Ronald Reagan “Time For Choosing” speech with Israeli Defense forces (IDF) footage. Relevant Today! Ronald Reagan [] Ronald Reagan...
Jerusalem – In advance of a report on the 2014 Gaza War to be released tomorrow (Nov. 5) by Amnesty International,...
Caroline Glick, former IDF officer, former advisor to PM Netanyahu and currently Senior Contributing Editor of the Jerusalem Post, spoke at...
Barry Shaw Despite Obama’s late decision to launch air strikes he has only tickled the enemy. He could do more....
Jack Cohen This is ridiculous, since Israel is central to any reconstruction in Gaza, and most of the goods needed for the...
The White House has just lowered its standards regarding civilian casualties during warfare. Yahoo News headline, reporter Michael Isikoff (Sept. 30)...
Barry Shaw Israel detractors are still using slogans, purportedly based on Gaza casualty figures, to bash Israel. We heard...
Israel committed “genocide” in the recent Gaza conflict. Israel committed a “series of absolute war crimes.” That anyone who expressed support...
Jack Cohen 1. India and Pakistan: The separation of the inhabitants of the subcontinent into Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan in 1948,...
Michael Shine When Israel retaliated against the thousands of rockets being fired at it by similar barbaric Islamic Jihadists called...
Protecting the innocent civilians-Tank Commander’s Eye on the Ground- How A Father Protected His Family from Hamas’ Rockets IDF A Captain...
Jennifer Moses Some years ago, I was seated at dinner next to a British law professor, whom my husband,...
By: Shalom Bear The Jewish Press On Sunday, one of our bloggers, JoeSettler, first reported on a human smuggling ring that...
Haviv Rettig Gur: Why do people cling so passionately to political opinions, even when a preponderance of facts suggests their views...
Louis René Beres: No authoritative system of law can allow or encourage accommodation between a proper national government...
Thanks to Elder of Ziyon While I don’t think he was an actual fighter for Hamas, he certainly was...
Human Rights Watch Revealed: Thanks to our friends and colleagues at Elder of Ziyon As I went through over 400 of...
Jack Cohen Of course, Bibi summarized the reasons why Israel has so far won the conflict (see my blog on 28...
Barack Obama “has become ‘enraged’ at the Israeli government, both for its actions and for its treatment of his chief diplomat,...
Hamas made several strategic decisions which on paper, and based on past experience, should have given it an advantage to...
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