By Yoram Getzler The following is written in a response to an acquaintance who writes on the need for America/Obama to pressure...
The time has come for this government to resign. It has shown its true colors once again. It is not interested in...
By Alan M. Dershowitz | Every year at about this time, radical Islamic students — aided by radical anti-Israel professors —...
By Yoram Getzler Let us assume that we are truly trying to understand the foundations of this conflict between the Jewish people...
By David Bedein “Palestine”is an apartheid state in the making. “Israel Apartheid” Week is the time to publicize that fact. During Israel...
Rahm Emanuel has been the target recently of demands that President Obama replace him in the position of Chief of Staff. The...
It never surprises me at the extent of the hatred and insanity that our so-called Peace partners will go to in order...
This is a wonderful video of the family and the child that the Israeli soldier saved. Courtesy of channel 10 and
Thanks to NGO Monitor for their tireless effort in getting it right. January 05, 2010 NGO Monitor today released its annual review...
My friend and colleague David Bedein did some of the interviews of the Hamas convicts. While it is a difficult decision to...
The “Right of Return” is an elementary demand of the Palestinians for the past sixty plus years, since the creation of the...
Reprint of Original by Bishop E W Jackson Sr. (United States), Jun 29, 2009 at 11:25 Like Obama, I am a graduate of...
This article first appeared at and is the original source of the material. I want to personally thank the wonderful people...
By Yoram Getzler Abbas/Obama Law of Unintended Consequences The developing Abbas catastrophe is another indication of the enormity of the Obama policy...
(Jerusalem) –Robert Bernstein, the founder of Human Rights Watch, has published a very important criticism of the organization in the NY Times....
This just came my way. httpv:// UN Human Rights Council: 12th Special Session Thank you, Mr. President. I am the former commander...
This article is a serious and well written piece by Richard Landes on the Goldstone Report. We will be doing a series...
There is a storm brewing and we are all waiting, wondering where and when it will begin and how it will all...
An open letter To: Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu; Foreign Minister A. Lieberman – Deputy Foreign Minister D. Ayalon Several times in the...
Sitting at my command post which essentially is my office and the place where Yoram and I do our podcasts, it is...
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