Yonatan and Shoshana Rappeport have a vision for the Negev that could change the Desert into a blooming forest with a cash drop. We support this amazing effort by these two visionaries.
Yonatan Rappeport- education in Agriculture from the Lincoln University of Missouri was owner of an 85-acre farm in Missouri where he combined cattle breeding with crop farming. Has worked in agriculture on the kibbutzim Kfar Hahoresh and Hannaton in Israel. On Kibbutz Hannaton Yonatan was the manager of the field crop division. Has lived in Israel now for over 30 years and is the father of five children.
Shoshana Rappeport: Also has practical experience in the field of agriculture in Germany and Israel and has worked for seven years as a German- English translator specializing in the translation of doctoral theses concerning agricultural research. She works establishing asset claims and proving inheritance rights in German Probate Courts. Mother of two children and has lived in Israel for thirteen years
The Vision
We see the whole valley green and thriving….
We see good not only for us, but for others in Mitzpe, in Israel and this good flowing outward to the world.
We see the fulfillment of ancient promises, and the return of jewish agriculture after 3,000 years.
We envision an argan industry in Mtzpe Ramon, giving it the economic boost it needs without compromising on its character. We see further related industries springing up, and argan being the spark that is needed to finally start thriving economy in Mitzpe Ramon.
We see spas, massage facilities, retail cooperatives, bed and breakfasts in argan orchards, processing facilities and skin and hair care product companies where people can find work.
We envision Research and Development Centers using Israeli know-how to unlock some of argan’s secrets and potential.
Recent Research shows that from thousands of materials tested, the carbon produced from burning argan’s shells is the most ideal base for super-capacitors, a technology that is predicted to soon supercede batteries. Even the waste product of argan production will have a market that will bring good to the world! Supercapacitors can be loaded in seconds, give off energy for long periods of time and are being developed to be biodegradable…
And finally, for us the most important inspiration and vision is the fulfillment of the teachings of the great 18th century rabbi the Vilna Gaon in his work, “The Voice of the Turtledove”. He teaches that the future redemption is based on seven main tasks that we need to accomplish, and that doing these tasks will bring Moshiach ben David.
One of the seven tasks is to redeem the land by planting it and keeping all the laws that are dependent on the working of the land. The Shechinah, the feminine divine presence of God, actually returns from exile and comes to rest on every square centimeter of land that is brought to flourish in this way. We have the job of bringing the Shechinah down and by doing so we personally help bring about redemption. The Shechinah has waited for this for many years and yearns for us to invite her back.
Link to Support ARGAN of the NEGEV
The Vilna Gaon says in regards to this:
“ It was decreed and it is also an expression of pardon that the resettlement of Israel will be accomplished through contributions, because God wanted to give all of Israel- the near and the far- credit for taking part in the building of the property of God, according to what is written: ‘And gather from all of Israel silver to strengthen the House of your God (II Chronicles 24:5) and for the building of Jerusalem.’”
“How much should be planted and to what extent? The land should be planted until it is no longer desolate, until the holy land bears its fruit.. the holiness of the Revealed God rests upon the fruits of the Holy Land.”
further quotes from the Vilna Gaon:
“Psalm 102:14, ‘It is the time to favor her, for the designated time comes when your servants have cherished her stones, and favored her dust.’ Favor refers to planting as it states “He will favor its dirt’”.
“Should we hasten the redemption, by cherishing her stones and favoring her dust, then the Redemption will come closer, as it is written ‘return to me and I will return to you.’”
“Every good deed performed naturally can prompt up to 1000 times that amount of miraculous help”
“Our rabbis said that in the future Jerusalem… will extend as far as the Great Sea (the Mediterranean” The term “Jerusalem” is used here to mean “Israel”.
“ Jerusalem is redeemed with charity, as is written ‘Zion will be redeemed with justice, and those who return to her, with charity’, and ‘You will be established with charity and your children’s peace will be abundant.’ This is both a decree and a sign of grace. God wishes to bring merit to all of Israel, the close ones and those far away, with the commandment to build Jerusalem. Therefore he decreed that it would be built with charity. Every man of Israel must participate in the building and expansion of the heritage of God. Help in building Jerusalem is obligatory to compensate for what all Israel in general and in particular obtain from Jerusalem. Our brethren of Israel who still reside in exile receive from their brethren who dwell in jerusalem and are building it, thousands even tens of thousands more than what they contribute to Jerusalem, even when the contribution is generous. For all the abundance of salvation, blessing, redemption, lovingkindness and mercy, success, health, etc, etc of Israel wherever they are, comes only from Jerusalem and building it.”
“The wilderness and the parched land shall be glad; the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose.” Isaiah 35:1
Argan of the Negev
We are greening the desert ecologically and helping to create a local economy…
The Argan tree
is a very special tree- it has roots that can reach 70 meters (about 210 feet!) into the earth. One of the oldest trees on this planet, it is called “the tree of life” in its native Morocco. It has very specific cultivation needs that are identical with our conditions here in the town of Mitzpe Ramon in the Negev desert.
Besides being a great ecological boon, this tree has been only recently discovered by the West and the market prices reflect the value of its product: precious argan oil.
We look forward with great joy to not only plant this tree here in the Negev desert but also be part of the unfolding of this tree’s potential as we discover more uses for the healthful oil and other parts of the tree.
Argan of the Negev is a pilot project. We have received a parcel of land in the Negev desert outside of the town of Mitzpe Ramon in Israel. This land was used for military training but is being converted to agriculture. A real example of turning swords into plowshares!
