UNPACKED-Watch Israeli Nobel Laureates- The People of the (Chemistry) Book It’s true that the Jews are often called the “People of the...
Jane Hudson – Why Israel Entices So Many Retirees Why Israel Entices So Many Retirees 15 percent of the Israeli population is over...
This Week’s Sanity Report from Israel Oct 27-Nov.3, 2019 The Highlights include: Israeli-invented leukemia treatment is being modified to treat other cancers....
Amb. Dore Gold – The Attempt to Revive the False Charge that Israel Is Racist Every few years there is a voice...
Steve Kramer – Friends Like These… The NGO J Street “organizes and mobilizes pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure,...
UNPACKED – Israeli Settlers | Settlements Part 3 When you hear the words “Israeli settler,” you probably think religious, radical, living in...
Jonathan Sacks – “I Believe” An Introduction to 5780 When I was Chief Rabbi, I had wonderful friendships with other religious leaders,...
Jonathan Sacks – The Festival of Insecurity What exactly is a sukkah? What is it supposed to represent? The question is essential...
This Week’s Sanity Report from Israel Oct. 13 2019 The highlights include: First patient trials show new Israeli ALS treatment slows disease...
Jonathan Sacks – Let My Teaching Drop as Rain Ha’azinu 5780 In the glorious song with which Moses addresses the congregation, he...
WATCH – In Song, Discussion Yom Kippur The Meaning of Kol Nidrei IDF Chief Cantor Sings “Unetanneh Tokef” This video clip,...
Lee Diamond – Consider the Shofar שפר The clarion call of the Jewish People. *Not the overwhelming blast of trumpets! *Not the...
UNPACKED – The Life and Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin This week, we’re unpacking the life of Yitzhak Rabin, Israel’s fifth prime minister...
Jonathan Sacks – The Torah as God’s Song Vayelech 5780 At the end of his life, having given the Israelites at God’s...
IDF Soldiers Ate 30 Tons of Apples, 3 Tons of Honey on Rosh Hashana IDF soldiers enjoyed the High Holidays with an...
Lee Diamond – For these Sins על חטא For the sin that We have committed By abandoning the Jewish people For the...
This Week’s Sanity Report from Israel Sept 29 2019 The highlights include: US approval has just been given to seven Israeli medical...
Lee Diamond – Sculpting a Jewish Society We were a work in progress For two thousand years We drew plans For two...
Cutting-edge rehab center takes root in Negev Desert oasis for the disabled h/t No Camels In the arid Negev desert, in the...
This Week’s Sanity Report from Israel Sept. 15 2019 The highlights include: Two Israelis can walk again thanks to 3D printed implants....
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