Michael Totten is a wonderful journalist who writes extensively on the Middle East. In addition to his personal blog linked on israelseen...
UN relief agency lashes out at Israel Broadcasting Authority for airing on national TV what it branded a dishonest portrayal of the...
Hezbollah Activity in South Lebanon Since the 2nd Lebanon War The following declassified intelligence maps as well as the 3D animated clip...
Flotilla Organizer Calls Jews in Israel “European garbage” White House Calls Flotillas “Irresponsible” More Flotillas Bound For Gaza Israeli Cabinet Votes to...
The source is an Islamic satellite channel for children called “Birds of Paradise” which broadcasts from Bahrain and aired in Gaza. The...
Naval Blockade to Continue Israeli Security Cabinet Measures to Ease Land Blockade June 25 Marks Four Years Hamas Has Held Gilad Shalit Israel Eases...
Qatar-based Initiative Encouraged Action against Israel: Foreign Agents Registration Act document filed by Fenton Communications (pdf) A U.S. Justice Department document shows that...
“The incident on the deck of the Mavi Marmara excited a sizable international reaction accompanied by mutual accusations from both sides, the...
A response to the flotilla events, searching for justice. Lyrics: Guy “Ruff” Gabriel, Shai “SHI 360” Haddad Music, production, mix and mastering:...
This is a story of the IDF told by a soldier and officer during cast lead. Compelling and honest. Having served in...
Ami Ayalon – North Shore Congregation Israel – Glencoe, IL – June 1, 2010 from Andrew Meyerson on Vimeo. On June 1st,...
Clearly the ambush was real and the culprits are being freed while the world condemns Israel. In the video commandos aboard the...
The “nonviolent” Gaza Flotilla unleashes knives, clubs, and live fire on the Israeli commandos sent to prevent them from running Israel’s internationally-recognized...
Shmuel Rosner, of “Rosner’s Domain” is a blog in the Jerusalem Post. He interviewed Lee Smith author of “The Strong Horse”. In...
Over the years of the states existence and even before that the general wisdom exemplified by the phrase, “everybody knows” is that...
This is an op-ed by Rabbi Marvin Hier the founder and dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. LOS ANGELES (JTA) — It’s...
By Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg. He has been Beth Tfiloh’s spiritual leader for nearly 30 years. Beth Tfiloh is in Baltimore, Maryland. His sermon...
This is a series of 6 emails exchanged over 4 days, March 21-24, 2010, between my friend Shelly and his good friend,...
I have read and seen many items about Obama’s past including his Muslim connection. He also has befriended people that have been...
I want to thank “Sultan Knish” for this opinion piece about the recent events that are continually evolving. While some of the...
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