Many other families will also be receiving plots to farm here. We hope to prove to both these families and to the government that the best possible use of the land in terms of water usage, ecology and income is argan. We hope to spark an argan industry here that will completely turn around our local economy and make it possible for more and more people to move away from Israel’s overpopulated center to the Negev. This is the dream of the prophets, the Vilna Gaon, Ben Gurion and ourselves. It is time!
Argan has been grown as a research crop for over 25 years in Israel successfully but now it is time to test it in our particular climate and soil as a cash crop- only then will it be listed on the government approved list of crops and other families who come after us will receive funding aid. This will open the door to a boost here that will lead to opportunity for many.
This is an article written about by Yonatan and Shoshana.
A Desert Dream
A dry wind blows across the face of the desert valley, stirring up the dust. The man and woman walking next to me seem undisturbed by the eerie moon-like atmosphere. On the contrary, the wide open empty plain in front of us seems to excite them.
“There- there! do you see those?”
Yoni Rappeport and his wife Shoshana are excitedly pointing to a dry river bed. I see a dry gully in a barren wasteland, yet following their gestures I see one rock, then another and another- a row of rocks barely peeking out of the dirt, all in a very neat row perpendicular to the gully.
They are ahead of me, pointing to something else, and I see it is another neat row some steps further, and another… and another.
I stand up and stare down the long wide valley in the sun and suddenly as if a magic curtain has been pulled aside I see everything that Shoshana is pointing to and describing… ancient terraces filling every waterway coursing through the landscape, across from us are cisterns dug in the soil, diagonal rows of stones lead up the mountainside and act as conduits leading rainwater to the cisterns.
My vision is transformed and I, too, have become touched by this magic. How could I have not seen these before? They are, literally, everywhere here.
“Most people believe that the first desert farmers in the Negev were the Nabateans. Research shows, however, that these terrace water harvesting systems preceded them and were built by the ancient Israelites at the time of King Solomon and the kings of Judea.”
My host, Yoni Rappeport, speaks slowly and carefully, with a deliberate manner that belies his roots as a Missourian farmer.
“Not only this valley but almost every valley down to the middle of the Negev was populated and farmed. This was green once- they grew wheat, barley, olives, peaches, pomegranites and wine grapes. Large wine presses and oil presses have been found and documents that speak of land rights and crop divisions.”
Shoshana chimes in with her enthusiasm that is contagious and says,
“This valley will be green again. We are doing it- it is happening now. “
I look at them and realize that just as they could see the terraces before I could, they are standing on a threshold that allows them also to see the future. Shoshana is smiling at me and the late afternoon sun throws its reddish glow on her face. The glint in her eyes shows me that she can actually hear the voice of the turtledove and the sound of joyful future harvests.
That evening we meet in the lounge of the Mitzpe Ramon Hotel in front of a round fireplace where a fire is burning merrily. The warmth feels good, and I am holding a glass of lemongrass tea in a glass with a gold brocade design. The Moroccan cushions we are sitting on and elaborately carved small wooden table that the waiter brought with our tea are reminiscent of our topic of conversation- Morocco.
Or, more specifically- that precious oil that works miracles on the hair and skin from Morocco- argan oil.
“Yes, we know that it grows here. Israel has researched the cultivation of this tree with excellent results for over 25 years.”
“So if we know that argan hardly needs water, needs no pesticides or fertilizers, is disease and drought resistant, grows here, is good for the environment and produces a crop that is worth so much money that it is called ‘liquid gold’ , where’s the catch?” I ask.
Yoni explains: “It seems self-evident that this is worth encouraging, right? The potential for this crop to change the face of the Negev and kickstart the economy is immense.”
Shoshana continues: “We have spoken with all the organizations that are supposed to help fledgling businesses in the Negev. The rules dont allow the funding of trees as a cash crop. “
“What about the JNF? They want to plant trees- don’t they?”
“They only support public plantings, not a private venture, and again no trees as a cash crop.”
“Can’t you work out something with them anyway?”
I could see from Yoni’s facial expression that they had pursued this, also, but patiently he explained, “In order to convince the other farmers who are receiving plots like ours that this is a worthy venture someone needs to jump in and grow this as a cash crop. The aid organizations wont help, the JNF wont help, investors want quicker returns and the banks want a payback for loans starting in a few months- yet our first crop will be in 4 years.”
With my hands wrapped around the warm glass and looking slightly away so that this kind couple will pardon the harshness of my words I ask quietly, “Perhaps there are better crops to pursue than this one?”
The couple exchange glances as if they have heard this before, also. Shoshana drew a deep breath and said, “Look around you, Adina.”
I took a look. I saw families on vacation, a few businessmen. A white piano was being softly played, the smell of savory food came from the smorgasbord at the end of the room, beautiful artwork graced the walls and everyone appeared as if they had spent a wonderful day in the desert.
“We love to host people from all over the world in this beautiful place. The life of the people who live here, however, looks a bit different. Besides a bit of tourism there is practically no economy. People who decide to live here often move back to the center because they cant make a living. Many are unemployed here because there just are no jobs. The Negev is over half of Israel’s land and yet few manage to live here.”
Yoni continued: “The government keeps trying to convince big industries to move here, but they dont want the shipping costs of getting their products back to the center.”
Shoshana’s eyes gleamed with that glow I saw in the desert valley. A big smile graced her face as she said “But we have land. Lots of desert land. And a crop that can grow and bring a real thriving economy here.”
She paused and looked deep into my eyes as she said, “Adina, do you understand how important this is?”
I looked at her. Not just my mind, but my heart, soul and being “got it”.
My admiration goes out to Yoni and Shoshana Rappeport, for doing what so few of us would do- move to the Negev desert with a dream for the good of all. Before I left Mitzpe Ramon I promised to help them get news of this out to others.