Steve Kramer: Cooling it in Jerusalem I have a down coat from LL Bean hanging in my closet. It just hangs there,...
Jonathan Sacks z”l: The Tragedy of Good Intentions TOLDOT It is the deep, reverberating question at the heart of Toldot. Why did...
Jonathan Sacks z”l: Individual and Collective Responsibility NOACH I once had the opportunity to ask the Catholic writer Paul Johnson what had...
Jonathan Sacks z”l: Why Were We Created? Bereishit There is a deep question at the heart of Jewish faith, and it is...
Jonathan Sacks z”l: Freedom Means Telling the Story KI TAVO Here’s an experiment. Walk around the great monuments of Washington D.C. There,...
Jonathan Sacks z”l: Making Poverty History RE’EH Listen to these stories. Behind them lies an extraordinary insight into the nature of Jewish...
RAV KOOK ON PARSHAT EKEV: HOW TO FEAR HASHEM FEARLESSLY In Parshat Ekev- Moshe Rabbenu continues to recount the tumultuous history of...
Jonathan Sacks z”l: The Idea that Changed the World VA’ETCHANAN It is one of the great stories of all time, and Moses...
Steve Kramer: Cooling it in Jerusalem Israelis are sweating out the expected rocket offensive from either Iran or Hezbollah – or both...
Jonathan Sacks z”l: Tisha b’Av – The New Antisemitism is Not the Old Antisemitism “The new antisemitism is not the old antisemitism,...
Jonathan Sacks z”l: Natural or Supernatural? MATOT-MASEI The book of Bamidbar draws to a close with an account of the cities of...
RAV KOOK ON PARSHAT PINCHAS: HOW TO BE A HOLY ZEALOT Parshat Pinchas begins by honoring Aaron’s grandson, Pinchas for his zealous...
PARSHAT NASO: RAV KOOK on ‘THE VOICE OF PEACE’ At the center of Parshat Naso (6:22-26), we find the following instructions to...
Jonathan Sacks – The Rejection of Rejection BECHUKOTAI There is one aspect of Christianity that Jews, if we are to be honest,...
Jonathan Sacks: Is there such a thing as Lashon Tov? METZORA The Sages understood tsara’at, the theme of this week’s parsha, not as...
Jonathan Sacks – Spontaneity: Good or Bad? SHEMINI Shemini tells the tragic story of how the great inauguration of the Tabernacle, a day...
Jonathan Sacks – Why Civilisations Die TZAV In The Watchman’s Rattle, subtitled Thinking Our Way Out of Extinction, Rebecca Costa delivers a fascinating account...
Jonathan Sacks: The Dimensions of Sin VAYIKRA Our parsha, which deals with a variety of sacrifices, devotes an extended section to the chattat,...
Jonathan Sacks – On Jewish Character PEKUDEI Pekudei has sometimes been called “The Accountant’s Parsha”, because that is how it begins, with...
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