This just in from a variety of news sources. CNN right now has videos of dozens of “peace activists” actively ATTACKING the...
This is a re-post with permission by Dr. Gordis. THE JERUSALEM POST MAY 28 2010 In October 1994, several days after kidnapped...
This is but one of the many pictures that reveal the truth about conditions in Gaza. Plus a video that reveals even...
By Yoram Getzler An article in the June 2010 issue of The New York Review of Books has ignited a full scale...
Free-Gaza Movement and Hamas are planning another flotilla to Gaza shores. This video certainly makes it real clear what the real issue...
This piece appeared in the Jerusalem Post and re-printed with permission from my friend that wrote it Sheldon (Shelly) Schreter. It is...
Shmuel Rosner, of “Rosner’s Domain” is a blog in the Jerusalem Post. He interviewed Lee Smith author of “The Strong Horse”. In...
Two Israeli Arabs were arrested for allegedly spying for the terrorist organization Hezbullah. One of the men allegedly involved was the Ittijah...
Over the years of the states existence and even before that the general wisdom exemplified by the phrase, “everybody knows” is that...
It took a while but the truth about former Judge Goldstone’s exploits on the bench during the Apartheid regime began to reveal...
I recently received an email accusing me of hating Arabs and my father. This email is typical of Arab media accusations of...
This is an op-ed by Rabbi Marvin Hier the founder and dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. LOS ANGELES (JTA) — It’s...
By Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg. He has been Beth Tfiloh’s spiritual leader for nearly 30 years. Beth Tfiloh is in Baltimore, Maryland. His sermon...
According to Palestinians, they were expelled from Israel by the Jewish armies in 1948. A large documentation, and many testimonies from Arab...
This is a series of 6 emails exchanged over 4 days, March 21-24, 2010, between my friend Shelly and his good friend,...
I have read and seen many items about Obama’s past including his Muslim connection. He also has befriended people that have been...
“It is what we are not what we do” that Islamic Extremists hate about us according to Mr. Dershowitz. Mr. Dershowitz clearly...
I want to thank “Sultan Knish” for this opinion piece about the recent events that are continually evolving. While some of the...
The time has come for this government to resign. It has shown its true colors once again. It is not interested in...
Today an article appeared in the by Moshe Phillips a member of the Executive Committee of the Philadelphia Chapter of Americans...
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