaction to the many young men dressed in the black suit, black hat uniform of the ultra-orthodox community. The vast majority of these men do no military service. They do not even do National Service. They just sit and study. Seeing them brought to mind some TV Steve and I had seen.. The other night sitting with Steve we heard a young woman reporter acost MK Eli Yishai chairman of the ultra-orthodox Shas party who had just expressed eflusive pride and concern for the thousands of Israeli soldiers who were fighting in Lebanon. She asked him how is was that with all his well expressed admiration for them his community refused to send their children to the army. Its a tough country.