A “Green Light” for Jewish Statehood – A ‘Dead’ Blueprint for Peace . By Eli E. Hertz In 1947 the British...
Dr. Yitzhaq Hayut-Man. The main narrative of the entire Book of Genesis-Bereshit is the struggle between brothers over the blessing (which is...
Another viewpoint of this weeks Torah/Bible portion: by Yehuda HaKohen. After two decades of marriage to Yitzhak, Rivka’s womb is finally...
By David Hazony If you take a fresh, unadorned look at the life of Isaac, son of Abraham, you might feel like you’ve...
By Tsvi Bisk. This is an Exclusive Four part series on Information and Hasbara:what to do and what not to do. Tsvi...
By Tsvi Bisk. This is an Exclusive Four part series on Information and Hasbara:what to do and what not to do. Tsvi...
A new perspective for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians based on the discovery of the formerly classified minutes from the...
This is an Exclusive Four part series on Information and Hasbara:what to do and what not to do. Tsvi Bisk is an...
By Allen Hertz. This is the final report in a three part exploration of Antisemitism, its root and cause. We at Israel...
By Yoram Getzler Tens of deadly rockets are once again being fired from Gaza into southern Israel. Only this time the rockets...
A discussion about a moral and legal requirement to peacefully reconcile the subsequent rights of the newly-emerged Palestinian People with the prior rights...
A clear and concise video on the history of the region and the narratives that developed over time.
Iron Dome intercepts two Grad rockets fired at Ashdod. Reports of imminent cease-fire emerge as 200,000 students remain home as a precaution....
Dr Yitzhaq Hayut-Man. This week we continue explaining semantically encoded messages in this week’s Parasha – No’aH. The exploration of the names...
By Rabbi Lee Diamond. Why didn’t this happen 5 years ago when Gilad Shalit was first captured? IsraelCelebration Tours Why didn’t...
by Yehuda HaKohen The Torah begins with the dawn of Creation. To properly understand this narrative, a person must accept that...
We have two opinion pieces on this prisoner exchange. We are all pleased that Gilad is alive and well. We are happy...
by Steven Plaut. Israel is under assault from within and not just from the usual suspects. Its legitimacy and, in many cases,...
by Martin Kramer in Sandbox An important expose of the Arab narrative and the lies they present in the guise of the truth....
Jerusalem Council member petitions High Court, claiming last year’s ruling against separation between men and women in Mea Shearim is not being...
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