By IPT For weeks, leaders of the Lebanese-based terrorist group Hizballah have been waging an international extortion campaign. Blood will flow, they...
Both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas are reinforcing the PA libel that Zionism started as a European plot to rid Europe of...
by Dr. Mordechai Nisan teaches Middle East Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. On three formidable major speech-making occasions since his...
Background: Following the breakup of the Ottoman Empire during World War I, Syria was administered by the French until independence in 1946....
by Steven J. Rosen Middle East Quarterly Fall 2010, pp. 17-32 (view PDF)Mr. Rosen has written a very detailed analysis of the...
Someone just sent me this article by Barry Rubin, showing the depth of the ill-will the Palestinians bear toward us. It’s pretty...
Algerian and Turkish members of a Viva Palestina (VP) convoy that brought aid to the Gaza government run by the terrorist group...
byMaj.-Gen. (Res.) Giora Eiland * How do we resolve the dilemma of a peace agreement that includes handing over the Golan Heights...
Israel and the Palestinians: “No” is the Real Obstacle to Peace from AJC on Vimeo. This continuous exercise of denial of two...
My name is Lee Kaplan. I act as an investigative journalist who has been published internationally who writes on homeland security and...
Since Western leaders regularly ignore everything printed in the Arabic press and sidestep the contradictions presented by Arab opinion polls, researchers for...
Rabbi Lewis is a Rabbi at Congregation Etz Chaim in Marietta, Georgia USA. This is on the congregation web site about Rabbi...
Human Rights Council Refuses to Disclose Witnesses, NGOs that Contributed to Report JERUSALEM – The UN Human Rights Council’s (HRC) report on...
Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, spoke at three Washington, D.C. synagogues on Yom Kippur. Conservative, Reform and Orthodox Jews...
IPT News: The fourth convoy organized by a former British parliamentarian to aid the Hamas-controlled government in Gaza is scheduled to depart...
Thanks to Moment Magazine for this incredibly clear and concise interview and explanation by Mr. Krauthammer of the present situations regarding Iraq,...
The Palestinian Authority and its leaders have still never specifically recognized Israel as a Jewish state. Doing so would be an important...
by Bruce Maddy-Weitzman Middle East Quarterly Summer 2010, pp. 3-12 (view PDF) The 2002 Arab peace initiative, commonly referred to as...
Posted by David Solway on Aug 20th, 2010 and filed under FrontPage Excellent and important piece by Mr. Solway. I want to...
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