I have read and seen many items about Obama’s past including his Muslim connection. He also has befriended people that have been...
Written by Atara Beck for the Jewish Tribune TORONTO – Ishmael Khaldi, a high-ranking Israeli Arab employee in Foreign Service, was here...
“It is what we are not what we do” that Islamic Extremists hate about us according to Mr. Dershowitz. Mr. Dershowitz clearly...
I want to thank “Sultan Knish” for this opinion piece about the recent events that are continually evolving. While some of the...
By Yoram Getzler The following is written in a response to an acquaintance who writes on the need for America/Obama to pressure...
The time has come for this government to resign. It has shown its true colors once again. It is not interested in...
By Yoram Getzler Let us assume that we are truly trying to understand the foundations of this conflict between the Jewish people...
JERUSALEM – As two weeks of “Israel Apartheid” events begin on college campuses and in major cities on three continents, Jerusalem-based NGO...
It never surprises me at the extent of the hatred and insanity that our so-called Peace partners will go to in order...
The “Right of Return” is an elementary demand of the Palestinians for the past sixty plus years, since the creation of the...
By Yoram Getzler Co-host of Israelseen MK Benny Begin; my response to Haaretz article “What else can we concede?” Dec 4 ’09 ...
Reprint of Original by Bishop E W Jackson Sr. (United States), Jun 29, 2009 at 11:25 Like Obama, I am a graduate of...
The Arabs invented a special national entity in the 1960s (rather than a geographic delineation) called the Palestinians, specifically for political gain....
There is no sticking point about the settlements. It is a bogus issue and both the Palestinians and Israelis living here know...
An open letter To: Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu; Foreign Minister A. Lieberman – Deputy Foreign Minister D. Ayalon Several times in the...
Jerusalem , it seems your name, reputation and history raise emotional and irrational sentimental thinking to the highest level. At least that’s...
Yoram Getzler In a recent article in the Jerusalem Post Barry Rubin argues that there is no chance for a functional agreement...
Racism in Israeli hospitals By RALPH DOBRIN Israel has been accused of a multitude of crimes in the international media including the poisoning of water...
When I ask Artur to speak up now, about the violations by Syria of the agreement under which Israel ended the 2006...
Your paraphrase of former chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. (res.) Moshe Ya’alon that “The refusal of the Palestinian leadership to recognize Israel’s...
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