Friday afternoon rally took place by mothers for Gilad Shalit. He is the Israeli soldier kidnapped by Hamas and has been in captivity for over 4 years some where in Gaza. According to ynet news : “Mother power: The Mothers for Gilad Shalit organization held a protest near Tel Aviv’s Cameri Theater building last Friday, calling for the kidnapped soldier’s immediate release after 1,650 days in Hamas captivity. Video follows.
Hundreds of mothers from across the country arrived at the theater’s plaza along with Shalit’s parents, actress Gila Almagor, Miki Godlwasser, whose son was killed and kidnapped by Hezbollah, and former Knesset Member Yael Dayan.
The mothers sent a letter to the prime minister, urging him to “pay the price, as there is no other choice. Gilad is still alive and we must not wait for him to disappear or be handed over to Iran or, God forbid, al-Qaeda.”
One of the many mothers who took part in the rally was Michal Tirosh, a former school principal. “We won’t let the politicians give up on Gilad. We’ll reach the neighborhoods, the periphery, the markets, and recruit every single mother in Israel until Gilad is released,” she vowed.