German intel chief: Shalit return will be a proud moment for my country.
SUKKOT by Yehuda HaKohen. “The festival of Sukkot is a holy day whose joy and splendor we can feel only when we...
More than a million people have visited a new website featuring high-resolution photographs of several Dead Sea Scrolls since the site was...
Written by Stacey Sutton and Shmuel Soiferman. As family members of soldiers know – it can be very distressing. Whether the soldier...
As Yom Kippur approaches in Tel Aviv I pray that we personally find forgiveness and peace within each of us. I...
Antisemitism in the Media: Reuters rewrites Jewish History out of Gaza.
Wednesday News from The latest on the current events of the day. Today Israeli scientist Daniel Shechtman wins the Nobel Prize...
Enjoy this wonderful music video from Latma group celebrating the joy of living in the land of Israel on this New Year....
By Daniel Goldschmidt. It hardly seems possible that a year has gone by since last September 14th when I arrived as a...
A new exhibit pays homage to Israeli ingenuity behind gadgets like the Disk-on-Key, PillCam, solar windows and a space camera. “Inventors for...
Another Point of View. ROSH HASHANAH (by Yehuda HaKohen). Since the time of our liberation from Egypt, the Israeli Nation has sounded...
by Ariel Ben Avraham. Shalom, dear friends and HAPPY NEW YEAR 5772! In the last year and a half of this blog...
If you enjoy this daily newspaper please subscribe. We are always trying to make the information as relevant to Israel and the...
Yedida’s song attempts to highlight the fragility of past Arab-Israeli Agreements and Treaties. The track conveys the existential dangers to Israel inherent...
by Ariel Ben Avraham. Why do we have to love God? The answer is a matter of identity, meaning that it is...
Mel Alexenberg.You are standing today, all of you, before God your Lord – your leaders, your tribal chiefs, your elders, and your...
The Fountainheads are a group of young Israeli dancers, singers, actors and artists, all graduates and students of the Ein Prat Academy...
Aftermath of anti Jewish Pogrom Fez, Morocco 1912. A recurring theme in the debate about Israel, its legitimacy and indeed its right...
A Jew living in Berlin after the election of Hitler is walking in the downtown area. In the park he sees an...
Now that we’ve established the legal framework in place before the creation of the State of Israel, we can discuss the agreements,...
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