Jonathan Sacks – A people that dwells alone? In the course of blessing the Jewish people Bilaam uttered words that have come...
Jonathan Sacks – When truth is sacrificed to power What was wrong with Korach and his fellow rebels? On the...
Michael Laitman – The BDS Has Reached the 100th Monkey Jewish Business News There is a theory called “The 100th monkey effect.”...
Yossi Klein Halevi – Israeli Rock Music’s Spiritual New Sound Yossi Klein Halevi/WSJ “Admit me into your inner chamber!” cries a big,...
Jonathan Sacks – Israel Seen – Shelach Lecha You are driving ever so slightly above the speed limit. You see a...
Jonathan Sacks – From Pain to Humility David Brooks, in his new best seller, The Road to Character,[1] draws a sharp...
Jonathan Sacks – Two Versions of the Moral Life The parsha of Naso contains the laws relating to the...
Yoram Hazony – What Is Revelation? This is an excerpt from a larger article that appeared in The Journal of Analytic Theology...
Jonathan Sacks – The Ever-Repeated Story Bemidbar takes up the story as we left it toward the end of Shemot. The...
HA’OROT-RAV KOOK ON SHAVUOT:THE HOLY ONE IS ALWAYS SPEAKING TO US ואנו באים לחוג את חג השבועות, יום אשר...
Jonathan Sacks – Why We Are Responsible for Evil That Befalls Us – And Why That is Good The 26th chapter of...
Jonathan Sacks -The Economics of Liberty The most surprising best-selling book in 2014 was French economist Thomas Piketty’s Capital in...
Jonathan Sacks – Sanctifying the Name Covenant & Conversation A President guilty of sexual abuse. A Prime Minister indicted on charges...
Jonathan Sacks The strangest and most dramatic element of the service on Yom Kippur, set out in Acharei Mot (Lev....
“ISRAEL always was a tiny country, home to a tiny people, yet what our ancestors achieved there transformed the spiritual horizon of...
Jonathan Sacks There is the concept of chivalry that makes its appearance in the age of the Crusades, the code...
Dov Lipman – God and the Holocaust May 1944 was a dark month for my family. Cattle cars filled with my...
Eric Cohen About the author Eric Cohen is executive director of the Tikvah Fund. He is the author of In the Shadow...
Pesach: Between the Pyramid and the Circle This Pesach we must reflect on what we left behind in Egypt, and what we...
Jonathan Sacks This is, of course, one of the deepest questions in Judaism, and there are many answers. Here...
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