Purim, Persia, the Jews, and Iran: A Time for Prayer and Action By Marziyeh Amirizadeh and Jonathan Feldstein Purim is the holiday...
JISS: Syria and the Middle East Are No Safer After the Fall of Assad The Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security (JISS)...
Michael Oren: Game-ender or game-changer? Thanks to Clarity with Michael Oren Israel’s retaliation against Iran leaves open the question of whether the...
Michael Oren: How the Israel-Iran Rope-a-Dope Ends Thanks to Clarity with Michael Oren Evenings after coming home from work, my father taught...
Michael Oren: The View from Israel’s Universe Thanks to Clarity with Michael Oren Predictably, in response to Iran’s massive missile attack on...
Charles Abelsohn: Letter from Israel – Rosh Hashana 5785 Israel and Gaza – Your Questions Answered Rosh Hashana 5785 26 September 2024...
Marziyeh Amirizadeh: Irans Three-Ring Circus Presidential “Selection” This week’s Iran’s presidential election is really a “selection,” controlled by its all-powerful Supreme Leader,...
How Gaza terror groups manipulate media and spread false narratives HonestReporting We explain how terror groups like Islamic Jihad spread false narratives...
Marziyeh Amirizadeh: Nothing Learned Since Iran Green Movement June 12 marks the 15th anniversary of the 2009 Iranian Green Movement, a massive...
Michael Oren: How Did the War Begin? With Iran’s Appeasers in Washington This article originally appeared in The Free Press. Historians will...
Steve Kramer – How will Israel Respond? At the moment, I’m writing while rockets and drones from Iran have just attacked Israel....
Marziyeh Amirizadeh: The Mahsa Act, a Bipartisan Iran Sanction Bill, and Urgent Game Changer H/T Jonathan Feldstein. The Mahsa Act, a...
Tsvi Bisk: The Day After, What I Would Like to See After the War First and foremost I want to see every...
Steve Kramer: Israel’s position in the world How are we doing? As good as one could expect under the circumstances (See Note...
Barry Shaw – Misconceptions of Israel’s War against Hamas & South Africa’s Case of Genocide Against Israel Misconceptions of Israel’s War against...
This Week’s Sanity Report from Israel at War 12/24/23 It’s clear in last week’s positive news that Israeli forces are steadily clearing...
HOWARD EPSTEIN: THE WOKE DISGRACE THEMSELVES “I shall have such revenges on you… I shall do such things … what they are...
Steve Kramer – Israel’s Current Objectives in Gaza In the months before October 7, Israel was severely wracked by huge protests against...
Michael Shine: Israel My PERSONAL VIEW A PERSONAL VIEW AND SOME OF MY FEELINGS I was born in the UK after the...
Howard Epstein – TWO STATE SOLUTION, RIP Those too young to remember the stuck gramophone record may still experience the dissonance it...
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