PARSHAT EKEV by Yehuda HaKohen. Another point of view. EKEV opens and closes with challenging ideas meant to condition the...
PARSHAT VA’ETCHANAN (by Yehuda HaKohen) “I implored HaShem at that time, saying, `My L-rd, HaShem, You have begun to show Your servant...
By Ariel Ben Avraham. We must conceive our connection and relationship with God as part of Him. This is the main lesson...
Rav Kook; transl. Rabbi B.Z. Bokser. “Great souls cannot dissociate themselves from the most universal concerns…The whole cannot achieve its highest fulfillment...
by Asaf Romirowsky and Louise Ellman Chair: Good evening everyone. I am Louise Ellman MP, and on behalf of the Henry Jackson...
“Go ye!” – Patriarchs and Pioneers by Kenneth Hanson .“Liberty, next to religion has been the motive of good deeds and the...
The famous Israeli flag above the Choshen building in East Jerusalem signifies Jewish presence. Photo: By Yosef Y. Jacobson. This...
Israel’s Olympic team with President Shimon Peres and Sport Minister Limor Livnat Flash 90. Israel’s Olympic team has decided to respond to...
Israelis and friends of the Jewish State alike are accustomed to the never-ending scorn the United Nations heaps on the Middle...
Apparently the BBC and the Guardian UK think otherwise. httpv://
This new feature comes to us by way of the Jerusalem Center of Public Affairs. In-Depth Issues: Russia’s Top Cyber Sleuth Foils...
Late on Thursday night, the coffins of the five Israeli victims murdered (together with the Bulgarian bus driver Mustafa Kyosov) in...
Israeli kids take gold in MindLab Olympics. For the seventh straight year, a team of Israeli schoolchildren bests peers from...
Another perspective on the past and present situations in the Redemption of the Jewish Nation, Eretz Yisrael, State of Israel. by...
Art By Phillip Ratner By Jonathan Sacks During the three weeks between 17 Tammuz and Tisha b’Av, as...
Blessing on Mount Gerizim. By Shmuel Browns The Israel Nature and Parks Authority has just opened the archaeological site on Mount Gerizim...
By Steve Ornstein. July 13th 2012 Friday Night Kabbalah Shabbat Evening Service with videos. httpv:// httpv:// httpv://
Jonathan Tobin vs. Ali Abunimah: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in a Single Conversation. Thanks to our friends at CIF Watch for this post...
By Yoram Getzler. OK, Unfortunately I was not on the trip so can not comment on the specific statements and criticism of...
Today I was sent a blind email with a letter by a courageous person that participated on one of the regular NGO ...
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