A local theater group performed and danced at Habima Square giving out discounts to their newest performance.
- Three Young men curious about water new disppenser.
- Three young men curious about new water dispenser
- @Habima Square
- local theater group Tel Aviv Habima
- local theater group Tel Aviv Habima Sq.
- local theater group Tel Aviv Habima
- local theater group Tel Aviv Habima
- local theater group Tel Aviv Habima
- local theater group Tel Aviv Habima
- local theater group Tel Aviv Habima
- local theater group Tel Aviv Habima
- Jerusalem Hills near Bet Shemesh
- Jerusalem hills near Bet Shemesh
- Jerusalem hills near Bet Shemesh
- Jerusalem hills near Bet Shemesh
- Jerusalem hills near Bet Shemesh
- Shenkin Street Heart of Tel Aviv
- Port area of Tel Aviv
- Port area Tel Aviv
- Port area of tel aviv
During this week of holiday vacation Habima Square had a piano available for use by the public. We caught this one during our daily stroll.