Another Point of View. ROSH HASHANAH (by Yehuda HaKohen). Since the time of our liberation from Egypt, the Israeli Nation has sounded...
by Ariel Ben Avraham. Shalom, dear friends and HAPPY NEW YEAR 5772! In the last year and a half of this blog...
If you enjoy this daily newspaper please subscribe. We are always trying to make the information as relevant to Israel and the...
Yedida’s song attempts to highlight the fragility of past Arab-Israeli Agreements and Treaties. The track conveys the existential dangers to Israel inherent...
Another point of view. by Yehuda HaKohen. “It will be that when all of these things come upon you – the blessing...
by Ariel Ben Avraham. Why do we have to love God? The answer is a matter of identity, meaning that it is...
Mel Alexenberg.You are standing today, all of you, before God your Lord – your leaders, your tribal chiefs, your elders, and your...
The Fountainheads are a group of young Israeli dancers, singers, actors and artists, all graduates and students of the Ein Prat Academy...
Rosh Hashanah,, – Get ready for the New Year and Jewish High Holidays with this video. To see the lyrics click...
Aftermath of anti Jewish Pogrom Fez, Morocco 1912. A recurring theme in the debate about Israel, its legitimacy and indeed its right...
Now that we’ve established the legal framework in place before the creation of the State of Israel, we can discuss the agreements,...
By Michael J. Totten . Can a Jerusalem divided stand? As you walk the streets of Jerusalem’s Old City, you may find...
With all this media frenzy about the Palestinian unilateral state bid at the UN this coming week, does anyone ever stop to...
Song of songs by Phillip Ratner – by Ariel Ben Avraham The second verse of this portion commands “(…) that you...
Featured Interviewees Ayaan Hirsi AliAn outspoken defender of women’s rights in Islamic societies, Ms. Hirsi Ali escaped an arranged marriage in Somalia...
I had neglected one possible mutation of the BDS virus in the wake of dawning realization that the original goals of the...
by Ariel Ben Avraham “When you go out (ki teitzei) to war on your enemies, the Lord your God shall deliver them...
By Karin Kloosterman Jerusalem-based Interfaith Center is confronting environmental degradation with a spiritual show of strength by Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Meeting...
Today’s News from the Middle East and Beyond. Israelseen daily news.
When dealing with the anti-Israeli rage being whipped up in Turkey it would be wise to remember just exactly who the Turks...
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