The day after the terrorist bombing at the old central bus station daily life continues unabated. I received calls from my sister living in New York and my brother in Florida checking to see if we are all okay. In fact, I didn’t even know that the attack took place since I was on the computer editing a new radio show and didn’t hear any unusual activity outside. What did move me to tears was a clip on Israel TV that showed a young boy, slightly injured, calling desperately for his father in the turmoil of the attack. I find this kind of response to the conflict a heinous crime. Life just doesn’t seem to hold any weight for the Palestinian terror organizations. Using young impressionable youth to commit suicide, The boy was reported to be 16 years old but his mother said he was 21. Does it really matter how old he was except for the fact that his body was splattered all over the street killing at least 9 in its wake and wounding scores. Is this what the Moslem religious clerics condone? Is this what the Moslem mothers and fathers of suicide bombers praise? I can’t imagine sacrificing my child for any cause. Better I should sacrifice my life then agree to give up the lives of my children. Or for that matter anyone’s children. How pathetic a culture and religious upbringing the poor Palestinian children are receiving. This conflict or rather war can be resolved if only there was a sincere interest by the extremists, now in power, to accept the fact that Israel has a right to exist and that we are here to stay. This recognition would overnight create a new reality on the ground that would lead to a viable Palestinian State with reasonable borders and great economic prosperity. Where oh where is common sense? When will the clerics wake up out of their religious stupor and save their children from even more tragedy.