“The incident on the deck of the Mavi Marmara excited a sizable international reaction accompanied by mutual accusations from both sides, the...
A response to the flotilla events, searching for justice. Lyrics: Guy “Ruff” Gabriel, Shai “SHI 360” Haddad Music, production, mix and mastering:...
A new parody on the current events facing the world and particularly Israel. This satire is a sign of a healthy country....
Anniversary Comes as Red Crescent Boats Prepare to Travel to Gaza on “Humanitarian Aid” Mission to Break Blockade Israel Continues to Transfer...
Credibility and political bias remain problematic B’Tselem’s report on alleged violations since January 2009 demonstrates the continued use of human rights claims...
The Palestinian Authority leader doesn’t want the world doing Hamas any favors, and reportedly said so to Obama. by Allison Kaplan Sommer...
This is simply a wonderfully light and to the point musical piece by some great folks/Israelis. Enjoy!
Turkish Columnists Criticize Their Government on Flotilla Clash for more… Following the bloody clash between Islamist activists and the Israeli army aboard...
By Ted Belman Pres Obama is not letting the flotilla crisis go to waste. He is using it as a springboard to...
When the part played by the Irish government in the peaceful resolution to the latest attempted blockade run becomes clear, perhaps it...
Yesterday evening (Sunday), the IDF issued the following press release in Hebrew on its website at http://dover.idf.il/IDF/News_Channels/today/10/06/0631.htm Cleared for publication: Terrorists on...
Arab Boy From Jenin Saved in Afula Hospital. Turkish troops deployed in Cyprus, top intelligence ranks Islamized. Arab Boy from Jenin Saved...
A perusal of The Helsinki Principles on the Law of Maritime Neutrality, a basis for international law on the subject, shows that...
Thanks to Elder of Ziyon for the translation and report. Danish reporter Steffen Jensen visits Gaza to see how bad things are,...
Clearly the ambush was real and the culprits are being freed while the world condemns Israel. In the video commandos aboard the...
NGO Monitor Amnesty’s annual report highlights the exploitation of human rights values May 2010 “Amnesty’s annual report repeats the discredited allegations and...
Hundreds protest outside Turkish embassy against Ankara’s involvement in Gaza flotilla, carry signs reading, ‘Provocation is not the path to peace.’ Hundreds...
The “nonviolent” Gaza Flotilla unleashes knives, clubs, and live fire on the Israeli commandos sent to prevent them from running Israel’s internationally-recognized...
Lessons from the “Jenin massacre” and other myths May 31, 2010 Following conflicting and incomplete reports about the violence aboard the “Gaza...
This is a re-post with permission by Dr. Gordis. THE JERUSALEM POST MAY 28 2010 In October 1994, several days after kidnapped...