While the world focuses on Israel’s flaws (often imaginary), in Saudi Arabia there are special roads for non-Muslims to ensure they...
The Very Latest Daily News from various news sources and agencies. First two Photos: Reuters. Last photo Pres. Obama’s half-brother. ...
European Union (EU) flags in front of the European Commission building in Brussels. Credit: Amio Cajander via Wikimedia Commons. Catherine Ashton’s...
A CNN interview to be aired on Sunday will have Iranian President Hassan Rouhani declaring to CNN host Fareed Zakaria that Iran “will...
You may have seen the award winning movie “Argo”, which tells the story of the US diplomats rescued from Tehran, Iran....
Lebanese Army Sniper Kills IDF Soldier – Henry Austin and Lawahez Jabari. An Israeli soldier was shot dead by a sniper...
Photo: U.S. State of Department / Flickr. Analysts, diplomats, and journalists spent overnight Saturday and into Sunday outlining both the meaning and...
http://www.jahannews.com/vglh6-nxv23nzxu..f22tdtyz.html#sthash.GsEFM5CG.dpuf Unlike in earlier rounds, this time there have been direct negotiations between the United States and Iran. Today Iran comes...
NYT: “Iran’s nuclear abilities have advanced so far” that partial deal on enrichment insufficient to prevent nuke drive. Iran announces plan to...
Newly inaugurated Iranian President Hassan Rouhani spoke to the United Nations General Assembly this evening, triggering debates among analysts about the degree...
The United States and allies are preparing for a possibly imminent series of limited military strikes against Syria, the first direct...
The Syrian regime, with critical assistance from Iran and Iran’s Lebanese terror proxy Hezbollah, has brought the Middle East to the...
In-Depth Analysis of the Iranian, Syrian, Palestinian positions and the Israeli response. Dr. Yuval Steinitz, Israel hopes for the resumption...
Interviewing Shimon Peres earlier this month, I had the distinct feeling that I was talking to a man 30 years younger...
Saves Coma and Stroke Victim. Eli Azari and Dr Yaakov Amsalem Photo credit: Pioter Fliter The highlights include: Haifa doctors have...
The latest updates on Syria, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, Russia and how they impact on the State of Israel. Russia...
By our friend Adam Levick. One of the more insidious elements of the BDS movement is the supremely dishonest racial narrative...
Four articles on Israel and the 1967 Lines. In depth analysis. The Fallacy of the “1967” Border’s – No Such...
Israel’s intelligence community has determined that Iran deployed 50,000 troops in Syria. Israeli military intelligence commander Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi...
Today’s Important Highlights from Israel. Syria, IDF, Iran and the Israeli elections. Syrian ruler Bashar al-Assad has instructed his commanders to...
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