Sec. John Kerry speaks with reporters at the U.S. Capitol on Nov. 13, 2013. Kerry is asking Congress not to approve any...
By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. ” The Dignity of Difference” “Judaism and Jews represent the voice of hope in the conversation among...
Dr. Nancy Snyderman speaks with members of the Israeli Defense Force who established an emergency response center in Bogo, a small...
Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke at the Fuel Choices Summit this past week. This is a crucial time for more fuel choices...
Jamie Geller’s food and travel show takes you to Hebron. Visit MaArat HaMachpela, The Tomb of the Patriarchs and the ancient...
A 148 member delegation is set to leave for the Philippines tomorrow, Wednesday, November 13, 2013, in order to provide search, rescue, and medical services...
Testosterone therapy improved the sperm count and quality of an Israeli man suffering from infertility. Image via Setting a new course...
To my OneFamily Friends and Family, There are no words to describe the accomplishment of crossing the finish line of the...
Campus scenes yesterday at Al-Quds University. The Western-funded university authorities regularly tolerate such Fascist-style displays by students, some of whom have...
On Monday 21st October 2013, Rabbi Sacks delivered the twenty-sixth Erasmus Lecture at the Union League Club in New York. Hosted by First...
by Barry Rubin I was actually astonished at how this column was even more valid than it was when it was...
“We spent a day with IDF sailors aboard their naval warship. From sunrise to sunset, we took an inside look into their training — from...
Highlights include: Weizmann scientists have transformed adult cells into the earliest form of stem cells. Israel hosted the UN-approved International Women’s Leadership...
Young Israeli athletes who reach the age of enlistment in the IDF have a difficult decision. Remaining a world-class athlete means maintaining...
In a new book by Edwin Black, author of IBM and the Holocaust, the Jewish writer grapples with the New Israel...
Preaching to the Unforgiven: Man Booker Prize-winning author Howard Jacobson recently delivered this speech at the B’Nai Brith World Center in...
PM says equal society includes both obligations and rights; Bennett calls on companies to set prejudice aside in hiring. By...
Electoral change, pay equality, raised marriage age, rabbinical competition — a stream of liberal legislation is moving with unexpected ease through...
The majority Palestinian population of Jordan bridles at the advantages and benefits bestowed on the minority Bedouins. Advancement in the civil service,...
Recently, a new book, Demonizing Israel and the Jews by Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld , sent shock waves across Europe by revealing...
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