We have already discussed What is not Zionism? and also what Zionism is not (not the same thing, exactly). We have not...
What is not Zionism? A.B. Yehoshua makes some strange points in his article Zionism is not an ideology. He will be listened...
Both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas are reinforcing the PA libel that Zionism started as a European plot to rid Europe of...
Hilton Obenzinger is an author and a long-time Palestine solidarity activist who now teaches writing at Stanford University. In a posting of...
Blog II Reevaluating Settlement Policy Since 1967 nothing has done more damage to Jewish unity and the status of Jews around the...
A Speech the PM Should Make on Israel’s 60th Birthday To the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations “My dear...
I was very interested in learning how Prof. Yigal Schwartz sees the current Israeli phase of our people’s perpetual encounter with the...
Presents us with an interesting and varied exploration of the issue of the Jewish settlement enterprise in the Land of Israel, past...
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