Michael Oren: Trump Takes a Wrecking Ball to the Middle East Status Quo For the president, the two-state solution is the problem...
Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Gazans’ Resettlement: A Bad Idea (for Trump)! President Trump’s recent “resettle Gazans” proposal is many things – but above...
Steve Kramer – Is Trump a threat to American Jews? On Oct. 16, 2022, the Jerusalem Post editorialized: Trump threatens American Jews...
UNPACKED – Deal of the Century-What Happened Yesterday, in dramatic fashion, U.S. President Donald Trump presented his long-awaited “Deal of the Century”,...
Jack Cohen – The UK is a Racist Endeavour-Principled Realism-Netanyahu’s “show and tell” The UK is a Racist Endeavour After the...
Jack Cohen – Trump in Europe Pres Trump is very unpopular amongst the leftist and liberal populations in Europe, and he was...
This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel April 22 2018 The highlights include: Study proves that Israeli medical reminder app saves lives. One...
Yoram Hazony – Trump in the Middle East: Note Who Curses America, and Who Blesses It A version of this essay appeared...
Steve Kramer – Perpetual Crisis President Trump ordered it and the State Department complied: “The US State Department confirmed it began withholding...
Steve Kramer – The US Recognizes Reality On December 6, President Trump made history. He recognized the fact that Israel’s capital is...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on the status of Jerusalem I welcome today’s decision by the United States to recognise as the capital of...
HOWARD EPSTEIN: The Woman Of Straw And Straws In The Wind Those who read my piece last week about the Bleak House...
HOWARD EPSTEIN: BEING LEFT – LICENCE TO SCRAPE THE BOTTOM In the Jerusalem Post last Friday, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach wrote that character...
HOWARD EPSTEIN: THE CROCODILE. FEED IT OR BLEED IT It is becoming plain, that, finally, the US intelligence community is showing some...
Lee Diamond – Misled American Jews Trump declared! Trump didn’t condemn! Trump dismissed! Trump supported them! Trump paralleled them to us! Trump...
Steve Kramer – Two Birds, One Stone The Middle East is roiling, as usual. The war in Syria (remember that?) carries on...
Jack Cohen – Populism and its Dangers Dr. Norman Bailey, currently professor at Haifa University and former National Security adviser to both...
This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel May 28 2017 The highlights include: Israeli scientists have developed a polymer that unblocks the...
HOWARD EPSTEIN: NO NEED TO GIVE TWOPENCE FOR THE TRUMP CARDS. ONE WILL DO According to Israel’s Government Press Office, the schedule...
Yoav Baram – Trumpocalypse now – A bleak peek into Trump’s budget proposal It’s not easy being an Israeli liberal these days...
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